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論文名稱(外文):Travel Experience, Culture Adjustment, Constraints, and Facilitators of Taiwanese Undergraduate Students’ Outbound Educational Touris
外文關鍵詞:Travel experienceCulture adjustmentKolb's learning cycle
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  研究結果顯示,阻礙因素為責任、畢業門檻;促進出國因素主要為學校有提供機會,同時有家人支持,以及為了珍惜學生福利;文化適應上,普遍都是適應良好,面對文化差異都是選擇包容接受,並警惕自己;體驗部分的敘述是針對看到的整體環境意象帶來的震撼與驚艷;教育旅行的選擇地會隨著個人的學習背景與想法去決定;這過程的學習分為實務型與技術型;學習阻礙則是有教課上的用詞差異,或是網路上的使用規範;透過訪談資料分析後,將體驗式學習圈改變成:1. 具體體驗;2. 環境適應;3.反思觀察;4.歸納整合;5.影響改變;6.實際應用。

  The main purpose of this study is to explore the cross-cultural adaptation of Taiwanese students during exchanges abroad and the educational learning and learning experiences that affect Taiwanese students, as well as the facilitation and obstcles of going abroad. According to the induction and collation of the research results, I hope to give specific help and advice to the school and Taiwan students.
  This study used qualitative research for data collection and data analysis. Data collection by 20 Taiwanese students (11 students who have been exchanged, 4 students who are going abroad for exchange, and 5 students who do not go abroad) Come to the interview.
  In terms of data analysis, the questions generated by 11 respondents during their study in mainland China, the factors contributing to education, learning, obstacles and tourism experience, and at the same time verifying the theory of experiential learning circles to explore Taiwanese student education The travel situation and impact, and finally summarize its conclusions and recommendations.
  The results of the study show that the obstacles are the responsibility and graduation threshold. On the other hand, schools provide studying opportunities and benefits for students along with family supports propelling the motivation of studying abroad mainly.
  In terms of cultural adjustment, it is generally well-oriented. When encountering cultural differences, it is to choose to accept and tolerate, and be alert to yourself. The narrative of the experience part is shocking and stunning for the overall environmental imagery seen.
  The choice of educational travel will be determined by the individual's learning background and ideas; the learning of this process is divided into practical and technical; the learning hindrance is the difference in the use of teaching, or the use of the Internet. After analyzing the interview data, the experiential learning circle is changed into: 1. specific experience; 2. environmental adaptation; 3. reflection observation; 4. induction integration; 5. impact change; 6. practical application.
  Schools should understand the difficulties students face in exchanging this matter, how to effectively reduce the feeling of uneasiness in the exchange process, and listen to students' opinions in due course. It is expected that while Taiwan enters internationalization, it not only invites international students to come to Taiwan to attend school, but also enhances the exchange of learning quality of Taiwanese students abroad and effectively mediates the difficulties of Taiwanese students in adapting to different cultures.
  It is suggested that follow-up studies can analyze Taiwan students who are exchanged in Europe and the United States for research, or Taiwan students with different learning backgrounds.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機及背景 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 名詞解釋 3
第四節 研究流程 4
第五節 研究貢獻 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 教育旅行 7
第二節 阻礙因素 18
第三節 促進因素 25
第四節 文化適應 33
第五節 旅遊體驗 40
第六節 各構面之關係45
第三章 研究方法 49
第一節 研究架構 49
第二節 分析與理論50
第三節 資料收集 52
第四節 資料分析與信度、效度60
第五節 研究倫理 62
第四章 分析結果 64
第一節 阻礙臺灣學生出國交換學習因素64
第二節 促進臺灣學生出國交換學習因素69
第三節 臺灣學生之教育旅行 72
第四節 台灣學生到國外之文化適應 78
第五節 台灣學生到國外之旅遊體驗 86
第五章 結論與建議91
第一節 結論 91
第二節 建議 94
第三節 後續研究建議95
參考文獻 97
附錄 105
附錄一 訪談同意書105
附錄二 訪談內容 106

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