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研究生(外文):LEE, HUI-LIN
論文名稱(外文):Self-Efficacy in Activities of Daily Living and Quality of Life among Stroke Patients
指導教授(外文):WU, HUNG-LAN
外文關鍵詞:StrokeActivities of Daily LivingSelf-efficacyQuality of Life
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Background: Stroke is the most common cause of disability in patients. Patients with stroke tend to fail to independently complete activities of daily living due to physical disability, leading to the change in daily life style. Activities of daily living can be regarded as an important indicator of degree of living independence and quality of life, and self-efficacy can effectively predict health behaviors. If the self-efficacy of activities of daily living can be further understood, it will be beneficial to the recovery of activities of daily living of patients with stroke and can even improve the quality of life of patients with stroke.
Objective: To understand the distribution of demographic characteristics, disease characteristics, activities of daily living, self-efficacy of activities of daily living, and quality of life of patients with stroke; to investigate the relationship among demographic characteristics, disease characteristics, activities of daily living with self-efficacy of activities of daily living and quality of life of patients with stroke; to investigate the relationship among self-efficacy of activities of daily living and quality of life of patients with stroke; to investigate the predictive power of demographic characteristics, disease characteristics, activities of daily living, and self-efficacy of activities of daily living of patients with stroke for quality of life.
Method: This cross-sectional correlational study used purposive sampling to enroll patients with stroke at outpatient clinic of a regional teaching hospital in Pingtung County as the research population, and performed interviews using structured questionnaires to collect data. This study enrolled a total of 153 subjects. The research tools included demographic characteristics with Chinese version National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (C-NIHSS), activities of daily living scales: Barthel Index (BI) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), Stroke Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (SSEQ) and quality of life: Stroke Impact Scale (SIS). This study used descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis to analyze the collected data.
Results: The difference in age, marital status, educational background, work status, limb disability, disease severity, and activities of daily living of patients with stroke leads to a significant difference in self-efficacy of activities of daily living. The difference in gender, age, marital status, educational background, work status, type of stroke, limb disability, disease severity, and activities of daily living of patients with stroke leads to a significant difference in quality of life; self-efficacy of activities of daily living, various dimensions of quality of life, and quality of life of overall all are positively correlated with one another; the predictors for overall quality of life of patients with stroke include marital status, number of strokes, basic activities of daily living, and self-efficacy of activities of daily living, and they can explain a total variance of 90.8%. The self-efficacy of activities of daily living is the most important factor for predicting quality of life of patients with stroke and can explain a variance of 87.9%.
Conclusions: The factors affecting various dimensions of quality of life of patients with stroke and quality of life of overall are different. The self-efficacy of activities of daily living is the most important predictor for quality of life of patients with stroke. The research results can be provided as reference and care basis for clinical nursing personnel to face the training for activities of daily living of patients with stroke to improve care quality.
第一章 緒論.............1
第一節 研究動機及重要性.............1
第二節 研究目的.............4
第三節 研究問題.............4
第四節 研究假設.............4
第五節 名詞界定.............5
第二章 文獻查證.............6
第一節 腦中風病患之日常活動功能.............6
第二節 腦中風病患之自我效能.................12
第三節 腦中風病患之生活品質.................15
第三章 研究方法.............21
第一節 研究架構.............21
第二節 研究對象及樣本數......22
第三節 研究工具.............22
第四節 研究步驟.............24
第五節 研究倫理考量.........24
第六節 資料分析方法.........25
第四章 研究結果.............27
第一節 腦中風病患人口學特性、疾病特性、日常活動功能、日常活動自我效能及生活品質的分布情形.............27
第二節 腦中風病患人口學特性、疾病特性、日常活動功能與其日常活動自我效能之關係.............34
第三節 腦中風病患人口學特性、疾病特性、日常活動功能與其生活品質之關係.....37
第四節 腦中風病患日常活動自我效能與生活品質之關係.............57
第五節 腦中風病患生活品質之預測因子.............58
第五章 討論.............68
第一節 腦中風病患人口學特性、疾病特性、日常活動功能、日常活動自我效能及生活品質分布情形之分析.............68
第二節 腦中風病患人口學特性、疾病特性、日常活動功能與其日常活動自我效能差異情形之分析.............71
第三節 腦中風病患人口學特性、疾病特性、日常活動功能與其生活品質差異情形之分析.............73
第四節 腦中風病患日常活動自我效能與生活品質相關情形之分析.............78
第五節 腦中風病患生活品質預測因子之分析.............79
第六章 結論與建議.............83
第一節 結論.............83
第二節 建議.............85
第三節 研究限制.............86
附錄一 G-POWER樣本數計算結果截圖.............97
附錄二 中文版美國衛生研究院中風量表使用同意書表
附錄三 中文版腦中風自我效能問卷使用同意書.............99
附錄四 中文版中風衝擊量表使用同意書.............100
附錄五 人體試驗委員會同意臨床試驗證明書.............101
附錄六 研究問卷.............102

表1-1 統計分析目的及統計方法.............26
表2-1 人口學特性及疾病特性分布情形.............29
表2-2 巴氏量表得分分布情形.............30
表2-3 工具性日常生活活動量表得分分布情形.............31
表2-4 腦中風自我效能問卷得分分布情形.............32
表2-5 中風衝擊量表得分分布情形.............33
表3-1 人口學特性、疾病特性、日常活動功能與日常活動自我效能之相關矩陣......36
表3-2 不同人口學特性、疾病特性與日常活動自我效能之獨立樣本t檢定分析.......36
表4-1 不同性別與各面向生活品質之獨立樣本t檢定分析.............39
表4-2 人口學特性、疾病特性、日常活動功能與各面向生活品質之相關矩陣........40
表4-3 不同婚姻狀態與各面向生活品質之獨立樣本t檢定分析.............42
表4-4 不同教育程度與各面向生活品質之獨立樣本t檢定分析.............45
表4-5 不同工作狀況與各面向生活品質之獨立樣本t檢定分析.............47
表4-6 不同中風類型與各面向生活品質之獨立樣本t檢定分析.............50
表4-7 不同肢體偏側與各面向生活品質之獨立樣本t檢定分析.............52
表5-1 人口學特性、疾病特性、日常活動功能與整體生活品質之相關矩陣..........56
表5-2 不同人口學特性、疾病特性與整體生活品質之獨立樣本t檢定分析...........57
表6-1 日常活動自我效能與生活品質之相關矩陣.............58
表7-1 腦中風病患各面向生活品質之逐步多元迴歸分析.............66
表7-2 腦中風病患整體生活品質之逐步多元迴歸分析.............67

圖一 研究架構.............21
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