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研究生(外文):FAN, MAN-TING
論文名稱(外文):Using Different Gate Voltage and Pulse Treatment to Reduce Hysteresis of Transfer Characteristic in Negative Capacitance FinFETs
指導教授(外文):TSAY, CHIEN-YIE
外文關鍵詞:Ferroelectric materialsNegative capacitance(NC)HfO2HfZrO2FinFETs
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隨著摩爾定律(Moore’s Law)的演進,半導體元件的尺寸越做越小,開始面臨許多物理限制,如短通道效應(Short Channel Effects, SCEs)、載子遷移率低、低功耗操作需求等,因此High-K Metal Gate、鰭式場效電晶體的出現來克服這些問題。近年來在物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT)、人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence, AI)、大數據(Big Data)逐漸蓬勃的發展下,當大量的裝置整合在一起時,低功耗元件的需求是迫切的,科學家們透過負電容(Negative Capacitance, NC)效應來放大元件電壓,使得電晶體可以在較小的操作電壓下啟動元件以達到降低功耗的目的。

本研究首先製備出金屬-鐵電-金屬(Metal-Ferroelectric-Metal)的鐵電電容結構,對此電容之鐵電特性進行探討。第二部分將鐵電電容與鰭式場效電晶體(Fin Field Effect Transistors, FinFETs)做結合,研究與分析鐵電電容中的負電容對電晶體電性性質的影響,且利用閘極電壓與脈衝處理的方法來改善鐵電材料必定伴隨的遲滯問題。負電容的應用可以使元件次臨界斜率(Subthreshold Swing, S.S.)從約70 mV / decade下降到接近10 mV / decade,打破了傳統的熱物理極限(60 mV / decade),達到了電壓放大效應。使用不同的閘極電壓和脈衝處理可以控制鐵電材料電疇(Domain)中不同方向的偶極子沿著相同的方向排列,讓鐵電遲滯曲線的明顯縮小(ΔV接近0.03V),獲得小遲滯曲線的鐵電負電容鰭式場效電晶體。
Physical limits such as short channel effects (SCEs), degradation of carrier mobility and reduced power consumption began hindering the obedience of Moore’s Law while devices scaling. Therefore, the appearance of High-K Metal Gate and Fin Field Effect Transistors has overcome these problems. In recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Big Data have gradually developed. The low power devices are necessary when a large number of devices are integrated. Scientists amplify component voltages through the Negative Capacitance (NC) effect. This allows the transistor to activate the component at a lower operating voltage for the purpose of reducing power consumption.

In this study, the first part, we fabricated a ferroelectric capacitor structure of Metal-Ferroelectric-Metal. The ferroelectric characteristics of this capacitor were discussed. The second part combines the ferroelectric negative capacitance with fin field-effect transistors (FinFETs) to study and analyze the influence of the negative capacitance on the electrical properties of the transistor. Besides, we use gate voltage and pulse treatment to improve the hysteresis that must be associated with ferroelectric materials.

Negative capacitance (NC) through the ferroelectric effect amplifies the effective gate voltage, and transistors can thus be turned on with a smaller gate voltage applied, achieving low power consumption (S.S. < 60 mV/decade). Inevitable hysteresis in ferroelectric materials based NC FETs is however undesirable during FETs operation. In this study, HfZrO2 films act as the ferroelectric material. In order to improve our device performances, we apply different gate voltage and pulse, inducing dipole alignment in HfZrO2 films. Hysteresis curves are thus significantly reduced with ΔV approaching 0.03 V in our devices. We believe that this demonstration is insightful for the progress of ferroelectric NC transistors.
致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 半導體元件的微縮 1
1.2 半導體元件的背景 3
1.2.1 場效電晶體 3
1.2.2 場效電晶體結構的演變 4
1.2.3 鰭式場效電晶體 6
1.2.4 電晶體之操作原理 7
第二章 鐵電負電容 9
2.1 動機 9
2.2 鐵電材料的介紹 12
2.2.1 鐵電材料 12
2.2.2二氧化鉿及二氧化鉿鋯 15
2.3 負電容機制 17
2.4 Wake-up effect 20
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 22
3.1 半導體製程介紹 22
3.1.1 濕式蝕刻製程 22
3.1.2 離子佈植技術 22
3.1.3 退火製程 23
3.1.4原子層沉積系統 23
3.1.5 金屬化製程 26
3.1.6 微影製程 26
3.1.7 電漿(乾式)蝕刻 27
3.2 元件製程步驟 28
3.2.1 實驗儀器 28
3.2.2原子層沉積之鍍率檢測 30
3.2.3 鐵電MIM結構 31
3.2.4 NC-FinFET結構 34
3.3 元件電性質量測 36
3.3.1 開關電流比 (Ion/Ioff ratio) 36
3.3.2 臨界電壓 (Threshold voltage, VT) 36
3.3.3 施予不同閘極電壓 37
3.3.4 施予脈衝處理 38
3.4 元件檢測與分析 39
3.4.1 晶體結構分析 39
3.4.2 微結構表面觀察 39
3.4.3 微結構剖面觀察 40
第四章 元件量測結果與討論 41
4.1 HfZrO2與HfO2元件之TEM 41
4.2 HfO2的溫度對電容值、極化值、晶體結構之分析 43
4.3 HfZrO2的溫度對電容值、極化值、晶體結構之分析 49
4.4 FinFET與NC-FinFET 54
4.5 施予量測處理以縮減遲滯效應 55
4.5.1 施予不同閘極電壓改變遲滯效應 55
4.5.2 施予脈衝處理改變遲滯效應 58
第五章 結論 61
參考文獻 62
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