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研究生(外文):Wu, Hsin-Yu
論文名稱(外文):A 400Gb/s High-Speed WDM-OFDM Long Reach Passive Optical Network
指導教授(外文):Chen, Jyehong
口試委員(外文):Lai, Yin-ChiehFeng, Kai-MingWei, Chia-Chien
外文關鍵詞:Optical CommunicationPONOFDM
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在本篇討論中,我們使用正交多頻分波多工的系統傳輸,將系統分成八個通道,使用自相位調變(SPM)解決RF Power Fading,並用非線性失真補償技術提高傳輸速率。在整個傳輸過程中沒有使用光放大器並且重新使用了10GHz的電吸收調變器(EAM)和感光二極體(PIN),在經過60公里的傳輸之後總傳輸量可達400Gbps,每個通道的損耗預算為24-dB,支援64位用戶超過6Gbps的使用流量。
Since the era of information explosion is coming and public’s reliance of social media, the needs of data transmission is getting larger nowadays. Passive optical network (PON) is a promising way to achieve the requirement. In the standard of next-generation PON (NGPON2) by Full Service Access Network, the fiber distance is 20-km to 1000-km, and provides 40-Gbps network transmission capacity to support 1-Gbps data rate per optical network unit (ONU).
In this paper, we employ WDM-OFDM PON system to the eight channels. We solve the RF power fading by self-phase modulation (SPM) effect and improve the data rate by the non-linear distortion compensation technology. There are not any inline amplifier and pre-amplifier through the entire system, and we reuse the 10-GHz EAM and PIN, the data rate after 60-km transmission can reach 400Gbps data rate, the loss budget is 24-dB per channel. Therefore it can support 64 ONUs with >6-Gbps capacity.
Chinese abstract…………………………………………………………ii
English Abstract…………………………………………………………iii
List of Figures…………………………………………………………viii
List of Tables………………………………………………………xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Fiber optic communication 1
1.1.1 The evolution of communication 2
1.1.2 Metro traffic 5
1.2 The passive-optical network (PON) 6
1.2.1 The roadmap of PON 7
1.2.2 Next generation PON technology 8
1.3 Motivation 9
Chapter 2 Optical OFDM-IMDD PON system 11
2.1 Introduction of OFDM signal 11
2.1.1 The basic structure of OFDM 12
2.1.2 The advantages and disadvantages of OFDM signal 13
2.2 Challenge of OFDM-IMDD PON 16
2.2.1 RF power fading 17
2.3 Self-Phase Modulation Analysis 19
2.4 Bit-loading algorithm 21
Chapter 3 Volterra series analysis 23
3.1 Introduction 23
3.2 Volterra series: time domain analysis 23
3.2.1 MSE function 23
3.2.2 Wiener solution 24
3.2.3 Volterra nonlinear series expansion from wiener filter 27
Chapter 4 Experimental analysis on 60-km 8-channels OFDM long reach PON 29
4.1 60km 1-channel OFDM transmission system 29
4.1.1 Experimental setup 29
4.2 Fading effect 30
4.2.1 Solution of RF power fading by fading cancelling 32
4.2.2 Solution of RF power fading by SPM effect 33
4.3 60-km 8-channel OFDM transmission system 34
4.3.1 Experimental setup 34
4.3.2 Challenge of WDM 38
Chapter 5 Conclusions 50
5.1 Overview of the thesis 50
5.2 Benchmark 52
5.3 Future work 54
References 55
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1. 混和型拉曼/摻鉺光纖放大器之高速正交分頻多工系統被動光網路系統
2. 室內LED光源應用正交分頻多工技術之高速可見光通訊
3. 混和型拉曼/摻鉺光纖放大器之高速正交分頻 多工系統被動光網路系統應用雪崩式光電二極體與人工神經網路
4. 藉由正規化和剪裁方式降低非線性均衡器之複雜度技術並應用於850奈米垂直共振腔面射型雷射光連結系統
5. 應用LASSO和QR正交化分解來達成低複雜度的Volterra濾波器並應用在長距離被動式光纖系統中
6. 高速且長距離之正交分頻多工強度調變直接偵測系統中的非線性失真補償
7. 基於波長850奈米垂直共振腔面射型雷射之高速率距離乘積光連結系統應用非線性失真補償技術
8. 高速正交分頻多工長距離被動光網路系統透過降低OFDM過高峰均功率比技術
9. 矽晶光電同調收發傳輸系統數位訊號處理技術應用
10. 短距離光連結系統以波長850奈米垂直共振腔體面射型雷射為基礎應用非線性失真補償技術
11. 在光互連系統採用垂直共振腔面射型雷射並作非線性失真補償技術
12. 以多目標基因演算法來降低非線性等化器之複雜度與其 應用在超過10 公里高速光連接系統
13. 運用創新之混合型人工神經網路架構於高速正交分頻多工被動光網路系統
14. 高資訊量傳輸應用於資料中心之光連結系統應用非線性失真補償技術基於波長850奈米及940奈米垂直共振腔面射型雷射
15. 開發類神經網路非線性分類器及降低其複雜度之方法並應用於高速光傳輸系統