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研究生(外文):LAI, TZU-WEI
論文名稱(外文):The Indirect Effect of Leader’s Emotional Labor on Subordinate’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Communication Quality as a Mediator
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Chin-Tien
口試委員(外文):Wu, Tsung-YuLai, Tzu-Ling
外文關鍵詞:Communication QualityEmotional LaborOrganizational Citizenship BehaviorDeep ActingSurface Acting
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Drawing from the Emotional Labor, this study has three objectives; first, to assess the effect of leader’s Emotional Labor (deep acting and surface acting) on subordinate’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), second, to test the effect of leader’s Emotional Labor (deep acting and surface acting) on the Communication Quality between leaders and subordinates, finally, to explore the mediating effect of Communication Quality on the relationship between leader’s Emotional Labor and subordinate’s OCB. Survey data were collected from a sample of 183 full-time employees working in Taiwan.
Results indicated that the Emotional Labor (deep acting) was positively related to Communication Quality and OCB, respectively, but Emotional Labor (surface acting) was negatively related to Communication Quality and OCB, respectively. Furthermore, Communication Quality fully mediated the relationship between Emotional Labor (deep acting and surface acting) and OCB. Finally, the limitations of the research are discussed and suggestions for further research are proposed.

摘 要 i
Abstract ii
謝 誌 iii
目 錄 iv
壹、 緒論 1
背景 1
研究動機 1
研究目的 3
貳、 文獻探討 4
一、 主管的情緒勞動 4
二、 溝通品質 6
三、 部屬的組織公民行為 8
四、 主管的情緒勞動與部屬的組織公民行為 9
五、 主管的情緒勞動與溝通品質 10
六、 溝通品質的中介效果 11
參、 研究方法 13
一、 研究架構與假設 13
二、 研究設計與研究對象 14
三、 研究變項與衡量 14
四、 測量模式分析 16
肆、 研究結果 17
一、 敘述統計及各變項之相關分析 17
二、 假說驗證 18
伍、 結論與建議 21
一、 結論 21
二、 理論意涵 23
三、 實務意涵 23
四、 研究限制與建議 24
參考文獻 26
附錄:問卷 31

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7. 黃敦群、紀乃文、張雅婷、郭洧岑(2014)。情緒勞動的前因、後果與潛在干擾變數:統合分析法之探討。人力資源管理學報,14(3),93-134。DOI: 10.6147/JHRM.2014.1403.04
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