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論文名稱(外文):Factors Associated with Utilization of Asthma-related Traditional Chinese Medicine
外文關鍵詞:AsthmaTraditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)Medical Resources UtilizationMedical ProviderNational Health Insurance
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1.中醫師屬性與氣喘中醫醫療資源利用為顯著相關,男性中醫師在執行單次就診的申報醫療費用高於女性中醫師(β= 4.56×10−2, p<0.001);年輕的中醫師其單次就診的申報醫療費用、給藥天數、用藥種類數越多
(β= −8.91×10−2, p<0.001; β= −6.62×10−2, p<0.001; β= −9.92×10−2, p<0.001);執業較短的中醫師在執行單次用藥種類數越高(β= −7.79×10−2 , p<0.001)。
2.醫療機構屬性與氣喘中醫醫療資源利用為顯著相關,醫學中心在單次申報給藥天數上較多(β= 29.98×10−2 , p<0.001);公立機構相較其他機構在單次申報的藥費、給藥天數、用藥種類數上較多(β= 5.64×10−2 , p<0.001; β= 3.61×10−2 , p<0.001; β= 1.47×10−2 , p<0.05)。
3.氣喘疾病特性與氣喘中醫醫療資源利用為顯著相關,男性病人在單次藥費、用藥種類數多於女性病人(β= 3.53×10−2 , p<0.001; β= 2.15×10−2 , p<0.001);氣喘病人年齡越高其單次藥費、給藥天數、用藥種類數則越多(β= 27.94×10−2 , p<0.001; β= 9.37×10−2 , p<0.001; β= 9.37×10−2 , p<0.001);氣喘嚴重程度越嚴重者其單次醫療費用、用藥種類數越多(β= 4.54×10−2 , p<0.001; β= 7.47×10−2 , p<0.001)。

Background. Asthma is a global public health problem. Inadequate treatment of patients with asthma can pose a considerable burden on both the patients and their families. Patients with asthma require constant long-term treatment at a clinic to control the symptoms of asthma and improve their quality of life effectively.

Objectives. To analyze the relevant factors of asthma-related traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) utilization and evaluate the correlation between asthma-related TCM and the relevant factors.

Method. This study employed a cross-sectional design. The following four claims data of the Applied Health Research Data Integration Service obtained from the National Health Insurance Administration in 2014 were used as secondary data: ambulatory care expenditures by visits, details of ambulatory care orders, registry for contracted medical facilities, and registry for medical personnel. We used the claims data of asthma outpatients receiving TCM in 2014 to analyze the correlation between asthma-related TCM utilization outcomes (medical expenditure, medication fees, prescription days, and medication quantity) and the characteristics of TCM physicians (gender, age, and practice years), medical care institutions (type of contract, location, ownership, and type of institution), and asthma details (patients’ gender, age, and severity).
To illustrate the distribution of asthma-related TCM, we included a frequency distribution, average, and standard deviation. Then, the relationship between asthma-related TCM and the factors found relevant according to chi-square test, simple linear regression and multiple regression analyses was discussed.

1.The utilization of asthma-related TCM was significantly associated with the attributes of TCM physicians. Male TCM physicians spent more financial resources on medical expenditure than female TCM physicians (β = 4.56 × 10−2, p < 0.001); younger TCM physicians had higher medical expenditures, prescription days, and medication quantities (β = −8.91 × 10−2, p < 0.001; β = −6.62 × 10−2, p < 0.001; and β = −9.92×10−2, p < 0.001, respectively); TCM physicians who had practiced for less years prescribed higher medication quantities (β = −7.79 × 10−2, p < 0.001).
2.The utilization of asthma-related TCM is significantly associated with the attributes of medical care institutions. Medical center hospitals are more costly in terms of medical expenses than other hospitals (β = 29.98 × 10−2, p < 0.001); public institutions are more costly in relation to medical fees, prescription days, and medication quantities than other hospitals (β = 5.64 × 10−2, p < 0.001; β = 3.61 × 10−2, p < 0.001; and β = 1.47 × 10−2, p < 0.05, respectively).
3.The utilization of asthma-related TCM is significantly associated with the characteristics of asthma. Males with asthma require more resources in relation to medical expenditures and medication quantities than females with asthma (β = 3.53 × 10−2, p < 0.001 and β = 2.15 × 10−2, p < 0.001); the older the person with asthma, the more resources the person requires in terms of medication fees, prescription days, and medication quantities (β = 27.94 × 10−2, p < 0.001; β = 9.37 × 10−2, p < 0.001; and β = 9.37 × 10−2, p < 0.001, respectively); the poorer the severity of asthma, the more resources the person requires in relation to medical expenditures and medication quantities (β = 4.54 × 10−2, p < 0.001 and β = 7.47 × 10−2, p < 0.001).

Conclusions. In asthma-related TCM treatment, substantial differences were observed between the characteristics of medical providers and asthma patients, and the relevant government departments can formulate clinical guidelines for treating asthma using TCM as a reference for medical teams to maintain the quality of health care for patients with asthma.
第一章 緒論..............................1
第一節 研究背景與動機..............................1
第二節 研究目的..............................5
第二章 文獻探討..............................6
第一節 氣喘及治療方式..............................6
第二節 氣喘醫療資源利用情況與相關因子..............................12
第三節 醫療供給者特性與醫療資源利用..............................15
第四節 氣喘疾病特性與醫療資源利用..............................18
第五節 小結..............................19
第三章 研究方法..............................20
第一節 研究架構..............................20
第二節 研究假說..............................21
第三節 研究設計..............................23
第四節 資料來源..............................24
第五節 資料處理..............................26
第六節 研究變項..............................28
第七節 統計方法..............................31
第四章 研究結果..............................33
第一節 氣喘中醫門診醫療資源利用基本描述..............................33
第二節 中醫師屬性與氣喘中醫門診醫療資源利用之關係..............................37
第三節 醫療機構與氣喘中醫門診醫療資源利用之關係..............................39
第四節 氣喘疾病特性與氣喘中醫門診醫療資源利用之關係..............................44
第五節 結果摘要..............................46
第五章 討論與結論..............................49
第一節 氣喘中醫門診醫療利用與相關因子..............................49
第二節 研究限制..............................52
第三節 結論與未來研究方向..............................55
附件一 ICD-9-CM代碼中英文對照表..............................92
附件二 氣喘階梯式治療計畫..............................93
附件三 同意免審證明書..............................94
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