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研究生(外文):FAN, HONG-WEI
論文名稱(外文):Biosensing chip fabrication and application to cancer cells for impedance and photoelectrochemical response analysis
外文關鍵詞:Photoelectrochemical ResponseDielectrophoresis Impedance MeasurementAdmittance
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本次研究中以矽太陽能元件之吸光層結合鋸齒狀指叉式電極(Serrated Interdigitated Electrode, SIE),使用四種不同類型的癌細胞臨床樣品,分別為CE81T食道癌細胞、OE21食道癌細胞、A549肺腺癌細胞、TSGH-8301膀胱癌細胞,我們以鋸齒狀指叉式電極透過介電泳阻抗量測對癌細胞進行聚集和阻抗分析,並以此方式辨別不同部位之癌細胞且透過太陽能元件之吸光層以光激載子方式使電子電洞對分離,利用GSH、GSSG之濃度催化機制進行光電流響應量並辨別相同部位不同癌病變程度之癌細胞臨床樣品。

The study focused on the integration of photoelectric flow measurement components and impedance measurement components and applied to the analysis of human cancerous sites and cancer lesions as the main axis of this study. Cancer ranks first among the top ten causes of death among Chinese people. Fighting cancer is one of the most important issues today. If it can quickly provide accurate analysis information for the clinic in the early stage of cancer, it can increase the possibility of cure.
In this study, the light-absorbing layer of the solar element was combined with the SIE(Serrated Interdigitated Electrode), and four different types of cancer cell clinical samples were used, namely CE81T esophageal cancer cells, OE21 esophageal cancer cells, A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells, TSGH-8301 bladder cancer cells, we used a zigzag-toothed electrode to measure the aggregation and impedance of cancer cells by means of dielectrophoresis impedance measurement, and in this way, distinguish cancer cells in different parts and pass the light-absorbing layer of the solar element to the photo-activated carrier. The method is to separate the electron hole pair, and use the concentration catalytic mechanism of GSH and GSSG to carry out the photocurrent response amount and discriminate the cancer cell clinical samples of different cancerous lesions in the same site.
The experimental results show that the biosensing wafer can form a string of pearls by using dielectrophoresis of aggregated cancer cells, and provide rapid, label-free cancer cell measurement and can measure and discriminate with in 13 minutes, and the impedance of each cancer cell. The value and the change of photocurrent response are linear with the number of cells, and the slope of the admittance value is used to distinguish the lesion site and the photocurrent response slope to distinguish the degree of cancer lesion.

中文摘要 V
目錄 IX
圖目錄 XII
表目錄 XV
第一章 序論 16
1-1前言 16
1-2 生物感測晶片發展 17
1-3阻抗量測介紹 19
1-4光電化學量測介紹 21
1-5研究動機 22
第二章 文獻回顧 23
2-1文獻回顧 23
2-1-1介電泳理論 23
2-1-2介電泳晶片 30
2-1-3細胞阻抗量測 33
2-1-4 微電極於細胞量測 35
2-2細胞珍珠串現象 38
2-3細胞導納量測之計算公式 39
2-4等效電路模組之計算公式 41
2-5電場對細胞傷害及其影響 42
2-6光電化學量測 43
第三章 實驗設備及晶片設計/製作 46
3-1實驗設備及藥品 46
3-2培養細胞方法及步驟 49
3-2-1癌細胞培養液製備 49
3-2-2 細胞解凍及培養 50
3-2-3細胞繼代培養 50
3-2-4細胞計數 51
3-2-5細胞冷凍保存 52
3-3細胞溶液/樣本配製 53
3-4晶片設計及製作 53
3-5阻抗量測系統架設 61
3-5-1阻抗量測實驗步驟 62
3-6 光電響應系統架設 63
3-6-1光電流響應實驗步驟 64
第四章 結果與討論 65
4-1介電泳聚集細胞 65
4-2 R-Squared 定義 67
4-3介電泳阻抗量測結果 68
4-4光電化學響應量測結果 70
4-5 討論 72
第五章 結論 74
參考文獻 76
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