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研究生(外文):Hsu , Chun-Chi
論文名稱(外文):SET/RESET Cycling Induced Read-Disturb Failure Time Degradation in a Resistive Switching Memory
指導教授(外文):Wang, Tahui
外文關鍵詞:Resistive Switching MemoryRead Disturb Failure Time Degradation
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In this thesis, SET/RESET cycling stress induced low-resistance state (LRS) read disturb failure time degradation in the tungsten oxide resistive switching memory is investigated. A strong power law time-dependence (~t^n) of oxygen vacancy annihilation is experimentally discovered, where the power factor n is range from -0.1 to -0.2 and has a voltage dependence. This thesis exposes that the read disturb immunity in a LRS cell gradually degrades several orders of magnitude with cycle number increases before the RESET endurance failure. Simultaneously, a progressive increase of low-field current dominating by trap-assisted tunneling in the rupture region is noticed. To gain a further understanding into this phenomenon, constant voltage stress method is applied to simulate the stress effect during SET/RESET cycling and evaluate the trap generation mechanism in the switching dielectric. These stress-induced oxides traps replace for some of the oxygen vacancies and participate in forming conductive percolation paths, leading to a diminished density of oxygen vacancy and thus causing the degradation of LRS read disturb failure time. For the first time, the stress-induced oxide traps generation rate in a tungsten oxide RRAM is extracted, and an analytical model based on the concept of oxide trap creation is proposed to explain the correlation between stress-induced oxide traps and LRS read disturb failure time degradation. The proposed model in this thesis can well emulate the progressive degradation behavior both in constant voltage stress and cycling stress, confirming that the degradation of read disturb immunity can be attributed to stress-induced oxide traps.
Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract iii
Acknowledgement v
Contents vii
Figure Captions viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Characterization of Stress-Induced LRS Read Disturb Failure time degradation 7
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Device structure and measurement setup 7
2.3 LRS Read Disturb Failure Mechanism Discussion 9
2.4 Stress-Induced LRS Read Disturb Failure Time Degradation 12
Chapter 3 Read Disturb Failure Time Degradation
Model 30
3.1 Introduction 30
3.2 Analytical Modeling of Constant Voltage Stress Induced Read Disturb Failure Time Degradation 30
3.3 Analytical Modeling of Constant Voltage Stress Induced Read Disturb Failure Time Degradation 30
Cycling Induced Read Disturb Failure Time Degradation Model 32
Chapter 4 Conclusion 39
References 40
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