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論文名稱(外文):The Impact of National Health Insurance Policy on Taiwan Pharmaceutical Company for Launching Domestic New Drug
外文關鍵詞:New drugNational health insuranceReimbursement price
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1.對新藥開發類型之國產新藥公司而言,期望政府在設定參考藥品之藥價時,可以選擇使用參考藥品之初始藥價作為reference price。
3. 對新藥開發類型之國產新藥公司而言,全民健康保險藥物給付項目及支付標準第17-1條規範參考類似藥品之十國藥價不合理,因為若以台灣為第一上市國,則尚未在其他國家取得藥價,此法規自相矛盾。
Since the 1980s, our government has placed great hopes toward the industry of biotech and new drugs in order to take such industry to a booming stage. The Executive Yuan has also listed biotechnology as one of the eight key technological industries in the country since 1982. Furthermore, large amounts of subsidies have aided the development of this industry. This industry has been in development for 35 years, however, very few new drugs developed by domestic pharmaceutical companies have been launched successfully in Taiwan.
This study mainly used literature review and case interview as the main research methods. Firstly, the structural development of the thesis was built on reviewing past literature. Then, the empirical study was conducted through interviews with two domestic new drug research and development pharmaceutical companies. This study examined the impact of the current drug pricing policy of the National Health Insurance Administration on the domestic market for research and development of new drugs. Moreover, the effectiveness of implementation of Article 17-1 of the "National Health Insurance Drug Payment Program and Payment Standards" was investigated in relations to the development of domestic new drugs in the country. In-depth analysis was employed to explore and discuss our research. The following preliminary conclusions were obtained:
First, the influence of the government's encouragement measures on the development of Taiwan's new drugs was examined. Results revealed that the government have mainly been funding domestic new drug companies to research and develop new drugs through subsidized clinical trials of technological projects.
Second, the encouragement measures for developing new drugs in Taiwan and other countries were compared. Results showed that both Taiwan and the Japanese government have been providing new forms of new-drug-related premiums for new drugs. However, in this study, we did not find the Korean government providing relevant premiums measures for new drugs.
Third, we explored the drug price system of Taiwan's national health insurance and the prices of new drugs that were developed domestically. We found that 1) for domestic pharmaceutical companies that specializes in developing new drugs, they anticipate the government to use the initial drug prices of the reference drugs as reference prices when setting the prices of reference drugs; 2) for domestic pharmaceutical companies that specializes in developing new drugs, they anticipate the government to encourage innovations of new drugs leading to new pharmacological effects and overcoming the idea of limiting treatment to the same illness or conditions when they are selecting reference drugs; 3) for domestic pharmaceutical companies that specializes in developing new drugs, under Article 17-1 of the "National Health Insurance Drug Payment Program and Payment Standards", the statement that drug prices should be referenced from ten countries is unresonalbe because prices cannot be obtained from other countries if Taiwan is the first country to launch the new drug. Thus, the regulation is contradictory in itself.
Fourth, we examined Taiwan’s pharmaceutical policy and the marketing strategy of new drugs developed domestically. Findings showed that for domestic drug companies that specializes in developing new drugs, when the drug payment provided by the national health insurance does not meet the drug prices set by the new drug companies, these companies employ a strategy that the patient pay for the drugs instead of the national insurance system.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究範圍 3
第四節 研究流程 4
第五節 論文內容 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 新藥與新藥研發 6
第一項 新藥之定義 6
第二項 新藥發展之定義 11
第二節 日本、韓國與我國政府鼓勵新藥發展之相關措施 14
第一項 我國政府鼓勵新藥發展之相關措施 14
第二項 日本政府鼓勵新藥發展之相關措施 24
第三項 韓國政府鼓勵新藥發展之相關措施 40
第三節 健保新藥收載及核定制度 55
第一項 全民健康保險藥物給付項目及支付標準 55
第二項 全民健康保險新藥收載集核價作業程序 59
第三項 全民健康保險藥物給付項目及支付標準第17-1條 62
第四項 現行新藥核價問題探討 65
第五項 健保藥品核價制度對國產新藥在台上市之影響 66

第三章 研究方法 70
第一節 研究架構 70
第二節 研究設計與資料蒐集 71
一、研究方法 71
二、研究對象的選取 72
三、資料收集方式 72
第三節 訪談問卷設計 73
第四節 研究限制 73
第四章 個案研究 74
第一節 太景生技 75
一、公司背景 75
二、新藥背景 77
三、新藥在台申請健保藥價面臨之困境 79
第二節 寶齡富錦 85
一、公司背景 85
二、新藥背景 85
三、新藥在台申請健保藥價面臨之困境 88
第五章 個案分析與研究發現 90
第一節 我國政府的鼓勵措施對於台灣的新藥發展之影響 90
第二節 比較在台灣及其他國家研發新藥的鼓勵措施 91
第三節 台灣健保藥價制度與台灣研發的新藥藥價 93
第四節 我國藥品政策與台灣研發新藥上市策略 97
第六章 研究結論與建議 99
第一節 研究結論 99
第二節 研究建議 100
參考文獻 110
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