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研究生(外文):Po-Wei Shi
論文名稱(外文):Using container technology to establish a rapid development platform for Internet of Things
指導教授(外文):WEI-YU HAN
外文關鍵詞:Smart homeInternet of Thingsnode-redcontainer technology
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近幾年因為物聯網及智慧家庭等概念的推出,造就了相關行業的蓬勃發展與運用開發需求的增加,各大專校院,高中職學校也因應產業需求開設物聯網相關課程。坊間存在眾多的開發平台,例如聯發科 MediaTek Cloud Sandbox 服務,美國亞馬遜雲端服務(Amazon Web Services,AWS),微軟Azure IOT,ThingSpeak 等。但這些開發平台對於入門者在開發使用上還是存在一定難度,尤其教學上需要連外網、處理通訊協定或是付費等問題,造成學習的困擾.
本研究以容器技術(container)結合Apache HTTP Server 、mysql、MQTT Broker及Node-Red建立私有物聯網開發平台,讓開發平台在學校內網即可使用,學生將心力投注於物聯網概念建立及快速開發運用,避免學生在學習初期就因為網路連外、通訊協定、資料表示等技術問題阻礙學習.
本開發平台前端的部分使用HTML、CSS、Javascript等程式語言設計平台,後端則使用PHP與mysql資料庫儲存上傳資料,資料傳遞與協定採用MQTT,整個開發平台前端、後端、MQTT Broker、儀表板(freeboard)顯示等則借由node-red控制。為讓學生專注於感測器資料擷取與應用系統開發,本平台會依據使用者所選用之端點處理器與感測資料內容,自動產生對應的Arduino程式碼與freeboard人機介面,使用者只要將程式碼燒入處理器執行,設定dashboard人機介面,即可快速設計並實作出一個完整物聯網應用系統,將感測資料以圖形化的方式輸出及回控設備,提升學生學習興趣與成效.
In recent years, the concept of Internet of Things and Smart Home has brought about the rapid growth of related industries and the increase in application development needs. College and high school have also set up IoT related courses in response to industry demand. There are numerous development platforms on the market, such as MediaTek Cloud Sandbox service, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure IOT, and ThinSpeak. However, these development platforms still have some difficulty in the development and use of beginners. In particular, the need to connect to external networks, deal with communication protocols, or pay for using, etc., causes learning problems.
In this study, a private IoT development platform was built using container technology combined with Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, MQTT Broker, and Node-Red. The development platform was ready for use in the school''s intranet. Students will be focus on the concept of the Internet of Things,the development and application. As a result, students are prevented from impeding their learning during early learning due to technical issues such as internet access, communication protocols, and data presentation.
The front part of the development platform uses a programming language platform such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The back end uses PHP and mysql database to store uploaded data. The data transmission adopts the MQTT protocol. The entire development platform includes the front end, back end; MQTT Broker and freeboard display are integrated by node-red. To enable students to focus on sensor data acquisition and application system development, the platform will automatically generate the corresponding Arduino code and freeboard man-machine interface based on the endpoint processor and sensor data content selected by the user. As long as the code is burned into the processor and the dashboard man-machine interface is set, a complete Internet of Things application system can be quickly designed and implemented, and the sensing data can be output in a graphical manner and controlled back to the device. In this way, students'' interest in learning and their effectiveness are improved.
摘  要 i
Abstract ii
誌  謝 iv
目  錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 論文之貢獻 2
1.3 論文架構 2
第二章 研究背景與技術介紹 3
2.1 物聯網介紹 3
2.2  Container 介紹 5
2.2.1 Docker與VM比較 6
2.3  Node-red 介紹 8
2.4  MQTT介紹 9
2.5  WebSocket介紹 10
2.6  HTML介紹 10
2.7  CSS介紹 11
2.8  PHP介紹 11
2.9  Java script介紹 12
2.10  Ajax介紹 12
第三章 研究方法 13
3.1 硬體介紹 13
3.2 系統架構 15
3.3 資料庫架構 17
3.4 自動產生程式碼 18
3.5 Node-red freeboard資料建立 19
3.6 freeboard產生回控物件 20
3.7 IoT設備讀取資料存入資料庫 21
3.8 資料下載 22
3.9 freeboard建立選項 23
第四章 研究結果 25
4.1 開發平台操作步驟及說明 25
4.2 開發平台展示 30
第五章 結論 37
第六章 未來發想 38
參考文獻 39
附 錄 41
簡 歷 79
[3](澳)James Turnbull,第一本Dcoker書,李兆海、劉斌、巨震譯,第五版,人民郵電出版社,北京,2015年11月
[4]philipzheng, Docker --從入門到實踐,https://philipzheng.gitbooks.io/
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[6]http://www.inwinstack.com/zh/2017/10/13/vm-container-difference/ ,2017年10月13日
[9]老人福祉科技研究中心 ,MQTT通訊協議,http://designer.mech.yzu.edu.tw/
[11]于志葳,「HTML5 Canvas圖形物件化使用插件設計」,國立台北商業技術學院,碩士論文,民國一零二年
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