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研究生(外文):WEI, TZU-HSUN
論文名稱(外文):Modification of Road Tunnel Fire Training for Firefighters
指導教授(外文):CHANG, HUI-PEI
外文關鍵詞:FDSTunnel FireHeat Release RateFire TrainingFirefighter
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隨著經濟發展伴隨交通量顯著成長,公路隧道內火災情境已無法侷限於單一小客車火災,乃至複數小客車、大客車及大貨車等火災情境已需列入消防搶救的考量,因此提升消防人員面對不同火災情境的訓練強度,已是現今消防人員訓練的課題。內政部消防署訓練中心於2010年正式啟用,針對公路隧道設有仿公路及隧道事故搶救訓練場。此訓練場為一比一模擬雙孔單向,備有車行橫坑及一仿排氣量2000 c.c.、熱釋放率約3.1 MW的車輛事故火點,以丙烷作為燃料,為臺灣唯一的公路隧道火災實火訓練場,希冀能夠使消防員提升救災能力之際並能掌握救災現況以保護人員自我安全防護之能力。
本研究首先經由資料蒐集說明國際公路隧道火災訓練狀況與國內訓練方法之應用及建議,再以電腦模擬消防署訓練中心仿公路及隧道事故搶救訓練場進行訓練情境模擬。電腦模擬是使用美國國家標準暨技術協會(National Institute of Standards and Technology,簡寫為NIST)火災實驗室發表基於計算流體力學所發展的火災動態模擬軟體FDS(Fire Dynamics Simulator),嘗試模擬不同種類車輛事故引起的火災情境,經參考蒐集之文獻與考量車輛之燃料主要為汽油或柴油,而火災型態與油類燃燒相似,遂以不同熱釋放率的庚烷油盤作為火源,配合原先建置的車輛事故火點,建立不同的實火燃燒組合,模擬出兩輛小客車燃燒、大客車燃燒及小客車與大客車燃燒的火災情境,並找出訓練學員安全距離建議,並將模擬結果結合訓練中心硬體設備及課程情境演練模組提出建議,使隧道救災情境更加真實、完整及安全。

In the wake of economic progress, traffic has grown substantially, road and tunnel fires can no longer be limited to single car fires. Multiple car and bus fire scenarios have been included in the considerations of fire rescue, therefore increasing the training intensity of fire rescue personnel is an important task to solve. The training center for the National Fire Agency officially started in 2010, which focuses on building rescue training sites for mock roads and tunnels. This training site is a 1:1 mock open-ended one-way tunnel, fitted with adits for cars, adits for pedestrians, and also a mock car engine ignition point with approximately 3.1 MW of heat release rate(HRR.). Propane was used as fuel. This is the only road and tunnel fire field training site in Taiwan, and it is hoped that it can be used to improve the rescue abilities of fire rescue personnel as well as their ability to grasp the current situation to protect evacuating personnel along with themselves.
This research collected and described training methods, applications, and suggestions both internationally and domestically, then ran computer simulation scenarios of the training center regarding road and tunnel accident rescues. The computer simulation used is Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in America. For the considerations of safety during training, this research created different fire scenarios for different kind of vehicle accidents. After literature review and considering the fuel of vehicles to be gasoline or diesel fuel, the fires were determined to be similar to oil fires, therefore an oil pan with different HRR. of heptane was used as the fire source. When used with the previously set mock engine ignition point, combinations of scenarios were created for car fires, bus fires, and car and bus fires respectively. The simulation results combined with the training center equipment and situational drills during training courses allowed for more realistic, complete, and safer tunnel fire rescue operations.

誌謝 II
摘要 III
Abstract IV
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 3
1.3 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻回顧與探討 5
2.1 國際隧道訓練中心隧道訓練設施 5
2.2 公路隧道火災特性與風險 11
2.3 長公路隧道火災搶救原則及流程 21
2.3.1 隧道火災搶救作業原則 21
2.3.2不同車種火災情境搶救流程 24
2.4我國公路隧道消防安全 32
2.5火災動力模擬軟體FDS 37
第三章 研究方法與設計 41
3.1 仿公路及隧道事故搶救訓練分析 41
3.1.1 仿公路及隧道事故搶救訓練場地結構 44
3.1.2 仿公路及隧道事故搶救訓練場地模擬之火源 47
3.1.3消防安全設備現況 49
3.2 仿公路及隧道事故搶救訓練場實火課程規劃 51
3.3 仿公路及隧道事故搶救訓練場火災情境電腦模擬 54
第四章 結果與討論 61
第五章 結論與建議 68
參考文獻 71

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