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研究生(外文):Wen-Hong Liao
論文名稱(外文):Investigating the Mechanism of Disaster Relief and its Application in the Perspective of Organizational Downsizing- The Example of Military Helicopter Units
指導教授(外文):Yue-Yang Chen
外文關鍵詞:EarthquakeOrganization simplificationDisaster Prevention and RescueNational Search and Rescue CenterDisaster relief mechanism
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美國陸軍在2001年版的「聯戰準則」當中提出新的概念,即「非戰爭行動」(operations other than war) ,說明陸軍必須具備包括災難救援在內的多樣性功能,才能因應新的戰略安全環境的需求。
The main purposes of this study are: (1) to discuss the affiliation and formation of helicopter units during the peacetime and wartime, and to face the different catastrophes and the role and status of the national army under the existing regulations and norms based on the mission and the responsibilities entrusted to it by the Constitution; (2) to discuss existing disaster relief mechanisms, how to effectively use and integrate the helicopters of the Ministry of Defense
and the Ministry of the Interior to reorganize groups, and improve the overall efficiency of disaster prevention and rescue and homeland defense. (3) to discuss disaster organizations after disasters. How to effectively use the overall organizational effectiveness? In addition to arranging all helicopter units conduct combat readiness in Taiwan, each helicopter unit will also perform disaster relief immediately right after the disaster.
This study finds that: (1) When 921 earthquake happened , the helicopter units was conduct disaster rescue , GPS and maps were quickly used to determine the location under the change of terrain, and the search and rescue experience gained was rare. (2) When the Typhoon Morakot disaster occurred , based on the rescue experience of the 921 earthquake, the military immediately organized and implemented cross-regional rescue missions. Helicopter units also participated in assisting in the delivery of supplies and personnel. If the existing disaster relief mechanism can be simplified, it can also increase the efficiency of disaster relief. (3) One of the most frequently used equipments and it can rushed to the disaster area after the catastrophe is helicopter for various countries of the world. (4) Army aviation units have been transforming to UH-60M helicopters since 2014, and used the same type helicopter by Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of the Interior for disaster prevention and control. If they can be rearranged in organizational formation in the future, they will be able to improve their combat readiness missions and disaster rescue effectiveness.
The United States Army proposed a new concept in the 2001 edition of the "United States Joint Warfare Guidelines," namely "operations other than war", which shows that the Army must possess diversity functions, including disaster relief, before it can respond to new strategic security environments. In addition to engaging in combat and training tasks.
I used to be an aviation flight officer, by this learning opportunities to present my personal views. Under the conditions of budgetary budget constraints, appropriate organizational planning, shortened command procedures and timeliness, and the use of helicopter characteristics to implement disaster prevention and rescue to enhance the efficiency of use. This will make the helicopter more efficient in military and disaster prevention functions.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機 …………………………………………1
第二節 問題陳述與研究目的………………………………………3
第二章 文獻探討
第一節「九二一集集大地震、莫拉克風災 」..…….……………5
第三節 「中國大陸雪災、汶川大地震」.……………………….11
第三章 我國直升機單位組織整合、效益與運用分析
第一節 組織重整後任務、編組與運用.............15
第二節 專家訪談.………………………………………………….21
第四章 直升機單位編組與遂行災害防救的法源基礎
第一節 我國直升機隸屬單位編組...………………………………28
第二節 國家搜救指揮中心….…………………………………….30
第三節 國軍在災害防救體制之地位..….………………………..33
第四節 國軍支援災害處理原則…..……….……………………..35
第五章 國軍現行救援機制與運用原則
第一節 國軍搜救組織系統……………………………………….36
第二節 緊急災害救援作業程序………………………………….38
第三節 陸軍災害救援處理程序………………………………….41
第六章 結論
第一節 研究發現…………………………………………………..43
1. 九二一大地震救災紀實,國防部編印。
2. 請參閱國防部聯合作戰演訓中心譯印,美軍聯合作戰準則(DOCTRINE FOR JOINT OPERATION)2001。
3. 陸軍航特部隊初期救災成果統計表,九二一救災紀實,國防部出版。
4. 國軍九二一救災紀實,國防部出版。
5. 引用自由日報http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/paper/911293。
6. 盧建強文,政府災害救援與軍隊動員,國防雜誌第二十一卷第三期,頁54。
7. 尖端科技軍武論壇中國大陸雪災的反思【總編輯 畢源廷先生】
8. 資料來源:解放軍報網站。
9. 引述民視新聞97.5.20日午間新聞報導內容。
10. 國軍計畫教則-國軍編裝,軍事書籍,國防部,台北市
11. 陸軍航空部隊突擊組教範,陸軍司令部編印,頁1-7。
12. 美軍陸軍航空教則,軍事書籍,頁36。
13. 1946年6月1日,國民政府軍事委員會軍訓部與中國陸軍總司令部合併編成「陸軍總司令部」。
14. 1998年7月1日,601空中騎兵旅於桃園龍潭成立。
15. 2006年(民國95年)3月1日,因應國軍精進案,將空騎旅更銜為航空旅。
16. 103.12.31飛航規則--交通部公布
17. 取自106.10.31日空勤總隊資訊網站http://www.nasc.gov.tw。
18. 依據97.1.1日部隊訓練計畫大綱,頁5-21、5-22、5-23、5-24。
19. 本規劃僅就飛訓部教勤二營97年搜救訓練具體作法而論,各航空旅搜救訓練項目仍會因任務而異有些許不同,均須於每年五月底全員完成訓練。
20. 取自https://txtwriter.wordpress.com/2009/08/12/向莫拉克八八風災水災直升機救援英雄致敬
21. 取自106.10.31日痞客幫http://m1a2444.pixnet.net。
22. 取自106.10.31日維基百科https://www.wikiwand.com。
23. 引用106.11.11日http://www.ttvs.cy.edu.tw網站資料
24. 內政部消防署網站http://www.nfa.gov.tw/introl/intro3-1.html.
25. 內政部消防署網站http://www.nfa.gov.tw/introl/intro3-1.html.
26. 國軍搜救協調中心編印,國軍搜救協調中心作業手冊(國防部1995),頁2。
27. 搜救部隊到達或兵力抵達搜救現場時,應向現場指揮官報到,任務完畢後將搜救結果報告國搜中心。
28. 申請國軍支援災害處理辦法(國防部(九十)鐸錮字第○○○九一八號令)。
29. 國軍搜救作業規定,頁29。
30. 空軍專屬救護中隊位於嘉義水上機場。
31. 隸屬於內政部,為國內第一支專業救災、救難直升機單位。
32. 1960年第一架由貝爾公司製造生產出廠,本國所屬UH-1H由航發中心及貝爾公司在台生產製造。
33. NVG訓練為陸航部隊所屬飛行人員及新進學員均需接受此一訓練,用以強化夜戰能力。
34. 行政院災害防救委員會(2003),災害防救法規彙編。
35. 資料取自107.02.12日美國海岸防衛隊維基百科ttps://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/美國海岸防衛隊
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