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研究生(外文):Ding-You Wang
論文名稱(外文):Hydraulic Analysis of Overland Flow by a Diffusion Wave Model
指導教授(外文):Ping-Cheng Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:Diffusion wave equationOverland flowLaw of mass conservationTime-varying rainfall
  • 被引用被引用:1
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In recent years, various hillslopes in Taiwan have been developed and large amounts of materials such as cement, asphalt, etc. were used to cover the original ground surface. This not only causes the decrease in surface friction and permeability, but also increases the velocity and runoff of overland flow, which in turn increases the frequency and scale of flooding. For this reason, the prediction of change of the overland flow caused by rainfall has become an important issue.
The purpose of this study is to simulate the differences in overland flow under different rainfall patterns. Simulations are based on the theory of the diffusion wave model. The diffusion wave equations studied by previous studies are used to derive the analytical solution to the water depth of overland flow by using the generalized integral transform technique. In addition, because the previous studies on the diffusion wave use a large number of parameters only by empirical judgement, this study proposes an algorithm of parameter correction using the law of mass conservation to enhance the rationality of the overall simulation results. In the same case, compared with the parameters used by previous studies, about 20% mass shift can be reduced, and the simulation results of the overland flow through each location along the slope can be greatly improved.
In the case of uniform rainfall, this study confirms that under a continuous rainfall event, the flow will reach a stable state and no longer change over time. From the results of time-varying rainfall analysis, it can be known that the peak at last section rainfall has the maximum peak depth and peak discharge. It followed by the peak at the third quarter section rainfall. However, the average overland flow velocity of the peak at center rainfall is the largest, followed by the peak at the first quarter section rainfall. The peak depth, peak flow, and average flow rate of the double peak rainfall are the smallest of all rainfall patterns. The assumptions of this study may make the research results slightly different from the actual physical phenomena, but we still hope that this study can provide a reference for watershed management work.
目 錄
摘 要 i
Abstract iii
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
符號說明 xi
第一章 前言 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2研究動機與目的 1
1-3研究內容 2
1-4章節介紹 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1理論說明 5
2-2相關應用 6
第三章 研究方法與材料 12
3-1 控制方程式的建立 13
3-2 初始、邊界條件 14
3-3 變數變換法 15
3-4 廣義積分轉換法 15
3-5 線性化參數校正 19
3-6時變性降雨 20
第四章 結果與討論 22
4-1線性解析解比較 22
4-2敏感度分析 24
4-3線性化參數與漫地流流經時間相關性探討 29
4-3.1小結 32
4-4線性化參數方案比較 32
4-4.1擴散波模式研究之線性化參數應用例 33
4-4.2利用質量守恆觀點校正參數 34
4-4.3使用迭代技巧校正參數 41
4-4.4小結 47
4-5模式驗證 47
4-6不同坡度和降雨強度之漫地流水理分析 52
4-7基隆地區不同重現期之漫地流水理分析 56
4-8時變性降雨之漫地流水理分析 59
第五章 結論與建議 66
5-1結論 66
5-2建議 67
參考文獻 70
附錄A 迭代方法校正線性化參數之過程 73
附錄B 線性解析解之特殊情況說明 76
附錄C線性化參數質量守恆觀點校正之MATLAB程式 78
附錄D線性化參數迭代方法校正之MATLAB程式 82
附錄E 均勻降雨考量入滲計算水深及流量之MATLAB程式 87
附錄F 時變性降雨水深及流量之MATLAB程式 91
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