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研究生(外文):Chun-Kuo Lin
論文名稱(外文):The effect of silane coupling agent /adhesive ratio on the repair of ceramic restoration
指導教授(外文):Ker-Kong Chen
口試委員(外文):Chau-Hsiang WangJe-Kang Du
外文關鍵詞:KeywordHydrofluoric acidsilane coupling agentadhesiveporcelainmicrotensile bond strength
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本研究採用陶瓷(VINTAGE MP,A2B Body)、兩種黏著劑(Single Bond Universal與G-Premio BOND)、一種矽烷偶合劑(Ceramic primer II)、9.5%氫氟酸、32%磷酸進行各種測試。
結果A:表面處理使用氫氟酸酸蝕組別呈現最高的鍵結強度,比磷酸酸蝕組別與600號砂紙研磨組別呈現顯著意義(p < 0.05)。但是在塗抹不同黏著劑而言,並沒有顯著意義(p = 0.268)。
結果B:在氫氟酸酸蝕表面塗抹不同矽烷偶合劑與黏著劑混合比組別所獲的微拉力強度,S1A1組的微拉力測試值最大,且有優於S-A組的傾向。其中以S4A1、S3A1、S2A1、S1A1、S1A2組與S-A組相似且沒有顯示統計意義(p > 0.05),而S5A1、S1A3、S1A4、S1A5則與S-A組相較顯示有統計差異的較低數值(p < 0.05)。
This study was to investigate the effect of the different proportion of silane coupling agent mixed with adhesive on the microtensile bond strength between composite resins and different acid-etch treated ceramics.
Materials and Methods:
One kind of porcelain (VINTAGE MP,A2B Body), two kinds of adhesives (Single Bond Universal and G-Premio BOND), one kind of silane coupling agent (Ceramic primer II), 9.5%hydrofluoric acid and 32% phosphoric acid were supplied for this study.
Method A: The surface of the ceramic block was treated with 9.5% hydrofluoric acid, 32% phosphoric acid or surface grinding and applied with Single Bond Universal or the combination of Ceramic primer II and G-Premio BOND. The microtensile bond strength (μTBS) and failure mode were also measured after 24-hour water immersion.
Method B: The hydrofluoric acid-etched ceramics were applied with 9 kinds of different silane coupling agent (S) /adhesive (A) ratio mixed adhesive as experimental groups and one control group. The mix ratio of each group was as followed: S:A=5:1 in S5A1 group, S:A=4:1 in S4A1 group, S:A=3:1 in S3A1 group, S:A=2:1 in S2A1 group, S:A=1:1 in S1A1 group, S:A=1:2 in S1A2 group, S:A=1:3 in S1A3 group, S:A=1:4 in S1A4 group, and S:A=1:5 in S1A5 group. S-A group as control group was applied with silane coupling agent and then conventional adhesive. The μTBS and failure mode were also measured after 24-hour water immersion.
The bonding interface of each group were also observed by scanning electronic microscope.
Result A: Hydrofluoric acid etched group showed the highest μTBS in the three groups despite of the use of adhesives and revealed significant difference with phosphoric acid etched and 600-grid sandpaper grinding groups (p < 0.05). No significance was found between phosphoric acid etched and 600-grid sandpaper grinding groups.
Result B: In all different silane coupling agent/adhesive ratio groups, S1A1 group showed the greatest μTBS and showed a higher tendency compared with the control group. There was no statistically significant difference among S4A1, S3A1, S2A1, S1A1, S1A2 and S-A groups (p > 0.05), while a significant difference was shown when S5A1, S1A3, S1A4, S1A5 groups compared with S-A group.
The application of adhesive by mixture ratio of silane coupling agent/adhesive in 1:1 could gain the desirable μTBS and comparable to conventional group (control).
肆、材料與方法 A------------------------------22
伍、結果 A------------------------------------29
陸、材料與方法 B------------------------------31
柒、結果 B------------------------------------35
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