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研究生(外文):Tseng, Chu-Young
論文名稱(外文):Commutation Torque Ripple Reduction of Brushless DC Motor with Non-ideal Back EMF
指導教授(外文):Lee, An-Chen
口試委員(外文):Lee, An-ChenCheng, Chung-weiHorng, Rong-Hwang
外文關鍵詞:commutationBrushless dc motortorque ripplenon-ideal back EMF
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Brushless DC motors (BLDCM) are extensively used in recent years due to the effort from government on promoting energy conservation and reducing carbon footprint. Also, it has the advantages of high efficiency and high reliability.
Generally, the back-EMF of brushless DC motors is assumed to have an ideal trapezoidal air gap flux distribution with flat width of the back-EMF being 120 degree so that the motor can achieve minimum torque ripple. However, under the influence of the rotor magnetic structure, armature reaction and other factors, it is not easy to achieve the ideal trapezoidal flux distribution in air gap. Furthermore, the three phase current exists due to inductance flyback, which distort the non-commuted phase current and further lead to torque ripple. Therefore, these two situations will cause torque ripple and reduce the motor efficiency. But when increase the load, the inductance effect at commutation time will be the major problem.
The inductance effect at commutation time is a problem of transient response. The thesis first analysis the duty ratio which should be compensated during commutation time for the both cases of non-commutated state of upper and lower bridge. But the calculation of commutation time is hard to be accurate in practice. Consequently, we submitted a current integral method to find commutation time without calculation or detection circuit. So, this method is robust to electrical parameters of motor. The simulation and experiment at different situations are given to verify the proposed method.
中文摘要 I
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
CHAPTER 1. 簡介 1
1.1研究動機與背景 1
1.2文獻回顧 2
1.3研究方法 4
CHAPTER 2. 直流無刷馬達原理 5
2.1 直流無刷馬達的數學模型 5
2.2六步方波導通法 8
2.3脈波寬度調變 12
2.4理想反電動勢及非理想反電動勢區間之反電動勢關係式分析 14
CHAPTER 3. 換相三相流區間長度及區間內責任周期補償之推導 17
3.1換相時之三相流現象 17
3.2換相之三相流區間長度 18
3.2.1 上臂切換之三相流區間長度 18
3.2.2 下臂切換之三相流區間長度 19
3.2.3 實際電流波型上下臂三相流區間長度試算 21
3.3三相流區間內之責任周期補償推導 23
3.3.1 上臂切換之三相流區間之責任週期補償推導 23
3.3.2 下臂切換之三相流區間之責任週期補償推導 25
3.3.3 模擬上下臂切換補償前後之三相流情況 27
CHPATER4. 運用電流積分找尋上下臂切換個別之三相流時間 34
4.1 利用電流積分找尋上下臂個別之三相流時間 34
4.2 電流積分法之討論 35
4.3 控制器設計與控制迴路分析 39
CHAPTER 5. 換相之三相流區間補償實驗結果 44
5.1實驗設備 44
5.2 電流積分法之三相流補償結果 47
5.2.1 無負載變轉速補償實驗 47
5.2.2 變負載定轉速補償實驗 49
5.3 電流積分法找出之三相流區間長度與實際三相流區間長度比較 51
5.4 上升相電流及衰退相電流補償前後之時間比較 53
5.5 振動實驗結果 57
5.6功率驗證結果 62
5.7加入責任週期控制法後之結果比較 64
5.7.1非理想反電動勢下欲產生定轉矩之理想電流波型推導 65
5.7.2 加入責任週期控制法改善非理想反電動勢後之實驗結果比較 68
CHAPTER6. 結論與未來工作 76
6.1結論 76
6.2未來工作 77
參考文獻 78
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