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研究生(外文):HONG, WEI-HAO
論文名稱(外文):Design of an ORB-based Image Stitching Method by Open Computing Language
指導教授(外文):Lien, Chih-Yuan
口試委員(外文):Chen, Pei-YinLiu, Bing-Hong
外文關鍵詞:feature pointsORBOpenCLimage stitchingembedded platform
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近幾年來,影像縫合技術一直都是電腦視覺領域中廣受重視的議題。在行車輔助系統、監視系統、運動攝影機等應用中,都需要即時影像縫合技術。其中ORB是一套在影像縫合技術中用來偵測並描述影像的區域特徵演算法,其演算法包含以下兩個步驟:(1) Oriented FAST、(2) Rotated BRIEF。接著我們透過RANSAC (Random sample consensus) 將特徵點進行匹配及修正,由於兩張影像為不同平面,因此我們透過圓柱投影將影像投影至相同平面,最後將重疊區塊進行多頻段混合(Multi-Band Blending),消除影像差異將兩張影像進行縫合。接著考量OpenCL框架的平行運算與分工並導入嵌入式平台,將原本的縫合技術進行改良、任務分割與加速,最後實現出一個應用於嵌入式平台且使用開放計算語言設計之以ORB技術為基礎的影像縫合方法。
In recent years, image stitching has been widely discussed in computer vision. In the applications of driver assistant and surveillance systems, image stitching is one of the most important components. Feature extraction and classification are two main steps in image stitching. ORB is an algorithm used in computer vision to detect and describe images. The algorithm consists of the following two steps: (1) Oriented FAST and (2) Rotated BRIEF. Next, we match and adapt the feature points through RANSAC (random sample consensus), then project the different images into the same flat by cylindrical projection. Finally, multi-band blending is used to deal with the overlap of images to eliminate the difference between images. Consider the parallel computing and heterogeneous computing of OpenCL on the various embedded platforms, we can improve and accelerate our image stitching method. Finally, an ORB-based Image Stitching Method by Open Computing Language for the embedded platform is proposed.

第一章、 緒論
1.1. 研究背景
1.2. 研究動機
1.3. 研究方向
1.4. 論文組織
第二章、 相關文獻探討
2.1. SIFT: Scale-invariant feature transform
2.2. SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features
2.3. ORB: Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF
2.3.1. 特徵檢測FAST corner detection
2.3.2. 特徵檢測Harris corner detection
2.3.3. 特徵點角度檢測
2.3.4. 特徵點描述
2.3.5. 特徵點匹配
2.4. Perspective Transform and RANSAC
2.4.1. 透視矩陣
2.4.2. 隨機抽樣RANSAC
2.4.3. Alpha Blend
2.5. OpenCL (Open Computing Language)
2.5.1. GPU並行運算的優勢
2.5.2. 執行流程
2.5.3. 記憶體模型(Memory model)
2.5.4. 編程模型(Programming model)
2.5.5. 平行程式設計模型
2.6. NVIDIA Jetson TX2
第三章、 論文提出的方法
3.1. Harris角點檢測
3.2. 圓柱投影
3.3. 拉普拉斯金字塔混合
第四章、 實驗結果
4.1. ORB與SIFT縫合圖
4.2. 縫合影像結果
4.3. 各個尺度測試結果
第五章、 結論與未來工作
5.1. 結論
5.2. 未來工作

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