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研究生(外文):Chi-Chun Chen
論文名稱(外文):Directed transmission path strategy on SDN-based Content Centric Networks for efficient caching
指導教授(外文):San-Yuan Wang
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伴隨科技的發展,網際網路的發展已經跟生活密不可分,根據Cisco的預測與統計,2015~2020年全球通信量數以倍增,其中以手機流量為最,在未來5G的應用上更是如此,並且5G的核心網路架構會開始使用軟體定義網路(Software-Define-Network, SDN)架構來做傳導。
此研究的目的在於以SDN為架構來建立CCN(Content Centric Network),藉由直接傳輸路徑的有效率緩存模式、沿途緩存機制(Leave Copy Everywhere,LCE)與TCP/IP來模擬比較,並且利用Clean-Slate作法來設計出依靠CCN架構而不使用傳統TCP/IP的架構實作,並且透過Linux、Mininet、Ryu Controll和Switch來模擬實驗得出數據,再收集統計與傳統TCP/IP作法間的差異性,最後以FTP實際傳輸得到數據和流量。
With the development of technology, Internet has become inseparable from life. According to Cisco''s forecasts and statistics, global network traffic will multiply between 2015 and 2020, among which mobile phone traffic will be the most important. This will be even more evident in the future with the development of the 5G application and the core network architecture of the 5G will start to use the SDN (Software-Define-Network) architecture for transmission.
At present, Google Data Centers have already begun to develop and use the SDN to gain network bandwidth usage. In the future, the traditional VLANs will gradually turn to network virtualization because excessive data traffic will inevitably lead to network saturation. Therefore, major equipment vendors have begun to focus on SDN related research, and hence related topics possess great potential of development.
Cache is one of the most important topics. Attention will be on how to balance the cache hit rate and node replacement rate, and furthermore, to speed up the network and to make the transmission more efficient. Therefore, we propose a direct transmission path strategy, which enables the connection information to be quickly confirmed at the initial stage, quickly find the optimal transmission path, and reduce the waste of cache resources.
The purpose of this research is to establish CCN (Content Centric Networking) with the SDN as the architecture, and simulate it by combining the LCE (Leave Copy Everywhere) with the efficient buffer mode of direct transmission path.
Besides, this research adopts the Clean-Slate method to design an architecture that relies on the CCN architecture instead of the traditional TCP/IP, conducts simulation by means of the Linux, the Mininet, the Ryu Controller and the Switch, and assesses the difference between the results and the traditional TCP/IP observations. Finally, actual transmission is executed via FTP to get data and traffic.
Research findings include the relationship between network speed and cache hit ratio, so that the speed can be faster and more accurate in the beginning and unnecessary waste of cache resources or network performance degradation due to excessive network coverage can be avoided. From these experimental data we can seen that the network speed can be improved by about 5% in the initial transmission, and this strategy can make the cache hit ratios increase by 3-5% in the initial stage.
誌謝 II
摘要 V
目次 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 相關背景知識及研究 5
2.1 SDN架構 5
2.2 SDN特色 6
2.3 SDN價值與優勢 6
2.5 內容中心網路 7
2.6 信息中心網路 8
2.7 緩存命中率 8
2.8 相關研究 9
第三章 以直接傳輸路徑策略達成有效率緩存 11
3.1 直接傳輸路徑策略 11
3.2 實驗環境設定 13
3.3 實驗設計 16
第四章 CCN傳輸效能監測與資料分析 20
4.1 流量傳送與接收 20
4.2 傳輸效能資料分析與監測 21
4.3 實驗結果總結 24
第五章 結論 26
參考文獻 27
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