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研究生(外文):Chia-Jin Chang
論文名稱:政治涉入度對觀看與持續參與意圖之影響 -以臉書直播為例
論文名稱(外文):Influence of Political Involvement on Watching and Continual Participation Intention- Taking Facebook as an example
指導教授(外文):Jung-Yu Lai
口試委員(外文):Ying-Jiun HsiehYu-Min Wang
外文關鍵詞:Political InvolvementLive WebcastPolitical EfficacyContinuing IntentionUses and Gratifications
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研究對象以有觀賞政治直播的群眾為主,以網路問卷呈現並發放314份問卷,嘗試了解政治涉入度是否會影響群眾觀看直播及參與政治的意圖。 除此之外,本研究探討使用與滿足理論中的滿足感,觀看是否具中介效果,並以政治效能感作為調節變數。根據研究結果,也證實滿足感確實會影響閱聽眾在參與政治及觀看直播之意圖,並確定政治效能感對於參與政治及觀看直播不具調節效果,礙於研究限制,未來研究能夠探討投票意願,觀看涉入度與意圖是否能確實轉換成選票,透過滿足閱聽人需求這項關鍵因子,未來政治活動中該如何操作新媒體呈現符合閱聽眾需求的直播內容及妥善利用資源進行精確的媒體露出,將成為必備的課題,而新媒體直播的應用也替過往訴諸激情的傳統選戰投入不同的化學效應。
Nowadays, live platforms are gaining popularity by their abilities to transfer images and enable politicians to respond to viewers’ comments simultaneously. By creating a sense of presence to their viewers, it increasingly motivates viewers to participate in these live webcasts. A number of promoting strategies emerged on live webcasts in the wake of this tide. Need for acquiring knowledge is part of the reason why people engage in live webcasts on Internet. And Facebook has become the dominant platform for exchange of information and live webcasts. Therefore, politicians have been making good use of this trend to promote themselves and have gotten positive results. Even though there are an increasing number of politicians using live webcasts as a tool, seldom do people conduct in-depth studies of this subject.
Hence, this essay will be focusing on the interaction between politicians and viewers. In order to see whether the satisfaction which comes after watching live webcasts can encourage the viewers to further participate in political live webcasts, or even continuing the action of watching live webcasts, and in terms of the degree of political involvement, to differentiate whether the degree of involvement under various circumstances would affect people’s intention, 314 online surveys which mainly aim at people who watch political live webcasts were collected. Trying to get a better understanding of whether political involvement will influence people’s willingness to watch live webcasts and their intention to engage in politics.
Besides, using political efficacy as a variable to look closely at gratifications in the uses and gratifications theory, and to see if there is any mediating effect in viewing itself. According to the research results, it also proves the gratifications in the uses and gratifaction does affect the views's intention to participate in politics and watching live webcasts, and to determine that political efficacy has no effect on participation in politics and watching live webcasts.Due to the restriction of research, I hope I could further study in voting intention in the future and see if viewers’ viewing involvement and their intention could turn into real votes in elections. How politicians manipulate contents of live webcasts for their viewers, and how they make good use of resources to precede precise media exposure in future political campaigns with the key factor of meeting people’s needs, are necessities to them. And the application of live webcasts is going to influence conventional election campaigns which appeal to emotion and passion.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
1. 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 3
第四節 研究流程 4
2. 文獻探討 5
第一節 直播 5
第二節 涉入度 6
第三節 使用與滿足感 9
第四節 政治效能感 11
第五節 參與意圖 12
第六節 持續參與意圖 13
3. 研究方法 16
第一節 研究架構與假設 16
第二節 概念定義與操作化 19
第三節 小結 22
4. 資料分析 25
第一節 樣本基本資料分析 25
第二節 問卷量表之信度與效度檢驗 26
第三節 研究變數之因果模式分析 29
第四節 研究變數之調節效果分析 33
5.結論與建議 36
第一節 研究結果與討論 36
第二節 管理意涵 38
第三節 研究限制 40
第四節 未來研究之建議 41
第五節 總結與未來展望 42
參考文獻 46
附錄 50
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