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論文名稱(外文):Study on Bills Of Quantities and Wastages of Building Construction Projects
外文關鍵詞:construction engineeringdesign quantitieswastage quantitypermissible error specified in contractprice estimation
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Quantities related to designs displayed on the construction engineering tender documents are the basis for estimating construction costs. The content of these design quantities affects the rights of the contractor. Often, a designer and a contractor enter into a dispute or litigation over the quantity of certain materials or disagreement over the design. This study investigated wastage as being the most common element in cognitive gaps between the designer and contractor.
First, the content that must be presented in the project budget is discussed, and then, using the budget structure, the level of the designer’s item pricing is deduced. The design quantities to be verified for acceptance of contracted work should be listed in the bill of quantities; therefore, a unit price analysis demonstrated the various work items involved in each design unit. Wastage of construction material was thus deduced and their position and method of presentation in the budget determined.
Next, through interviews with experts, the study collated the contents and calculation method for the construction quantity determined by the designer. This together with the contractor’s quantity check method used after they receive the project drawings and tender documents were employed to develop a standard quantity calculation method of various materials to deduce differences in the calculations of the two parties.
This study evaluated three completed construction project cases to examine the wastage calculation method employed by the designing units of each case as well as the contractor’s results at the time of project completion. In the cases, the designing unit’s calculation of material quantity based on the content of the design drawing, including “reinforcement materials” and “temporary auxiliary materials” for the work, was examined; the former is a design consideration and the design quantity should be calculated in the bill of quantities; the latter cannot be clearly quantified, and waste and wear should be included in the unit price analysis for reasonable proportionate estimation. This method of calculation enabled the material quantity in dispute cases to conform to the permissible margin of error specified in the contract. Namely, the calculation method used in this study may reduce disputes arising from wastage issues in the future.
Furthermore, regarding disputes arising from wastage issues, this study collated four types of wastage-related dispute cases to discuss the perspective of the law with regard to wastage disputes of construction contracts. Verdict on the examined cases stated the cost of wastage should always be considered when estimating costs, regardless of whether the wastage quantities were included in the quantity calculation report; these legal precedents were crucial opinions on construction measurement and valuation.
Finally, this study concluded that unforeseen requirements of materials such as temporary auxiliary materials for construction process and waste of materials generally occur during construction projects; these cannot be accurately calculated and are often not in the verification scope for acceptance of contracted work. Therefore, they should be estimated in the unit price analysis. Regarding the estimation method, a “waste of materials from cutting operations” item can be added in the analysis table or a “unit material quantity and loss quantity” calculation method can be used. Accordingly, the required quantities for verifying acceptance of work and the inevitable waste of materials could be accounted for together; hence, mitigating the chances of contract compliance disputes arising from a cognitive gap in wastage evaluation
摘要 II
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 背景說明與研究動機 1
1.2 研究問題 2
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 研究範圍 3
1.5 研究方法與流程 4
1.6 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 建築工程界面之數量計算特性 8
2.2 設計數量的計量與差異 10
2.2.1 數量差異 11
2.2.2 漏項 11
2.2.3 一式計價 13
2.3 損耗量之計算 13
2.4 小結-預算及工程實做成本差異探討 19
第三章 工程預算書之編列 21
3.1 工程預算書之內容與架構 21
3.1.1 工程預算總表 22
3.1.2 工程預算詳細表 23
3.1.3 單價分析表 24
3.1.4 資源統計表 25
3.2 預算單價分析表之編擬 25
3.3 單價分析表內數量計算之特別考量 26
3.3.1 材料類計算 26
3.3.2 機具類計算(租賃,含作業手及油料) 27
3.3.3 人工類計算 27
3.3.4 雜項及零星工料類 27
3.4 材料損耗之計算 28
3.5 單價分析之研究 29
第四章 工程顧問公司與營造廠對損耗觀點之差異 31
4.1 工程顧問公司各項主要建材之計量 31
4.1.1 鋼筋之計量範圍 31
4.1.2 模板之計量範圍 35
4.1.3 混凝土之計量範圍 36
4.2 工程顧問公司之設計量與損耗 36
4.3 營造廠之施工量與損耗 40
4.4 小結 41
第五章 案例分析 46
5.1 D研究大樓新建工程案例(私人工程) 46
5.1.1 鋼筋數量差異之討論 47
5.1.2 鋼筋數量結算結果 48
5.1.3 連續壁鋼筋差異之討論 49
5.1.4連續壁鋼筋數量結算結果 49
5.1.5 混凝土數量計算方式及誤差之討論與結算結果 50
5.1.6 普通模板數量計算方式及誤差之討論與結算結果 50
5.2 E機場遷建工程案例(公共工程) 52
5.2.1 鋼筋數量差異之討論 52
5.2.2 鋼筋數量結算結果 53
5.2.3 混凝土及模板數量計算方式及差異之討論與結算結果 53
5.3 F科技研究大樓新建工程案例(公共工程) 54
5.3.1 鋼筋數量計算之方式與結算結果 54
5.3.2 混凝土及模板數量計算之方式與結算結果 56
5.4 案例小結 57
第六章 數量損耗爭議之判例 60
6.1 鋼筋數量鑑定判例案例一 60
6.2 鋼筋數量鑑定判例案例二 62
6.3 鋼筋數量鑑定判例案例三 64
6.4 鋼筋數量鑑定判例案例四 66
6.5 判例小結 66
第七章 結論與建議 68
7.1 結論 68
7.2 綜整分析 69
7.3 後續研究方向 75
參考文獻 77
附錄一 訪談記錄 80
附錄二 本研究引用判例判決書原文 97
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