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研究生(外文):Huang, Hui-Yu
論文名稱:深度學習中序列模型之去偏見化訓練方法 —以去除聊天機器人的性別職業偏見為例
論文名稱(外文):Debias Training Method of Deep Learning Sequence Model -- Take Gender Bias in Occupations of Chatbot for Example
指導教授(外文):Sun, Chuen-Tsai
口試委員(外文):Hu, Yuh-JyhChen, Yi-Shin
外文關鍵詞:cultural biasdeep learningsequential modelmachine fairnessgender discrimination
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深度學習中的序列模型經常被用來處理自然語言任務﹙Natural Language Processing, NLP﹚,而人類的語言做為模型的訓練數據,經常攜帶著文化上的偏見和歧視――例如種族歧視和性別刻板印象,這些偏見隨著數據被編碼進訓練模型中之後,容易形成機會不均的道德問題。
本研究以遞歸神經網路﹙Recurrent Neural Network, RNN﹚所架構的序列到序列﹙Sequence-to-Sequence, Seq2Seq﹚模型作為聊天機器人的基礎架構,並選取「職業種類」做為去偏見化目的,選取「性別」為去偏見化要素,利用本研究所設計的損失函數,訓練出一個對職業種類較少性別偏見的聊天機器人。
The sequential model of deep learning is commonly used to deal with Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. And “language” as a source of training data with human bias, e.g. racial and gender discrimination, would encode the bias into deep learning model, resulting in ethical issues about fairness.
A Sequence-to-Sequence(Seq2Seq) model with Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is constructed for chatbots, and “occupation” and “gender” are selected as the purpose and factor of debias, respectively. A neutral index of chatbot is designed in this research for quantifying the preference of gender in the responses of occupation-related questions. As a result, we empirically demonstrate that the neutral index of debiased model is less than that of original one.
In this research, a designed term of bias loss is added into the training process for reducing human bias in deep learning model. Furthermore, generalization capability of the debiased model is concerned in the form of a “neutral words” selection problem, which can be referred back to the reality of human culture.
The fairness issues in artificial intelligence and machine learning has profound impact on this world, but it’s often underestimated. It just started to be noticed oversea in recent years. As a pioneer of Taiwan in this area, this study is an urge on the technological improvement of machine fairness issue.
1.1 研究動機......1
1.1.2 機器決策的中立性問題......2
1.1.4 研究動機總結......5
1.2 研究背景......5
1.2.2 當前文獻......7
1.3 研究問題......9
1.4 研究重要性......10
2.1.1 當前文獻架構總覽......11
2.2 詞嵌入(Word Embedding)......15
2.2.1詞向量(Word Vector)......15
2.2.2詞嵌入(Word Embedding)......16
2.3 序列生成相關的類神經網路模型......19
2.3.2循環神經網路(Recurrent Neural Networks,RNN)......20
2.3.3長短期記憶(Long short-term memory,LSTM)......21
2.3.4 序列到序列條件生成模型(Sequence to Sequence Conditioned Generation Framework,Seq2Seq)......23
3.1 研究假設......26
3.2 研究情境與模型架構......28
3.3 實驗設計與研究流程......30
3.4 資料集與資料預處理......31
3.4.1 聊天問答語料......31 資料擷取......31 資料清理......33
3.4.2 族群字與中性字......35
3.4.3 預訓練詞嵌入......36
3.5 模型實作細節......37
3.5.1 開發環境與使用套件......37
3.5.2 模型參數......38
3.5.3 訓練參數......39
3.6 研究工具......40
3.6.1 成效測量及評估方式......40
3.6.2詞嵌入類比分數(Word Embedding Analogy Score)......41
3.6.3詞嵌入偏見程度(Word Embedding Bias)......41
3.6.4聊天機器人回覆偏見程度(Chatbot Response Bias)......42
4.1 實驗一、以職業為中性字的職業去偏見化結果......44
4.1.1 詞嵌入類比分數(Word Embedding Analogy Score)......44
4.1.2 詞嵌入偏見程度......44
4.1.3 聊天機器人回覆偏見程度......45
4.2 實驗二、以褒/貶義詞為中性字的職業去偏見化結果......46
4.2.1 詞嵌入類比分數(Word Embedding Analogy Score)......46
4.2.2 詞嵌入偏見程度......47
4.2.3 聊天機器人回覆偏見程度......48
4.3 研究問題與討論......49
5.1 結論......51
5.2 研究限制......51
5.3 未來建議......52
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