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研究生(外文):Huang, Yu-Hsuan
論文名稱(外文):Embedded practice: interpreting mode of organizing in K-POP cultural technology
指導教授(外文):Hsiao, Ruey-Lin
外文關鍵詞:Korean cultural technologyTechnology transformationOrganizing practiceTechnology embeddednessGrounded theory
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科技管理文獻之前是將科技視為「黑盒子」,是萬靈丹,只要將科技導入組織中,所有問題都能迎刃而解。新觀點指出迷思,認為科技其實是是潘朵拉的盒子,打開科技印刻著豐富的意涵,鑲嵌著組織作為,包裹著某種「科技精神」。本研究嘗試跳脫分析行政性科技的應用,如企業資源管理系統,而將研究焦點轉到文化科技(cultural technology)來探討科技內嵌的議題。文創產業似乎也有這樣的黑盒子迷思,認為只要用科技把文創內容投射出來,文化就得以分享、傳播,觀眾就會青睞,也就可以轉換成經濟價值。這樣的迷思使得文化科技所展現出來的內容,會讓觀眾看不懂其內涵,甚至會讓文創庸俗化。這也不禁讓人疑惑,這樣的科技究竟想承載的是文化的內容,亦或是單純的影像呢?本研究以挑選三間領先的韓國文化科技企業,並透過紮根理論來歸納實證資料後,發現三種轉化手法,分別為:內容底蘊化、科技感動化和智財商模化。從理論的角度來看,本研究提出文化科技必須藉由將內涵進行轉化的概念,並說明科技不只是載具,打開來之後,裡面有許多意涵。這三個轉化手法也能拿來做為真假文創的辨別依據。在實務的貢獻上,本研究重申易懂的底蘊、經詮釋的科技和商業模式創新的重要性。期望透過三種轉化手法的提出,打開科技盒內的潘朵拉,讓盒內的希望涌動出文化的深刻感動。
Previous literature on technology management considers technology as a blackbox, as panacea, which when implemented could solve any problem. New understanding indicates that technology is more related to Pandora's box. When technology is opened, rich meanings are inscribed and modes of organizing are embedded, embodied certain kind of technology spirit. This study attempts to move away administrative technology, such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems, and turn attention to cultural technology, in order to explore the issue of technology embeddedness. Creative and cultural industry seems to have such a ‘blackbox’ myth, assumes that when technology is projected, culture is shared and disseminated, and audiences will be attracted, leading to economic value. This myth leads to the production of incomprehensible cultural content by technology. Even more, technology vulgarizes creative and cultural contents. This also leads to confusion – whether technology carries cultural contents or merely a projection of images. This research select three leading Korean enterprises specialized in cultural technology, and analyzes the evidence using grounded theory approach. It found three specific transformation approaches, they are: repurposing contents, inspiring interactive technology and commercializing intellectual properties. Theoretically, this research suggests that technology must be complemented with realizing cultural connotation, and not considers technology merely as a medium. When we open a technology, there are plenty of connotations waiting to be explored. These transformation approaches could be used to measure the authenticity of creative and cultural enterprises. Practically, this study suggests how to apply these three approaches in developing cultural technology, by taking into account a cultural content’s symbolic significance, interaction between technology and users, and the potential value of intellectual properties through business model innovation. By so doing, this thesis aims to bring out Pandora from the box and spring up sensational culture within technology.
聲明頁 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VII
壹、緒論 8
第一節 研究動機 8
第二節 研究目的 12
第三節 預期效應 13
貳、文獻回顧 15
第一節 文化科技的定義 15
第二節 科技印刻論 18
第三節 科技鑲嵌論 20
第四節 內涵需要透過科技轉化 23
參、研究方法 26
第一節 方法論與分析架構 26
第二節 案例選擇與理論抽樣 29
第三節 資料分析 32
第四節 資料蒐集 35
肆、研究發現 40
第一節 案例背景 40
一、Macrograph:特效轉換為虛擬體驗 40
二、SM-Town:流行音樂轉換為環繞劇場 42
三、D’strict:廣告公司轉換為韓流博物館 44
第二節 內容底蘊化 45
一、沉浸化體驗 46
二、移植化體驗 47
三、中介化體驗 49
第三節 科技感動化 51
一、穿越式互動 52
二、涉入式互動 54
三、幻境式互動 58
第四節 智財商模化 62
一、經營代管 62
二、粉絲經濟延展 64
三、模組客製化 67
五、討論 71
第一節 學術意涵 71
一、科技鑲嵌做為,還需轉化 71
二、科技不只是載體,更包覆文化意涵 73
三、科技不只是輔助,更是文與創的衝突 73
第二節 實務啟示 76
底蘊的重要 76
科技詮釋的重要 77
台灣業界的困境 78
第三節 研究限制與未來方向 80
科技的延展與深入 80
構念的發展 81
真假文創的延伸研究 82
陸、結論 83
參考文獻 85
中文文獻 85
附件:論文口試回覆稿 89
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