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研究生(外文):Chen, Yung-Chi
論文名稱(外文):Prediction of Home Energy Consumption based on Appliance State Transition Models
外文關鍵詞:energy forecastNILM
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Nowadays, more and more people concern the energy and environmental issues and would like to manage the use of electric power from a small-scale area such as a house, a building, or community. One of the most important tasks is to forecast the power consumption in next several minutes and/or hours so that people may cooperatively use their appliances in an asynchronous manner to alleviate the peak power consumption of an area. Different from conventional large-scale power consumption forecast schemes which are mainly based on artificial intelligence methods such as artificial neural network, this paper proposes a new approach to predict the energy consumption of a house and building based on appliance state transition models which can be gathered from a nonintrusive load monitoring (NILM) meter. First, the appliance usage patterns of a house or a building are obtained from the NILM meter. Then, appliance state transition models can be established and they can be used to predict the energy consumption of a house or building efficiently. Simulation results indicate that only 3% to 5% prediction error is introduced for a typical house environment.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II. Related Work 3
III. Home Energy Prediction Method 6
III.1 Building an Appliance State Transfer Model 6
III.1.1 Average Appliance Operating Time 6
III.1.2 State Transition Probability 7
III.1.3 State Transition Model 7
III.1.4 Evaluating the Expected Energy Consumption 8
IV. Simulation and Experimental Results 11
Behavior Switch Pattern 14
Random Switch Pattern 14
V. Conclusion 16
References 17
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