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研究生(外文):Lei, Weng-Ian
論文名稱(外文):Application-Oriented Network States Extraction and Modeling for Software Defined Network
指導教授(外文):Wu, Yu-Sung
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Fu-HauMa, Shang-PinHuang, Chun-Ying
外文關鍵詞:software definition networkOpenFlowmodelization of network statehigh availability
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From the perspective of network operators, network management is becoming much more difficult since every component in the network processes packets according to its own algorithm. A paradigm in networking, software defined network (SDN), advocates separating the data plane and the control plane and uses a logically centralized software program to control the behavior of the entire network. SDN introduces new possibilities for network management and configuration methods. With its technology, it is easier to manage a large data center since every component in the network processes packets according to the control plane’s instructions. It is difficult for network operators to find the problems in a large network at the first timing. They rely on the users' responding for the most part. When the network subjected to some malicious attacks, the network operator would suffer a significant loss if they cannot find and respond to the issue instantly.
In this article, we focus on providing better visibility for performing network diagnosis and troubleshooting. The technologies we describe enable network operators to know the state of the controlling network by analyzing a series of time-related network views with a trained machine learning model. With the adjustment of training direction, the model can be used to probe the service running on network or detect network abnormal state. Thus developing the debugging, backup, restore and many other functions.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Background 3
2.1. SDN and OpenFlow 3
2.2. High Availability 4
2.3. Related Work 4
Chapter 3. System Description 6
3.1. Network View 7
3.1.1. Dynamic Network View 9
3.1.2. Simple Graph and Difference Graph 10
3.1.3. Feature Extraction of Graphs 14
3.2. Application Oriented Network State Extraction and Modeling 16
3.2.1. Application Detector 16
3.2.2. Service Suspension Detector 17
3.2.3. API Template Detector 17
3.3. API Integrator and Northbound API Generation 19
Chapter 4. Experiments 26
4.1. Experiment 1 – Effect of Training Data Size on Modeling Accuracy (Multiple Switches) 27
4.2. Experiment 2 – Effect of Training Data Size on Modeling Accuracy (Single Switch) 28
4.3. Experiment 3 – Compatibility of Detectors (From Multiple to Single) 29
4.4. Experiment 4 – Compatibility of Detectors (From Single to Multiple) 30
Chapter 5. Conclusion 34
Reference… 35
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