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論文名稱:主管領導風格及部屬內控人格對部屬工作績效與部屬離職傾向之影響- 以國軍陸軍部隊為例
論文名稱(外文):Effects of the supervisors’ leadership style and the subordinates’ personality on the job performance and turnover intention of subordinates-A care of a military army
外文關鍵詞:transformational leadershiptransactional leadershipinternal control personality traitsjob performanceintention to leave
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In response to the transformation of the troops and the promotion of the full set of military system, the strength of the troops to determine whether the military forces have the ability to implement the responsibility of the defenders. The main purpose of this study is to explore the influence of supervisor's style and subordinate personality traits on subordinate job performance and turnover intention. This paper focuses on the volunteer officers and soldiers of the army's army to understand the leadership style of supervisor Whether to influence the personality traits, job performance and turnover intention of subordinates (officers and men), and to explore the relationship between the leadership style and subordinate personality traits, job performance and turnover intention.
In this paper, a military army army (under the jurisdiction of five battalion level, seven directly under the level) as the object of study, the questionnaire survey method. A total of 300 copies were issued in the formal questionnaire, and 300 valid questionnaires were collected. The effective sample recovery rate was 100%. The regression analysis is used to explore the relationship between the variables. Through empirical analysis, the results of this study are as follows: 1. The personal care in the supervisor of the transitional leadership has a significant positive impact on the performance of the subordinate. 2. Exceptional management in charge of transactional leadership has a significant positive impact on subordinate job performance. 3. Subordinate internal control personality has a significant positive impact on subordinate job performance. 4. The concept of influence and personal care in the transfer leadership have a significant negative impact on subordinates' turnover intention. 5. In the executive-oriented leadership, expediency and exception management have a negative impact on subordinates' turnover intention. The results of this study will provide reference to the military units to adjust the best leadership to enhance the effectiveness of the overall national army organization.
Keywords: transformational leadership, transactional leadership, internal control personality traits, job performance, intention to leave
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 ii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究問題 3
1.3 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 主管領導風格 6
2.1.1 領導的定義 6
2.1.2 轉換型領導 10
2.1.3 交易型領導 11
2.2 人格特質 12
2.2.1人格特質的定義 12
2.2.2內外控人格特質理論 12
2.3 工作績效 14
2.3.1 工作績效的定義 14
2.3.2 工作績效的分類 15
2.4 離職傾向 16
2.4.1 離職的定義 16
2.4.2 離職傾向的定義 17
2.5 相關研究 19
2.5.1 主管領導風格與部屬工作績效之研究 19
2.5.2 部屬人格特質與部屬工作績效之研究 22
2.5.3 主管領導風格與部屬離職傾向之研究 24
2.5.4 部屬人格特質與部屬離職傾向之研究 26
2.5.5 部屬工作績效與部屬離職傾向之研究 27
第三章 研究方法 28
3.1 研究架構 28
3.2 研究假設 29
3.3 研究對象與資料蒐集 29
3.4 衡量工具 29
3.4.1 主管領導風格 29
3.4.2 部屬人格特質 30
3.4.3 部屬工作績效 30
3.4.4 部屬離職傾向 30
3.4.5 控制變數 31
3.5 資料分析與方法 31
3.5.1 信度 31
3.5.2 描述性統計 31
3.5.3 相關分析 31
3.5.4 迴歸分析 32
第四章 研究結果 33
4.1 樣本特性分析 33
4.2 信度分析 35
4.3 相關分析 36
4.4 迴歸分析 37
4.4.1 迴歸模式一 37
4.4.2 迴歸模式二 37
4.4.3 迴歸模式三 37
4.4.4 迴歸模式四 38
4.4.5 迴歸模式五 38
第五章 結論與建議 40
5.1 結論 ………………40
5.2 討論 40
5.3 管理意涵 43
5.4 研究限制與未來研究建議 44
參考文獻 46
附錄一 52

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