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論文名稱(外文):Time Series Data Compression
指導教授(外文):Yuan, Shyan-MingHsieh, Sheau-Ling
口試委員(外文):Hwang, Ming-JiuChen, Yen-JenYuan, Shyan-MingHsieh, Sheau-Ling
外文關鍵詞:Compression algorithmGUIDTime stamp parameterFloating point value parametersPerformances
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In recent years, numerous smart meters have been widely installed to aggregate time series engineering parameters over fields; it has led to problems of handling big data. The huge volumes of data need to be transmitted, stored, processed as well as retrieved. Storing and accessing these big data have become expensive in time, space and bandwidth. The aim of the study is to find a solution for the problems. One solution developed in the study is to compress/decompress the engineering parameters. The data format of the variables has three (03) portions: 128-bit Global Unique Identifier (GUID), 64-bit time stamp parameter, and 64-bit floating point value parameter. Three encoding/decoding algorithms have been applied and implemented. The approaches have reduced the original historical data size 40% off as well as the storage cost. The algorithms’ performances: the compression ratio, the saving percentage and the compression/decompression time and speed have been measured. The decompression process has been proved faster than the compression process based on the historical data.
Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Problem Statements 1
1.2 Objectives 2
1.3 Scope 2
Chapter 2: Background 3
2.1 Concepts of compression 3
2.1.1 Run-length encoding 4
2.1.2 Huffman Coding 4
2.1.3 Lempel Ziv Welch Algorithm 5
2.2 Concepts of GUID 6
2.3 Related Work 7
Chapter 3: Methodologies 10
3.1 Data 10
3.1.1 Anasystem 12
3.1.2 Data Model 13
3.2. Compression 14
3.2.1. Data pre-processing 14
3.2.2 GUID Compression 15
3.2.3 Timestamp compression 18
3.2.4 Value compression 21
Chapter 4: Implementations and Results 24
4.1 Environment Setting 24
4.2 Data and Compression Performance Evaluation 24
4.3 GUID Algorithm Implementation and Results 25
4.4 Timestamp Compression Algorithm Implementation and Results 27
4.5 Value Parameter Compression Algorithm Implementation and Results 29
4.5 Compression and decompression performance verification 31
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Discussion 34
Bibliography 36
Appendix 1 I
Appendix 2 I
Appendix 3 II
Appendix 4 II
Appendix 5 III
Appendix 6 III
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