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論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Effect on the Key Success Factor of Mobile Payment: A Perspective of Technology Acceptance Model and Theory Planned Behavior
指導教授(外文):Ou-Yang, Hou
外文關鍵詞:ActionpaymentTechnologyacceptancemodelProject behavior theory
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本研究探討購買具第三方支付(NFC)功能之智慧型手機的知覺有用性、知覺易用性、使用態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制、行為意圖及購買行為間各構面之關聯性,並據以檢定相關的研究假說。問卷發放回收期間為 2019年4月20日至5月20日,發放並回收問卷,扣除無效樣本後,用於分析之樣本共1,040份。實證結果如下: 迴歸分析與階層式迴歸分析的實證結果如下:知覺易用性對知覺有用性有顯著正向影響;知覺易用性對使用態度有顯著正向影響;知覺有用性對使用態度有顯著正向影響;知覺有用性對行為意圖有顯著正向影響;使用態度對行為意圖有顯著正向影響;主觀規範對行為意圖有顯著正向影響;知覺行為控制對行為意圖有顯著正向影響;知覺行為控制對購買行為有顯著正向影響;行為意圖對購買行為有顯著正向影響;知覺有用性對購買行為有顯著正向影響;知覺易用性對購買行為有顯著正向影響;知覺有用性在『知覺易用性與使用態度』間的關係中具有中介效果;使用態度在『知覺有用性與行為意圖』間的關係中具有中介效果;行為意圖在『知覺行為控制與購買行為』間的關係中具有中介效果;績效風險在『使用態度與行為意圖』間的關係中具有干擾效果;財務風險在『使用態度性與行為意圖』間的關係中具有干擾效果。
This study explores the relevance of perceptual usefulness, perceived ease of use, usage attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, behavioral intent, and purchase behavior of smart phones with third-party payment (NFC) capabilities, and According to the relevant research hypothesis. The questionnaire was issued during the period from April 20 to May 20, 2019. The questionnaire was issued and collected. After deducting the invalid samples, a total of 1,040 samples were used for analysis. The empirical results are as follows: The empirical results of regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis are as follows: Perceptual ease of use has a significant positive impact on perceived usefulness; perceived ease of use has a significant positive impact on usage attitude; perceptual usefulness has an attitude toward use Significant positive impact; perceptual usefulness has a significant positive impact on behavioral intention; use attitude has a significant positive impact on behavioral intention; subjective norm has a significant positive impact on behavioral intention; perceptual behavioral control has a significant positive impact on behavioral intention Perceptual behavior control has a significant positive impact on purchase behavior; behavioral intention has a significant positive impact on purchase behavior; perceived usefulness has a significant positive impact on purchase behavior; perceived ease of use has a significant positive impact on purchase behavior; perception Usefulness has an intermediary effect in the relationship between "perceptional usability and use attitude"; the use attitude has an intermediary effect in the relationship between "perceived usefulness and behavioral intention"; behavioral intention is in "perceived behavior control and purchase behavior" Intermediary effect in the relationship; performance risk in the relationship between "use attitude and behavioral intention" It has the effect of interference; the relationship between financial risk has the effect of interfering "with the intention of using attitudinal behavior" in.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 2
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 電子商務與行動支付 7
第二節 科技接受模型 13
第三節 計畫行為理論 18
第四節 結合科技接受模型與計畫行為理論 23
第五節 研究假說 26
第三章 研究方法與說明 39
第一節 研究架構與假設 39
第二節 研究構面操作性定義與組成題項 40
第三節 研究對象與資料分析方法 46
第四章 實證結果與分析 53
第一節 基本問項次數分配與研究構面敘述統計 53
第二節 因素分析 69
第三節 相關分析 76
第四節 迴歸分析 77
第五章 結論與建議 103
第一節 研究結論 103
第二節 學術管理意涵 108
第三節 研究限制與研究建議 111
參考文獻 113
中文文獻 113
英文文獻 119
附錄一 問卷 124

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