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研究生(外文):Lin, Li-Chi
論文名稱(外文):An Auto-Calibration Voltage Regulator Module with Dual-Loop Adaptive Voltage Position Technique
指導教授(外文):Chen, Ke-Horng
口試委員(外文):Chen, Ke-HorngWang, Ching-SungHuang, Li-Ren
外文關鍵詞:single-inductor-multi-output (SIMO) converterdigital low-dropout (DLDO) regulatordynamic voltage identification (DVID)adaptive voltage positioning (AVP)power-management (PMU)
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Owing to new technological advances, the central processor unit (CPU) used in mobile devices needs faster logic computing capability, higher reliability, and higher stability. In order to make the CPU operate in a stable environment, the power supply of the CPU requires high efficiency and low power consumption. Therefore, dynamic voltage identification (DVID) technique and adaptive voltage position (AVP) technique are usually implemented in the voltage regulator module (VRM) for the CPU. In addition, in conventional design, multiple DC-DC buck converters are used to provide multi-output voltage for the multi-cores of the CPU. However, this architecture is not suitable for the CPU because of the cost and area consideration. Consequently, a single inductor multi-output (SIMO) DC-DC converter becomes a good candidate due to the advantage of compact size and low cost. However, SIMO converter has larger output ripple and poor load variation response, which are not allowed by the CPU. As the result, each output of the SIMO converter needs to cascade a linear regulator to lower the output voltage ripple. However, due to the wide load range of CPU, the analog low-dropout (A-LDO) regulator requires larger dropout voltage, which degrades system power conversion efficiency. Therefore, the proposed VRM includes the SIMO converter and cascaded digital low-dropout (D-LDO) regulators which have low dropout voltage characteristic and thus lower the voltage ripple without degrading power conversion efficiency. Besides, the proposed VRM integrates AVP and DVID techniques as auto calibration dual-AVP (ACD-AVP) technique with the help of the D-LDO, thereby improving overall performance of the VRM under any load condition and OPPs.
摘 要 i
誌 謝 iii
Contents iv
Fig. Captions vi
Table Captions ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of CPU power managements 2
1.2 The basic topologies of VR 3
1.2.1 Linear regulator 4
1.2.2 Digital Low-Dropout (DLDO) Voltage Regulator 5
1.2.3 Analysis 7
1.2.4 SWR 8
1.3 Techniques of CPU power managements 9
1.3.1 DynamicVoltage Identification(DVID) 9
1.3.2 Adaptive Voltage Positioning (AVP) 11
1.4 Single-inductor multi-output (SIMO) converters 13
1.4.1 Ripple issue 14
1.4.2 Load issue 15
1.5 Thesis Organization 16
Chapter 2 Prior Arts and Design Goals 17
2.1 The control methods of SIMO converter 17
2.1.1 Energy Delivery Paths of SIMO 19
2.2 Technique of the AVP droop control 22
2.2.1 AVP- / AVP+ control 25
2.2.3 DigitalAVPcontrol 29
2.3 Reduce Voltage-Guard-Band Technique and Dynamic Power Gating Control 30
2.4 The target of VRM design for the Multi-Core Processor 32
2.4.1 Lower the output voltage ripple 33
2.4.2 Improvement of Transient Response 34
2.4.3 Optimal system conversion efficiency 35
Chapter 3 The proposed VRM with DVID and Auto Calibration Dual-AVP technique 37
3.1 The architecture of proposed VRM 38
3.2 The concept of proposed ACD-AVP technique 39
3.3 The design parameter in ACD-AVP technique 47
3.3.1 Output impedance of the SITO converter 47
3.3.2 Rdroop 48
3.3.3 Digital AVP control 51
3.4 Circuit implement of the DVR 53
3.4.1 Clocked comparator 60
3.5 Circuit implement of the SITO converter 61
3.6 The proposed VRM process 63
3.6.1 Flow chart of proposed VRM 64
Chapter 4 Simulation Results 65
4.1 Chip layout 65
4.2 Simulation Results 66
5.2.1 Steady State 66
5.2.2 Transient enhancement 67
5.2.3 The DVID mode 69
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 71
5.1 Conclusion 71
5.2 Future work 71
Reference 72
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1. 應用於通用序列匯流排C型充電裝置之120W高效率非反向升降壓直流-直流轉換器
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