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研究生(外文):Lian, Yuan-Chi
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Modifying Wet-etched Patterned Sapphire Substrate on GaN Epitaxial Behavior using AlN as buffer layer
指導教授(外文):Wu, Yew-Chung
口試委員(外文):Lin, Bo-WenWu, Wen-WeiWu, Yew-Chung
外文關鍵詞:sapphirewet-etchedAlN buffer layerLEDGaN epitaxy
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近年來發光二極體(light emitting diodes ,LEDs),由於其高亮度、高發光效率等優點,逐漸取代傳統燈源,並廣泛應用於生活。而目前常用來做 LED 的材料為氮化鎵(GaN),氮化鎵須藉助基板成長磊晶,通常使用藍寶石基板,但兩者之間的晶格不匹配與熱膨脹系數差異,造成許多缺陷,使內部量子效率(IQE)下降。目前有許多改善GaN LED發光效率的方法被提出來,其中圖形化藍寶石基板(PSS)因為可大量生產且可同時提升內部量子效率(IQE)及光取出效率(LEE),被大量使用。但其仍有可改善之處,根據文獻,不同形貌的PSS與AlN緩衝層的使用可改變磊晶機制並提升磊晶品質,因此本實驗設計以溼式蝕刻與鍍附緩衝層的方式,期望控制磊晶成長模式,並深入了解其磊晶機制。
實驗分兩部分流程進行,第一部分為直接將c-plane PSS溼式蝕刻,後分別直接高溫磊晶(PSSX)、先鍍附Low Temprature GaN緩衝層再高溫磊晶(PSSXL)、鍍附AlN緩衝層再高溫磊晶(PSSXA)。第二部分為先將c-plane PSS利用PECVD與黃光微影技術覆蓋氧化層在底部C面,再進行溼蝕刻,而後亦分別直接高溫磊晶(PSSO)、先鍍附LT GaN緩衝層再高溫磊晶(PSSOL)、鍍附AlN緩衝層再高溫磊晶(PSSOA)。
接著以掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscopy, SEM)與聚焦離子束系統(Focus Ion Bean, FIB)研究不同位置氮化鎵磊晶成長速率。發現使用溼式蝕刻與緩衝層,的確可以改變磊晶成長的位置。濺鍍AlN緩衝層後,磊晶傾向成長在底部C面。因此藉著溼式蝕刻與緩衝層的使用,本實驗成功的製作出GaN只從底部C面區域成長磊晶的PSS。
Recently, Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have been replaced traditional light sources and widely been used in life due to their advantage of high brightness and high efficiency. The material of LEDs is GaN, the epitaxy of GaN relies on substrates. The common substrate is sapphire. There are still many problems between sapphire and GaN such as lattice mismatch and thermal expansion coefficient difference, which will make defects and degrade internal quantum efficiency (IQE). Many methods are proposed to improve the efficiency of GaN LED. Patterned sapphire substrates (PSS) are preferred because of advantages such as improving IQE, LEE and high production rate. However, there are still some problem when using PSS. According to the previous studies, the morphology of PSS and the sputtering AlN buffer layer both affect the growth mechanism of GaN, then improve the crystal quality. Therefore, the experiment included wet-etching and buffer layer methods. I expect to control the growth mode of GaN and figure out the growth mechanism of GaN in depth.
The experiment is composed of two parts. In the first part, the c-plane PSSs are wet-etched directly and then grow GaN without buffer layer(PSSX), with LT GaN buffer layer(PSSXL) and with AlN buffer layer(PSSXA) respectively. In the second part, the bottom of c-plane PSSs are cover with oxide mask before wet-etched and then also grow GaN without buffer layer(PSSO), with LT GaN buffer layer(PSSOL) and with AlN buffer layer(PSSOA) respectively.
The growth rates on diffrient planes are investigated with Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM) and Focus Ion Bean(FIB).It confirmed that through wet-etching technique that modified the PSS and growing buffer layer, the initial growth position of GaN was changed. With sputtering AlN buffer layer, GaN grains mainly grow on the c-plane sapphire region rather than on the sidewall region of PSS. Consequently, the experiment successfully maked out the PSS that GaN only grow on the the c-plane sapphire region with wet-etching and buffer layer.
中文摘要...................................I Abstract.................................III
一、序論 ..................................1
1.1發光二極體發展與應用 ..................1
1.2發光二極體理論 ..................1
1.2.1發光原理 ..........................1
1.2.2 LED發光機制 ..................3
1.2.3 LED轉換效率 ..................4
1.2.4 藍寶石基板 ..................5
1.2.5 藍寶石與氮化鎵晶體結構以及特性簡介 ..8
1.3 圖形化藍寶石基板介紹及其優點 ..........11
1.3.1 乾蝕刻簡介 ..................13
1.3.2 濕蝕刻簡介 ..................13
2.1 動機 ..................16
2.2實驗流程 ..................19
2.3結果與討論 ..................22
2.3.1 蝕刻程度與特殊面 ..................22
2.3.2溼式蝕刻圖形化藍寶石基板 ..........24
2.3.3 LT GaN buffer layer在溼式蝕刻圖形化藍寶石基板 ....32
2.3.4 sputtering AlN buffer layer在溼式蝕刻圖形化藍寶石基板 .....38
2.3.5 蝕刻與緩衝層對磊晶情況 ..........45
三、總結 ..................46
四、未來實驗規劃 .................. 48
五、參考文獻 ..................49
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