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研究生(外文):Hsiao, Fu-Chun
論文名稱(外文):Microwave Generation in the Three-Section DFB Laser
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chien-Chung
口試委員(外文):Lay, Tsong-ShengKuo, Cheng-HuangKuo, Hao-chung
外文關鍵詞:Semiconductor laserMicrowave signalLinewidthFour-wave mixing
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我們的兩段式分佈式回饋雷射在幾年前已經被研究過,包括雷射射頻訊號的產生和特性,還有射頻線寬的降低。在過去的研究中,我們的實驗元件是單片式兩段式分佈式回饋雷射,但是現在,我們著重在新的雷射組成物上,利用三個單一雷射去封裝成單片式三段式分佈式回饋雷射。一開始,我們利用兩段式分佈式回饋雷射去分析布拉格反射鏡的對數和雷射的模態之間的關係. 在測試完之前封裝完的三段式分佈式回饋雷射還有資料分析,比較兩段式雷射我們在兩兩雷射之中設計了相似的布拉格反射鏡. 藉由分析之前的布拉格反射鏡的結構,我們設計了4.5對的磷化銦/空氣的布拉格反射鏡還有2.5對的磷化銦/空氣的布拉格反射鏡去觀察雷射的特性,然後我們想要利用主人雷射去調變射頻訊號的特性,然後發現主人雷射在4.5對的磷化銦/空氣的布拉格反射鏡的結構中,對於射頻訊號是扮演一個加熱器的角色,而這個射頻訊號是由兩個僕人雷射產生的。在另一方面,2.5對的磷化銦/空氣的布拉格反射鏡對於射頻訊號的特性提供一些有趣的現象。藉由在三個雷射之間適當的電流配置,我們可以產生可調性的射頻訊號。
Our monolithic two-section DFB laser have been researched in few years, the laser property about the RF generation and property, the reduction of RF linewidth have been reported. In previous research, our experimental device is the monolithic two-section DFB laser, but now, we focus the new formation of the lasers, using the three one section lasers packaged to monolithic three-section DFB lasers. At first, we analyze the relations between the DBR mirrors and the mode of the lasers with the two-section laser. After testing the prior three section laser and the data analysis, we design the similar DBR pairs in the two lasers. By analyzing the prior DBR structure, we design the 4.5 InP/air DBR pairs and 2.5 InP/air DBR pairs to observe the laser property, and we want to use the maser laser to modulate the RF characteristic, and founding the master play the heater on the RF which is dominantly generated by two slave lasers in terms of the 4.5 DBR pairs structure. On the other hand, the 2.5 InP/air DBR structure provide some interesting behavior for the RF properties. By suitable current allocation of the three lasers, we are able to generate the tunable RF signal.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iv
List of Table vi
List of Figures vii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Radio over fiber 1
Chapter 2. Theory 3
2.1 Injection Locking 3
2.2 Four Wave Mixing 4
2.3 Heterodyne 6
2.3 Linewidth in steady state 8
2.4 Linewidth Characterization 11
Chapter 3. Device Structure and experiment Setup 15
3.1 Device structure 15
3.2 Experiment equipment 18
3.2.1 Optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) 18
3.2.2 Electric spectrum analyzer (ESA) 18
3.2.3 Probe station 21
3.2.4 Current driver 23
3.2.5 Focus-ion-beam (FIB) 23
3.2.6 Photodetector 25
3.2.7 Amplifier 25
3.2.8 Power meter 26
3.2.9 Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) 27
3.3 Measurement setup 27
Chapter 4. Result and Discussion 31
4.1 The design of the three-section lasers 31
4.2 The 4.5 & 7.5 DBR pairs for Double-facet method 32
4.3 The 4.5 DBR pairs for Double-facet method 35
4.3.1 From the viewpoint of changing S2 drive current 36
4.3.2 From the changed master point of view 40
4.3.3 Sum up 43
4.4 The 2.5 DBR pairs for Single-facet method 43
4.4.1 From the viewpoint of changing S2 drive current 43
4.4.2 From the viewpoint of changing M drive current 46
4.5 The 2.5 DBR pairs for Double-facet method 48
4.5.1 From the viewpoint of changing S1 drive current 48
4.5.2 From the viewpoint of changing master drive current 63
4.5.3 Sum up 78
Chapter 5. Conclusion and Future work 80
Reference 82
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