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論文名稱:跨國直銷公司在印尼市場經營與商業模式發展 -以KKI公司为例
論文名稱(外文):Developing Business model of Multinational Direct Selling Companies in Indonesia- A Case Study of KKI
外文關鍵詞:Direct SellingBusiness StrategyHamel's Business Model
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本研究以印尼跨國直銷企業KKI 為研究個案,以Hamel 的商業模式為架構,分別從核心策略、策略性資源、顧客介面、價值網路四個商業模式構面與構面連結的三座橋樑以及四個潛在因素中探討個案公司在經營上的優勢,提供給印尼直銷業者參考。
1. 印尼的直銷產業發展方面- 印尼直銷產業耕耘30年,印尼政府近年積極頒布直銷相關法令,直銷產業在印尼有阻力挑戰也有發展契機;
2. 依據對個案公司Hamel商業模式的檢視結果,對跨國直銷業及個案公司提出經營上因應與建議如下:
(1) 對跨國直銷業建議- 對直銷企業而言,商業模式最重要的是核心策略及良好的顧客介面,在面對互聯網電子商務的普及應用,直銷企業必須拋棄舊有「人網」的做法,採用三網(人網 + 店網 + 互聯網)複合營銷模式,才能提升競爭力,立不敗之地。
(2) 對個案公司建議- 加強年輕化人力資源管理,強化商業模式各要素之搭配性(FIT),掌握電子互聯網技術,擴大品牌效應

關鍵字 :直銷、經營策略、Hamel商業模式

In the era of globalization, economic of Indonesia grows rapidly. Indonesia becomes one of the exotic investment nations for many multi-national companies. Business investment prospect seems glorious in Indonesia.
In the last 15 years, the middle-class population rises significantly. They have high purchasing power, so they tend to pursue a better living standard and a higher quality of life, as well as buying branded goods and accessories.
The digital technology and e-commerce bring out the new purchasing behavior of the new generation. The new trend brings new challenges to Direct Selling (MLM) industry which favors more on face to face and personal touch interaction. It also becomes a new opportunity for Indonesia Direct Selling companies to innovate its business model.
KKI is my object of research, based on Hamel's Business Model as a framework to discuss its competitive advantages in business management. The Hamel's Business Model comprises four major components: Core Strategy, Strategic Resources, Customer Interface and Value Network. These four core components are linked together by three 'bridges' and four factors that determine its profit potential.
The research conclusion and suggestions will be as follows:

1. Direct selling industry has been growing for 30 years in Indonesia and the government had recently implemented rules to regulate the industry. This brings opportunities as well as challenges.
2. Based on the study on KKI adopting Hamel's Business Model, we do suggest some points as below:
2.1. To the multi-national companies:
The most important business model components are Core Strategy and Customer Interface. In facing the challenge of e-commerce and internet, Direct Selling ( MLM) Companies should give up their former 'human net' oriented strategy, and instead, focus on integrating 3 in 1 Net (human net, earth net, sky net).
2.2 To KKI:
1. Train up and Empower young management teams.
2. Enhance collaboration of every key element (FIT).
3. Hone the skills in using technology and internet application.

4. Maximize brand impact.

I believe every change brings challenges and opportunities. Hopefully, this research serves as a reference for Direct Selling (MLM) industry in Indonesia to draft and adjust their strategy to develop a sustainable competitive advantage.

Keywords: Direct Selling, Business Strategy, Hamel's Business Model,

摘要 I
誌 謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景及动机 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 直銷產業概述 4
2.1.1 直銷的定義與特色 4
2.1.2 全球直銷產業的發展與現況 7
2.1.3 印尼直銷產業的發展、現況與法規條例 12
2.2 經營策略與商業模式 20
2.2.1 經營策略 20
2.2.2 商業模式 22
2.3 HAMEL的商業模式 25
2.3.1 Hamel 商業模式架構與组成元素 26
第三章 研究方法 32
3.1 研究架構 32
3.2 研究方法 33
3.3 研究對象 36
第四章 個案公司分析 38
4.1 個案公司简介 38
4.1.1 個案公司組織概述 40
4.1.2 個案公司營業狀況 45
4.2 個案公司經營策略分析 46
4.2.1 經營構面分析 46
4.2.2 構面連結要素分析 62
4.2.3 整體經營策略評估 68
第五章 結論與建議 73
5.1 結論 73
5.2 建議 81
第六章 參考文獻 84

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