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研究生(外文):Chi-Kuang Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Comparison of mangrove trophic models in Wazihwei and Qigu
外文關鍵詞:EcopathTrophic structureNetwork analysisecosystemLindeman Spine
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生態系是由生物因數與非生物因數透過彼此間的交互作用而組成。許多研究中常以特定生物或因數進行研究,卻未將因數間的交互作用考慮進來。臺灣至今仍缺乏紅樹林食物網模式,因此本研究利用Ecopath with Ecosim軟體,建構挖仔尾紅樹林及七股紅樹林兩地不同樹種的食物網模式,嘗試將生物間複雜的食性關係簡化,探討整個紅樹林生態系結構與功能,並且進一步嘗試釐清影響兩地紅樹林生態系結構的主要因數,以期未來可以針對紅樹林的保育提出建言。使用食物網模式進行研究的主要原因為相較於其他研究生態系方法,食物網模式較不受時、空尺度限制,亦能節省成本,並可對龐大且複雜的生態系統進行全方面性的研究。由Lindeman食物鏈物質傳輸模式結果顯示,挖仔尾紅樹林系統中總系統流量主要集中於營養階層I(59.15%);七股紅樹林系統中總系統流量亦集中於營養階層I(87.41%)。在挖仔尾紅樹林及七股紅樹林中,能量流都主要集中在初級生產者以及碎屑,且較高階的消費者都因為其生物量過低而造成能量平均傳輸效率低。在挖仔尾紅樹林系統中,關鍵生物指數較高的功能群為甲殼類、食魚性鳥類以及浮游動物;七股紅樹林系統中較高關鍵生物指數的類群則為大型肉食性鳥類、軟體動物及肉食性軟體動物。由生態系指數中可以發現,兩個紅樹林都處於發展中的生態系,再由基礎生產量及總呼吸量比值(P:R)中可以發現,挖仔尾紅樹林成熟度較高。挖仔尾紅樹林生態系的Finn’s cycling index較七股紅樹林高,顯示物質循環在挖仔尾紅樹林比例較高,其單位能量流支持的Finn’s mean path也比較高。透過A/C值與O/C值比較發現,挖子尾紅樹林相比七股紅樹林,結構雖比較不穩定,但其受到擾動後的回復力卻比七股紅樹林較高一些。台灣與國際間紅樹林相比,面積相對小,但論系統成熟度及整體活力和國際間紅樹林相比各有高低,顯示紅樹林面積大小並非影響紅樹林結構的主因。位於台灣的挖仔尾紅樹林以及七股紅樹林,構成紅樹林的樹種不同,不同樹種對食物網結構確實造成差異,但樹種差異所造成之影響程度仍須後續探討。
The ecosystem is constituted through the interactions between biological factors and abiotic factors. Many studies were often conducted on specific organisms or factors, but failed to take into account the interactions between these factors. At present, there is still a lack of the trophic model of a mangrove ecosystem in Taiwan. Therefore, this study applies the software system of Ecopath with Ecosim to construct trophic models of mangrove ecosystems of two different mangrove species in Wazihwei and Qigu, respecitively. The structure and functioning of the entire mangrove ecosystems will be investigated to further clarify the main factors affecting the structures and energy flows of the mangrove ecosystems at the two places, with a hope to provide constructive advices for the conservation of mangroves in the future. The main reason for using the trophic model is that comparing to other methods, the trophic model is less subject to the time and space scales. It can also save costs, and be feasible for a full-scale study on a whole ecosystem. The results of the Lindeman Spine show that the overall system flow in the Wazihwei mangroves was mainly concentrated in Trophic Level I (59.15%), and the overall system flow in the Qigu mangroves was also mainly concentrated in Trophic Level I (87.41%). In the Wazihwei and Qigu mangroves, the energy flow was mainly concentrated in the primary producers and detritus, and the higher-order consumers have the lower transfer efficiency on average owing to the overly low biomass. In the Wazihwei mangroves , the functional groups with higher keystone indices were crustaceans, fish-eating birds and zooplanktons. Meanwhile, in the Qigu mangroves, the functional groups with higher keystone indices were large carnivorous birds, molluscs and carnivorous molluscs. It can be found based on ecosystem indices that both mangroves were in the developmental phase. It can also be found from the ratio of the primary production to the total respiration (P:R) that the mangroves in Qigu were more mature. The Finn's cycling index of the Wazihwei mangroves was higher than that of the Qigu mangroves, indicating that the proportion of cycling matter was higher in the Wazihwei mangroves, and the Finn's mean path length was also higher. Comparing the A/C value and the O/C value, it is found that though the Wazihwei mangroves had a more unstable structure than the Qigu mangroves, the recovery capacity of the Wazihwei mangroves after disturbance was higher than that of the Qigu mangroves. Compared with the mangroves at other location, Taiwan’s mangroves had a relatively small area. However, the system maturity and overall vitality are comparable to those of other mangroves, indicating that the area of mangroves did not matter with mangrove structure. The Wazihwei mangrovea and the Qigu mangroves in Taiwan were constituted of different mangrove species. Different tree species did make a difference in the structure of food web, but the influence of location cannot be excluded. The extent of influence caused by the differences in tree species still needs further study.
第一章、 前言........................................................1
一、 濕地與沿海濕地的定義及其重要性.......................1
二、 生態系........................................................1
三、 紅樹林的種類與功能............................................2
四、 食物網模式....................................................2
五、 研究動機與目標................................................3
第二章、 材料與方法..................................................4
一、 研究地點簡介.................................................4
二、 食物網模式...................................................4
1. 食物網模式原理與假設.......................................4
2. 功能群設定與參數輸入..........................................6
(1) 浮游藻.....................................................6
(2) 底棲藻.....................................................6
(3) 紅樹林.....................................................7
(4) 浮游動物...................................................7
(5) 甲殼類.....................................................7
(6) 環節動物...................................................7
(7) 軟體動物...................................................7
(8) 肉食性軟體動物.............................................8
(9) 雜食性魚類.................................................8
(10) 濾食性魚類...............................................8
(11) 肉食性魚類...............................................8
(12) 雜食性鳥類...............................................8
(13) 小型肉食鳥類.............................................9
(14) 大型肉食鳥類.............................................9
(15) 食魚性鳥類...............................................9
(16) 外來肉食性鳥類...........................................9
(17) 猛禽.....................................................9
(18) 有機碎屑.................................................9
3. 食物網模式驗証與平衡......................................15
4. 模式輸出與網絡分析........................................16
(1) 有效營養階層、傳輸效率、Lindeman 食物鏈物質傳輸模式.....16
(2) 綜合營養衝擊及關鍵生物指數...............................16
(3) 生態系指數...............................................17
① 能量流與生物量指數......................................18
② 碎屑食物鏈與植食性食物鏈流量比值(D:H ratio)..............18
(4) 食物網複雜度.............................................19
(5) 循環分析指數.............................................19
(6) 訊息理論指數.............................................19
第三章、 結果.......................................................21
一、 模式平衡與驗證...............................................21
二、 營養結構與能量流分析.........................................21
三、 綜合營養衝擊與關鍵生物指數...................................31
四、 生態系指數...................................................36
第四章、 討論.......................................................38
一、 挖仔尾紅樹林與七股紅樹林生態系食物網模式之探討...............38
二、 生態系指數...................................................40
三、 挖仔尾與七股紅樹林與台灣其他生態系之比較.....................41
四、 挖仔尾與七股紅樹林和國際間其他紅樹林生態系之比較.............44
五、 挖仔尾紅樹林與七股紅樹林生態系特性...........................45
六、 研究限制與未來展望...........................................46
1. 七股紅樹林環節動物生物量.....................................46
2. 未納入昆蟲功能群.............................................46
3. 生物分佈均勻度...............................................47
4. 功能群生理特性..............................................47
5. 缺乏漁獲及遷出入資料........................................47
6. 樹種差異....................................................47
7. 模式範圍小..................................................47
第五章、 結論.......................................................53
第六章、 參考文獻...................................................54
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