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研究生(外文):Liu, Che-Fu
論文名稱(外文):Passive RFID integrated with sensors for monitoring locking force at different locations on orthopedic fixation multiple screws system
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Wensyang
口試委員(外文):Chen, Tsung-LinChung, Tien-Kan
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Pedicle screws are common in the orthopedic spinal fusion surgery, which are used to fix the vertebrae of the patients for healing. The effect of vertebrae healing is directly related to the fixation of screws. Due to postoperative vertebral fusion requires a period of time, according to the different conditions of the patients in the six to eight weeks after the surgery, doctors decide the different X-ray detection to check the patient’s status of the vertebral fusion. If the pedicle screws are loosening within the six weeks, it won’t be discovered by X-ray detection, but there is a high probability to reduce the healing effect. Furthermore, the X-ray detection is not suitable for intensive examination, because the radiation dosimetry of the patients must be concerned.
Our laboratory has been proposed Passive wireless sensors for tightness monitoring at different locations on orthopedic fixation screw system in 2016 and 2017. The locking force of the screw is known by the offset of the resonance frequency. In this system, because of multiple sensing devices with multiple antennas, the antennas are easy to produce interference with each other, which makes the measurement results offset. When the medium of the wireless measurement including the muscle tissue, it will make the measurement results of the resonant frequency offset and reduce the measurement distance. In practical applications, the muscle tissue thickness and composition are not the same in different patients, so that the problem of the resonant frequency offset by the medium including the muscle tissue need to be solved.
This research proposes a passive RFID measurement system for detecting multiple variable resistors, which is integrated with the measurement circuit, RFID and user interface. The sensing tag of one antenna can process three variable resistors by the microcontroller, which can reduces the interference of the multiple antennas. Digitizing the measurement results for wireless communication can effectively reduce the effect of the muscle tissue interference. Integrating the display and operating functions of the smart phone make this system produce the potential of big data including Point of Care Testing(POCT), Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) and Internet of Thing(IoT). In the future, this research will help doctors more effectively understand the status of the postoperative patients, make some emergency response as soon as possible when they find out the loosening screws and improve the quality of postoperative vertebral fusion for patients.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-2-1 臨床上監控螺釘的方法 2
1-2-2 可偵測多根骨科螺絲鬆緊度之被動無線感測裝置 3
1-3 研究目標 5
第二章 系統介紹 6
2-1 檢測系統概念設計 6
第三章 感測標籤 7
3-1 設計 7
3-1-1 概念設計 7
3-1-2 細部設計 8
3-2 製作 10
3-2-1 電路組裝 10
第四章 讀取器 12
4-1 設計 12
4-1-1 概念設計 12
4-1-2 細部設計 13
4-2 製作 16
4-2-1 電路組裝 16
第五章 使用者介面 18
5-1 設計 18
5-1-1 概念設計 18
5-1-2 細部設計 18
5-2 製作 20
5-2-1 程式撰寫 20
第六章 檢測系統整合 21
6-1 量測結果與討論 21
6-1-1 結構量測 21
6-1-2 通訊頻率匹配 22
6-1-3 資料傳遞量測 24
6-1-4 資料擷取能力量測 25
6-1-5 阻值量測 27
第七章 總結 29
7-1 結論 29
7-2 未來工作 29
參考文獻 30
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