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研究生(外文):Jia-Nan Hu
論文名稱(外文):Using SVR and Rules on pharse Valence-Arousal Prediction
指導教授(外文):Guo-Hua LaiLiang-Zhi Yu
口試委員(外文):Zheng-Ren Yang
外文關鍵詞:affective computingword2vecSVRmodified structureValenceArousal
  • 被引用被引用:3
  • 點閱點閱:346
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With the rapid development of the network and the popularity of social networking platforms, more and more users on the network exchange views, share experiences, express their views. Therefore, there are a large amount of emotional information. Affective computing is a hot research direction in the fileid of natural language processing. Affective computing has also become an important direction of sentiment analysis for huge emotional information on network . In the past,most study put the emotions into different categories, this brings many defects. In recent years, there is also a new emotional dimension type analysis method based on the emotional intensity of the emotional word is converted into two successive scores whichi are Valence (the degree of positive or negative) and Arousal (the degree of excitement and calm), and then calculated for emotional words in the text drawn emotional intensity.
This paper is based on the dimension type of sentiment analysis method, a dictionary that contains 1653 Chinese dictionary Valence-Arousal emotional words as the research base. first introduced the word vector to SVR training model to predict the emotional word’s Valence and Arouse, and emotional words for modification of the defect structure of the text emotional intensity calculation make improvements in the text. Emotional analysis dimension is based on the previous first identify the emotional words and modified structure of the sentence, and put modifier structure into some categories and give weight manner calculated after modification of emotional intensity in the modified structure, herein for modifying the structure, intended for different modified structure given different modification rules, complete the calculation of the final text of emotional intensity.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與意義 1
1.2本文主要研究內容 3
1.3 論文章節安排 4
第二章 國內外研究現狀 6
2.1國外研究現狀 6
2.2國內研究現狀 7
第三章 論文相關背景知識介紹 10
3.1情感詞典和片語修飾語料庫構建 10
3.2訓練詞向量 11
3.3 SVR支持向量回歸 13
第四章 構建基於片語層次的Valence和Arousal預測模型 15
4.1 構建情感詞VA值預測模型 15
4.2片語資料修飾語處理 18
第五章 實驗結果和分析 21
5.1實驗資料集 21
5.2實驗評價指標選取 25
5.2實驗結果對比 26
5.3實驗誤差分析 28
第六章 總結 29
6.1論文的主要工作和貢獻 29

6.2今後的研究工作 29
參考文獻 31

表 1 部分中文情感詞預測結果 17
表 2 部分中文情感詞預測結果 18
表 3 Semeval2016英文片語預料修飾語 23
表 4 中文片語預料修飾語 24
表 5 8個中文預料庫相關情况介紹 25
表 6 爲預料收集過程和人工標記的相關情况整理 26
表 7 英文資料集上不同修飾語的實驗結果 28
表 8 英文資料集上不同團隊之間實驗結果對比 28
表 9 中文文資料集上不同回歸方法實驗結果 29
表 10 中文資料集上使用不同的詞向量的實驗結果 29

圖 1 系統框架圖 8
圖 2 片語情感強度VA預測 11
圖 3 部分中文情感詞預測結果 13
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