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論文名稱(外文):The Evaluation of Sulfur Dye containing Wastewater Using Composite Flocculants Treatment
口試委員(外文):TSAI,I-SHOULin,Justin Chun-TeLEU,HOANG-JYH
外文關鍵詞:kaolindye wastewaterPAC / PAM
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實驗結果顯示,使用PAC/PAM/高嶺土的複合能有效處理廢水,COD去除率會隨PAC及高嶺土的增加而下降,在摻混比PAC(0.4g)/高嶺土(1.5g)/PAM(0.05g)時COD達最高去除率(98%),而在摻混比PAC(0.3g)/高嶺土(1.5g)/PAM(0.05g)時色度及懸浮顆粒為最低值,而此複合藥劑之無機成分,可經550 ℃下還原,回收再使用,減少汙泥之產生。

Dyeing and finishing industry in the dyeing due to different materials and made of different. In general, dye cotton to sulfur-based dye-based, and in the dyeing process requires extensive use of slurries, dyes, surfactants and other refractory substances, resulting in waste water composition is complex, high color, and the demand for clothes with the season and The market needs to increase and cause a lot of difficult to deal with the wastewater.
The growing shortage of natural resources and the rise of environmental awareness, the current treatment of wastewater treatment plants mainly to biological methods to destroy their dye chromophore to achieve the purpose of decolorization, but the micro-organisms are sensitive to environmental changes, the water quality is very complex dyeing wastewater , Microbial treatment is difficult to achieve the best results. The composite polymer flocculant has little effect on pH and temperature, and can make the design of sewage treatment plant more energy-efficient, small footprint, lower investment costs and other advantages, but also can reduce COD, SS, Chroma and so on.
The experimental results showed that the removal rate of COD decreased with the increase of PAC and clay, and reached the highest COD removal rate (98%) at the mixing ratio of PAC (0.4g) / kaolin (1.5g) / PAM (0.05g) Chroma and suspended particles were the lowest values when mixing ratio PAC (0.3g) / kaolin (1.5g) / PAM (0.05g).

摘要 II
Abstract III
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2紡織用染料 4
1-2-1硫化染料 4
1-2-2棉纖維 5
1-2-3染色 5
1-3染整廢水處理技術 7
1-3-1物理法 7
1-3-2化學法 8
1-3-3生物法 8
1-4循環經濟 9
1-5研究動機和目的 10
第二章 文獻回顧 11
2-1混合絮凝和直接絮凝 11
2-1-1混凝-絮凝 11
2-1-2直接絮凝 11
2-1-3混凝-絮凝與直接絮凝比較 12
2-2化學混凝劑和絮凝劑 13
2-2-1無機混凝劑 13
2-2-2有機合成絮凝劑 13
2-2-3複合型絮凝劑 14
2-2-4天然生物絮凝劑 14
2-2-5絮凝劑選擇 15
2-3絮凝原理 15
2-3-1電荷中和 16
2-3-2聚合物橋接 16
2-3-3靜電吸附 17
2-4天然生物絮凝 19
2-5接枝共聚物 19
2-6高嶺土 20
2-7化學需氧量 21
2-8懸浮固體 21
2-9生化需氧量 22
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 23
3-1 實驗藥品與儀器 23
3-1-1實驗藥品 23
3-1-2實驗儀器 23
3-1-3分析儀器 24
3-2實驗流程 24
3-2-1 廢水水質 25
3-3-2攪拌時間 25
3-2-3實驗參數 26
3-3 測試方法 27
3-3-1 化學需氧量分析 27
3-3-2 紫外線可見光分光光譜儀 29
3-3-3攜帶型多參數比色計 30
第四章 結果與討論 31
4-1 分光光譜儀分析 31
4-2 化學需氧量分析 37
4-3 色度、懸浮固體分析 39
4-4汙泥型態 41
4-5汙泥再生 45
第五章 結論 46
第六章 參考文獻 47

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