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研究生(外文):Wei-An Chang
論文名稱(外文):Development of a Prototype of Adjustable Wheel Track Mechanism for Agricultural Vehicles
外文關鍵詞:Six-bar linkageWheel trackDesign optimization
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農業從業人員常需要農用搬運車協助搬運,然而大型農用車受限於車體輪距過大,無法進入田間作業,小型之農用車雖可以在較窄的畦溝進行作業,但載重不大、作業量不具效益,且車體穩定性不高。本研究在於研製一個可以調整農用推車輪距之機構,以兩組六連桿機構(Watt 型)分別控制農用推車左右輪距,有別於傳統伸縮設計普遍使用的四連桿機構,使用六連桿可使輪距調整幅度更大且車體高度不會過度升高。設計過程利用機構分析結合最佳化設計方法以確定各桿件尺寸,在最佳化設計後的2D模型中,車體的一半輪距由最寬到最窄約縮減了46%,平台高度只上升了11%。為了驗證設計結果,本研究使用CAD軟體繪圖建模及模擬分析確認設計之可行性,接著以3D 列印各組件並配合特殊之螺桿及滑軌安裝方式組裝完成小型雛型機,最後進行變換輪距及穩定度等測試,以確認與分析結果是否一致。依照本研究之機構組裝方式,可使輪距改變時保持輪胎垂直,根據應力分析結果,主要負載之固定滑軌連接器整體之安全係數均大於3.78。而在雛型機測試結果中,車體輪距從最寬到最窄約縮減了26%,平台高度只上升了8%,而在最窄輪距時穩定性只下降了13%,表示在最窄輪距時仍能保有不錯的穩定度。此雛型機開發完成,後人可放大此小型雛型機,並移至田間進行測試。本設計將可適用於不同畦溝寬度之農作物搬運工作,當離開田間到道路行駛時,輪距可以變寬,同時載台可以隨之降低,以增加行駛穩定性。
Farmers often require various agricultural vehicles to carry crops and tools. However, the large agricultural vehicles are limited by excessive wheel track and hard to operate in the small field. On the other hand, the small agricultural vehicles can operate in narrower furrows, but the load capacity is not profitable, and the body is unstable. This research focused on developing a mechanism that can adjust the wheel track of agricultural vehicles. The six-bar linkage (Watt-type) will be adapted. Different from commonly used four-bar linkage, the use of six-bar linkage allows greater range of adjustment in wheel track while the body height will not rise too much. In the design process, we used the method of kinematic analysis combined with the optimization technique to determine the dimension of each linkage. According to 2D model result, from the widest to the narrowest, the half of wheel track is reduced by approximately 46% and the body height is increased by only 11%. To validate the design, the CAD modeling and simulation analysis was carried out to confirm the feasibility of the design, and the components of the linkages will be manufactured by 3D printer. According to result of stress analysis, the safety factor of the major loading part of the connection is more than 3.78. A small-scale prototype of agricultural vehicle was assembled and tested. Regarding to the prototype, from the widest to the narrowest, the wheel track is reduced by approximately 26% and the body height is increased by only 8%. The loss of stability is only about 13%. When the vehicle with this mechanism leaves from the field to the road, the wheel track can be widened, and the height of carrying platform can be reduced to maintain driving stability.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 viii
符號說明 ix
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
2.1 平面連桿概述 3
2.2 連桿機構設計 5
2.3 機構結合最佳化設計 9
2.4 可調式輪距或軸距 11
第三章 實驗理論分析 13
3.1機構選擇 13
3.2六連桿機構初始設計 14
3.3 連桿運動分析 16
3.4尺寸最佳化設計 19
第四章 材料與方法 24
4.1 各桿件3D模型 24
4.2 其他連接零件及傳動金屬件 25
4.3驅動裝置與控制器 28
4.4 車體穩定測試-傾斜平台實驗 33
4.5 3D列印設備與耗材 38
4.6 組件負重應力分析 39
第五章 結果與討論 41
5.1尺寸最佳化設計結果 41
5.2 連桿CAD模型 43
5.3 連桿機構3D列印雛型 46
5.4 雛型車組裝與公差 48
5.5固定滑軌連接器應力分析結果 51
5.6傾斜平台實驗結果 55
第六章 結論與建議 59
6.1結論 59
6.2 建議 60
參考文獻 61
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