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論文名稱(外文):Minimization of Potential Induced Degradation for Silicon Based Solar Cells
外文關鍵詞:Potential induced degradationPID effect
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在太陽能產業發展當中存在重要的品質與可靠度的問題,此問題將會導致太陽能模組整體發電的效率產生衰減,更嚴重的甚至將使整體太陽能模組失效。此問題稱為電位誘導引發的衰變現象(Potential Induced Degradation,PID),又簡稱為PID效應。而本論文研究的主題則是研究此議題所發生的原因,藉由了解與分析它的成因再同時提出如何減緩和解決此議題。
第二,在矽基太陽能電池的製程當中,使用熱氧化法新增一氧化層於矽基板與抗反射層之間,使之形成Si/SiO2/SiNx結構,藉由TEM分析後,發現此項結構當中的氧化層厚度約為10nm。在進行氧化過程當中,在界面處將存在一表面的的固定正電荷(Fixed Oxide Charge),此界面的正電荷將使得外來的鈉金屬離子在侵入太陽能電池時如同遇上一電荷屏障,並可有效阻滯金屬離子的移動,也因此可以提高矽基太陽能電池的對於PID效應的抵抗。
Potential induced degradation (PID) is an important reliability issue in the silicon-based solar energy technology. This problem greatly degrades the photoconversion efficiency of the solar cell module and, in the worst case, results in the overall failure of the solar cell system. This thesis discusses the causes of the PID effect and focuses modification methods alleviating the effect.
The study is divided into two parts. First, we adjusted the gas flow ratio of the gas precursor (SiH4/NH3) to study the influence of the ratio on the film quality of the silicon nitride (SiNx) anti-reflection coating layer, which can alleviate the PID effect by retarding sodium ions from diffusing from the glass panel to the solar cell module. From the study, a high SiH4/NH3 flow rate ratio improves the chemical structure of the nitride film, resulting in a better performance in blocking the migration of foreign sodium ions and thus a improved resistance against the PID effect.
In the second study, we modify the device structure of the Si-base solar cell by depositing a thermal silicon oxide layer between the Si wafer and the anti-reflection layer. forming a Si/ SiO2/ SiNx multilayer structure. The thickness of the oxide layer was about 10 nm according to TEM analysis. Because of the oxide layer, positive fixed oxide charges are present at the interface and forms a potential barrier retarding the invasion of external sodium metal ions from the solar cell packaging materials into the solar cell modules. As a consequence PID effect can be greatly reduced by the addition of the thermal oxide layer.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xiii
第一章 序論 1
前言 1
1.1矽基太陽能電池技術趨勢近況與PID現象 2
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3論文架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 前言 8
2.2 太陽能電池原理 8
2.3 P-N界面 14
2.4太陽能電池等效電路模型 21
2.5太陽能電池電性參數 25
2.6 PID效應 28
2.7 PID研究回顧 33
第三章 研究方法 44
3.1太陽能電池製作 44
3.2 太陽光電量測系統說明 51
3.3 PID可靠度測試方法 52
3.4 電致發光分析儀 53
3.5 材料分析 55
第四章 結果與討論 62
4.1引言 62
4.2調整抗反射層薄膜特性分析討論 62
4.3新增熱氧化製程與PID特性分析討論 69
4.4綜合分析討論 77
第五章 結論與未來工作 80
參考文獻 83
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