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研究生(外文):Chih-Yung Yu
論文名稱(外文):The Establishment of Own Brand and the Operational Strategies in Electronic Business Platform
外文關鍵詞:Own BrandCompetitive StrategiesElectronic Business Platform
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本文探討個案公司之自主品牌建立的過程,其中包含自主品牌在電商平台中的經營方向、定位、價值主張、以及整合性的品牌管理溝通計畫等等;本研究是以In-Export International Co., LTD (英格寶國際股份有限公司)為研究對象,亦即本文之個案公司。個案公司計劃利用電商平臺來銷售自主品牌產品的經營模式,以美國Amazon 為銷售平台,並以小孩冬靴為產品來進行研究。本文自主品牌分析結果如下:自主品牌的競爭策略上,除了品質上盡量達到主要競爭者(Bogs)的產品特性水準,在價格訂定上也要考量次要競爭者(Oaki)的價格競爭。個案公司預計以三年的時間來建立自主品牌,從第一年的草創初期預估會有$22,838的預期損失,但扣除管銷費用後則產生虧損。第二年可望達到接近損益兩平的營運目標,預期結果本年度淨損$2,250,接近損益兩平的水準。第三年自主品牌進入成熟期的正常軌道營運,公司預期可以獲得稅後淨利$91,238,這個獲利足以補貼第一年草創期的營運虧損,同時配合品牌價值的建立,相關的鞋類產品也可望在本期間陸續推出,因此自主品牌的建立實為一可行的目標。
The case study in this project is to analyze the establishment of own brand for a company. The company utilizes the electronic business platform to sell the product, children's boots. I analyze the issues include the direction of company’s operation, pricing policy, and integrated brand management. The company is In-Export International Co., Ltd. and the electronic business platform is Amazon in the United States. I find that the quality of the boots should match its main competitor, Bogs, and the price should range between Bogs and Oaki, its minor competitor. The company has three-year plan to establish the own brand. After the simulated analysis, I find that the accounting performance in the first year is net loss of $22,828, which is expected due to the new brand effect. The second year would reach the break-even performance, which results in net loss of $2,250. The third year would have after tax net income of $91,238, which recover the net losses in the first two years. In sum, the own brand is worth to establish based on the simulated analysis and other related products under this own brand would also easy to promote after three years.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
第三章 個案公司與市場簡介 9
第一節 兒童冬靴簡介 9
第二節 消費者價值主張 11
第三節 網路平台簡介 12
第四章 自主品牌建立規劃分析 13
第一節 設定競爭策略 13
第二節 定價策略 16
第三節 預期的經營目標 17
第四節 敏感度分析 20
第五節 自主品牌之SWOT分析 22
第五章 結論 23
參考文獻 25
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