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論文名稱(外文):The Study of building Energy saving on window opening rate
外文關鍵詞:insulation building materialsenergy savingenergy saving analysisaluminumplate glass curtain wallwindow to wall Ratioair conditioning energy consumption
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對於既有建築規劃其節能方案,必須要有一套可預估耗能量的工具,才能判斷所提出之節能方案是否可行;故本研究採用可計算氣候條件,建築本體及方位,人員使用狀況,照明及空調系統型式之精準模擬計算軟體-eQUEST。本研究在基準模型(雙層 Double Low-E(2841)玻璃與窗牆比33%)的模擬全年耗電量為1,036,300 kWh,而改變參數後,成果說明如下:
1.窗牆比13 %時,約節能5.06%。
二、利用基準模型雙層Double Low-E(2841)玻璃改變玻璃材質,模擬空調全年耗電量結果相比較,所得到結果:
1.採雙層Double Tint Blue(2220)玻璃時,約耗能14.51%。
2.採單層Single Tint Blue(1206)玻璃時,約耗能25.91%。
3.採雙層Double Clear(2004)玻璃時,約耗能27.08%。
4.採單層Single Clear(1000)玻璃時,約耗能29.77%。

Since 1970s, quite a lot of literatures have discussed the influence of thermal insulation materials on building energy consumption, most of which are aimed at the energy saving effect of building roof and shell. In most of the literature, it is found that reducing the window area is the most effective way to reduce the energy consumption of air conditioning. For the decrease of heat load of building envelope, from building orientation, exterior structure, size of the window and wall material selection of hands, how about starting from the architectural design of building energy-saving scheme in the plan, reduce the heat load of the building, in order to achieve the purpose of energy saving.
For both the construction planning for its energy-saving programs, there must be a set of tools can predict the energy consumption, energy saving scheme in order to determine whether the proposed feasible; this study used calculation of climate conditions, building body and orientation, personnel status, lighting and air conditioning system type precision simulation software -eQUEST. In this study, the simulation of the benchmark model (double-low-E (2841) glass and window wall ratio 33%) was 1,036,300 kWh, and after changing the parameters, The results of this study are as follows:
1.Using the benchmark model (window to wall ratio 33%)to change the glass area and simulate the annual power consumption of the air conditioner, the results are
as follows:
(1)window wall ratio is 13%,the energy consumption is 5.06%.
(2)window wall ratio is 23%,the energy consumption is 1.00%.
(3)window wall ratio is 36%,the energy consumption is about 1.05%.
(4)window wall ratio is 38%,the energy consumption is about 3.08%.
2.By using the benchmark model(double layer Double Low-E (2841))glass to change the glass material and simulate the annual power consumption of the air
conditioner, the results are as follows:
(1)Double Tint Blue(2220)glass is collected,the energy consumption is 14.51%.
(2)Single Tint Blue(1206)glass is used,the energy consumption is about 25.91%.
(3)Double Clear(2004)glass is used,the energy consumption is about 27.08%.
(4)single Single Clear(1000)glass is used,the energy consumption is about 29.77%.
3.By using the benchmark model(Ui=0.41Btu/(hr.ft2.F), SC=0.18)to change the obscuring coefficient SC, the results of simulated air conditioning annual
electricity consumption are compared.The results are as follows:
(1)glass(Ui=0.41Btu/(hr.ft2.F),SC=0.20),the energy consumption is about 0.88%.
(2)glass(Ui=0.41Btu/(hr.ft2.F),SC=0.34),about 0.21% of the province.
(3)glass(Ui=0.41Btu/(hr.ft2.F),SC=0.54),energy consumption is about 13.60%.
(4)glass(Ui=0.41Btu/(hr.ft2.F),SC=0.85),energy consumption is about 15.11%.
4.By using the benchmark model(Ui=0.41Btu/(hr.ft2.F), SC=0.18)to change the heat transmission rate Ui, the results of simulated air conditioning annual
electricity consumption are compared. The results are as follows:
(1)glass(Ui=0.26Btu/(hr.ft2.F),SC=0.18),the energy consumption is about 0.48%.
(2)glass(Ui=0.36Btu/(hr.ft2.F),SC=0.18),about 0.83% of the province.
(3)glass(Ui=0.49Btu/(hr.ft2.F)(2430),SC=0.18),about 0.96% of the province.
(4)glass(Ui=0.49Btu/(hr.ft2.F)(2410),SC=0.18),about 0.98% of the province.

中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
誌 謝 V
圖 目 錄 VIII
表 目 錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 隔熱原理 5
2.2 建材特性 9
2.3 隔熱測試 19
2.4 節能效果評估 20
2.5 建築節能相關法規 21
2.6 環境模擬分析軟體 23
2.7 與本研究相關之研究 28
第三章 研究方法 35
3.1 研究流程 35
3.2 e-QUEST軟體操作說明 36
3.3 e-QUEST軟體參數說明 45
第四章 結果與分析 52
4.1 建築物模型之建立 52
4.2 模擬空調(基準)全年耗電量 53
4.3 改變窗牆比時空調全年耗電量結果 54
4.4 改變玻璃材質時空調全年耗電量結果 58
4.5 改變玻璃遮蔽係數SC時空調全年耗電量結果 63
4.6 改變玻璃熱傳透率Ui時空調全年耗電量結果 67
第五章 結論與建議 71
5.1 研究結論 71
5.2 建議事項 74
參考文獻 76
附錄一 本研究所有輸入參數 82

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