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研究生(外文):Wu, Chi-Lung
論文名稱(外文):A single enormously spreading assembly of polystyrene nanoparticles formed by solution surface laser trapping
指導教授(外文):Masuhara, Hiroshi
口試委員(外文):Masuhara, HiroshiChen, Jiun-TaiSugiyama, TerukiYuyama, Ken-ichi
外文關鍵詞:laser trappingair/solution interfacepolystyrene nanoparticles
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在這個研究當中, 藉由連續波近紅外雷射光照射在溶液表面, 我們示範了雷射捕陷
形成巨大的微米及奈米粒子之聚集體。 在章節三當中, 直徑 100 奈米之聚苯乙烯粒子被
集體其大小與雷射焦點相同且被形成在溶液表面。 由於粒子持續不斷地被散射力吸引及
介面性質壓抑, 粒子的高濃度區域出現導致穿透式影像之穿透率下降。 在建立粒子的高
濃度區域之後,粒子聚集體開始擴張。 巨大的粒子聚集體伴隨著針狀結構形成在溶液表
致不可逆粒子聚合體的形成。此不可逆粒子聚合體被定義為” 即便停止雷射照射,此粒
子聚合體還是聚在一起而非散開” 。 在章節四, 我們檢驗不可逆粒子聚合體對巨大聚合
體形成扮演之角色,於是以 10 微米之聚苯乙烯粒子取代了 不可逆粒子聚合體。有趣的
是, 單一 10 微米之聚苯乙烯粒子加上 100 奈米之聚苯乙烯粒子之雷射捕陷聚合行為與
100 奈米之聚苯乙烯粒子之雷射捕陷聚合行為相當類似。然而,在相同實驗條件下,以
雷射直接照射單一 10 微米之聚苯乙烯粒子並無不可逆粒子聚合體之形成。我們採用了
玻璃轉換溫度來詮釋為何粒子無法熔合在一起。在章節五, 我們示範以不同雷射焦點位
點位置,只有單一 10 微米之聚苯乙烯粒子可以被抓在焦點位置。
總結來說, 透過上述三個章節光學位能寬廣化可以被檢驗,而且可行之機制應該與
In this study, we have so far demonstrated the formation of large assembly of micron and
nanometer-sized polystyrene particle by shinning a continuous-wave near-infrared laser beam
at solution surface. In chapter 3, the pure 100 nm polystyrene particles are treated as trapping
targets. At the initial stage of trapping experiment, the particles are gathered at the focal spot
upon laser irradiation, and a small particle assembly is formed whose size is equal to focal
spot. When particles are continuously attracted to the solution surface which is due to not only
scattering force but the suppression of particle motion by interface characteristic, the highly
concentrated domain of particles emerges, resulting in transmittance decrease of transmission
images. After the establishing of concentrated domain of particles, the particle assembly
proceeds to expand. After then, the large assembly with needle structures is acquired at the
solution surface which implies that the optical potential broadening. To check how the role of
concentrated domain of 100 nm particles play, the particle concentration dependent of
assembling time is examined. Upon long term laser irradiation, the particles fused together
which is risen from laser heating, leading to the formation of irreversible assembly. The
irreversible assembly is defined as “the particles assembly remains its components instead of
dispersing away even if stopping laser trapping”. We have examined the role of irreversible
assembly acts for the formation of large assembly by replacing it with 10 μm polystyrene
particle. Interestingly, the similar assembling behavior of a single 10 μm polystyrene particle
plus 100 nm particles is repeated with pure 100 nm PS particles case. However, with the same
experimental condition, by irradiating the 10 μm polystyrene particle directly, there is no
irreversible assembly can be formed. We employ the glass transition temperature to interpret
why particles are not able to fuse together. In chapter 5, the laser trapping of micro particles is
demonstrated at different focal position. The hexagonal close packing structure of particle
assembly is merely formed at solution surface. Here, the speed of directional diffusion of
particles are measured by particle tracking method. On the contrary, at another focal position,
there is only single 10 μm polystyrene particle can be trapped at the focal spot.
To summarize, the broadening of optical potential is checked through these three
chapters, and the possible dynamics should be related with long-range interaction induced by
laser trapping.
List of figures..........................................................................................................................VIII
1. Introduction........................................................................................................................1
1.1. Laser trapping............................................................................................................1
1.2. Principle of laser trapping..........................................................................................1
1.3. History of laser trapping............................................................................................4
1.4. Laser trapping of nanoparticles at interface...............................................................6
1.5. Motivation of this study.............................................................................................7
2. Experimental....................................................................................................................10
2.1. Preparation of colloidal sample solution..................................................................10
2.2. Optical setup............................................................................................................11
2.3. Particle tracking method..........................................................................................13
3. Laser trapping of polystyrene nanoparticles at solution surface......................................15
3.1. Time evolution of particle assembly growth............................................................15
3.2. Time evolution of particle assembly growth with long time irradiation..................18
3.3. Irreversible assembly formation and its SEM images..............................................20
3.4. Dynamics and possible mechanism..........................................................................22
3.5. Summary..................................................................................................................26
4. Laser trapping of mixture of a single microparticle and nanoparticles of polystyrene at solution surface................................................................................................................27
4.1. Time evolution of particle assembly........................................................................27
4.2. Concentration dependence of assembly formation...................................................29
4.3. Particle dispersion and restoration controlled by tuning laser power.......................32
4.4. Dynamics and possible mechanism..........................................................................35
4.5. Summary..................................................................................................................37
5. Laser trapping of polystyrene microparticles at the interface and in solution..................39
5.1. Laser trapping of 10μm particles in H2O.................................................................39
5.1.1. Laser trapping of a single 10 μm particle at glass/solution interface...............39
5.1.2. Laser trapping of a single 10 μm particle inside solution................................40
5.1.3. Laser trapping of 10 μm particles at solution/air interface..............................42
5.2. Laser trapping of 10 μm particles in D2O................................................................44
5.2.1. Laser trapping of 10 μm particles at solution/air interface..............................45
5.2.2. Directional diffusion measurement toward a laser trapped 10 μm particle……47
5.3. Dynamics and possible mechanism…………………………………………………….……………….50
5.4. Summary………………………………………………….…………………………………….……………………52
6. Conclusion……………………………………….………………………………………………………………….………54
7. References……………………………………….………………………………………………………………………….56
8. Appendix……………………………………….………………………………………………………….…………..……59
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