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論文名稱(外文):Enhancing the Interaction and Visualization Ability of 3D-GIS Historical Models by Game Technology
指導教授(外文):Yang-Ting ShenYu-Pin Ma
外文關鍵詞:Digital Historic Site Modeling3D-GISGame TechnologyInteractive DesignProcedural Modeling
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Research on the cultural heritage preservation has experienced a paradigm shift from “precision” and “visualization” to “realism” and “highly experienced”, which can be achieved by developing a game-based interactive environment that can bring new opportunities for the future development of historical districts.
However, how to intuitively and efficiently integrate data from different platforms has always been a concern in the research field of the cultural heritage preservation, Therefore, this research attempts to integrate geometric and non-geometric information obtained through different tools and platforms into a unified system by the gaming technology. The procedural modeling reads database and integrates model more efficiently through programming languages, and provides a 3D platform to visualize environmental information. In addition to increasing information exchange and visual communication between different platforms, the procedural modeling also provides diverse operations and interactive environment that improves users’ experiences.
We take a historic district, Tainan, in Taiwan as the display subject, where ArcGIS and SketchUp are used as the 3D district modeling software, and Unity is used as game development environment. Specifically, Unity uses procedural modeling method for integrating program script of the historical districts and the architecture space, via interactive scripts to integrate GIS databases and 3D modeling in the game engine environment, and also enhancing the interaction and visualization ability of the 3D-GIS historical models.

第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究對象與範圍 5
1.4 研究流程與內容 6
1.5名詞定義 8
第2章 文獻回顧 10
2.1 歷史建築文化資產三維模型技術 10
2.1.1 數位化歷史建築模型趨勢 10
2.1.2 三維歷史建築模型建模之混合技術 11
2.2 三維(3D)舊城街區模型與平台整合 18
2.2.1 三維舊城街區模型擴大到歷史建築與舊城街區之關係 18
2.2.2 3D-GIS與整合平台應用於三維城市模型之相關研究分析 19
2.2.3 3D-GIS與資訊建模軟件之不兼容性 20
2.2.4 三維城市建模之程序建模技術 23
2.3 遊戲引擎優化3D-GIS城市模型與歷史建築模型 27
2.3.1 遊戲引擎應用三維城市模型 27
2.3.2 遊戲引擎整合3D-GIS 28
2.4 小結 32
第3章 研究方法 34
3.1 程序化建模 35
3.1.1二維、三維建模 35
3.1.2 遊戲引擎Unity3D整合3D-GIS資訊和歷史建築模型 38
3.2 互動程式腳本編寫 40
3.3 平台設計方法 42
3.2.1平台使用者情境設計 42
3.2.2資訊擷取 43
3.2.3資訊擷取項目 44
第4章平台建置與開發 46
4.1 平台建置流程說明 46
4.1.1 3D-GIS建物資訊數化 46
4.1.2 3D-GIS地理視覺化 47
4.1.3 建立歷史舊城街區之三維歷史場景及量體模型 49
4.2 程式設計 51
4.2.1 Unity整合數據庫與三維舊城街區模型 51
4.2.2 C#互動程式腳本 52
4.3 介面設計與應用 54
4.3.1介面設計 56
4.3.2 IM Fusion應用探討 59
4.4 平台使用評估 66
4.4.1 訪談方法 66
4.4.2 受訪者特性 66
4.4.3 訪談內容設計 67
4.5 小結 70
4.5.1平台可視性及互動性成果 70
4.5.2 使用者評估 71
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 73
5.1 結論與建議 73
5.2 未來研究建議 75
參考文獻 76
附錄 83
附錄(一) 84
附錄(二) 87
附錄(三) 90

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