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研究生(外文):Ku, Tsung-Yen
論文名稱:應用於內嵌式有機發光二極體電容式觸控面板 之感測電路及系統
論文名稱(外文):The Sensing Readout Circuit and System for In-cell OLED Capacitive Touch Panel
指導教授(外文):Chao, Chan-Po
口試委員(外文):Huang, Sheng-ChiehWang, Sheng-Ching
外文關鍵詞:in-cell projected capacitive touch panel screencorrected double-samplingmoving averagepolynomial interpolationperipheral electrodeactive-matrix touch panelPMOLED
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本論文目的為In-cell電容式觸控面板感測系統包括感測電路及電極設計及畫面顯示。本論文的觸控面板為內嵌式架構,在厚度與成本上具有優勢,但也因此讓靈敏度降低與雜訊影響等影響因素。利用有限元素模擬軟體分析in-cell 觸控面板特性進而設計出最佳有效電極。電路上使用切換式電路技術的應用有助於提高電壓差異與減少功率消耗,而修正的二次取樣技術則是應用於消除來消除手指的低頻雜訊與利用外加電壓防止輸出飽和提高觸控面板之解析度。採用12-bit的類比數位轉換器去識別不同的觸控位置條件,主動式有機發光二極體讀取電路的數位部分可以採取校正演算法消除面板的背景基值。而動態平均的演算法則提供了可調式的訊雜比功能以及報點率去提高對雜訊的容忍度以及觸控解析度。而被動式的周邊電極則是使用多項式插值法計算出觸控位置。利用DAQ傳送數位訊號顯示觸控反應。主動式矩陣觸控面板的讀取電路達到52 dB的訊雜比以及200 Hz的報點率在0.88英吋的面板上。被動式有機發光二極體的讀取電路則為41 dB的訊雜比以及100 Hz的報點率在1.6英吋的面板上。
The purpose of this paper is to design the sensing system include readout circuit and electrode of In-cell capacitive touch panel. The touch panel of this paper is an embedded architecture, which has advantages in thickness and cost, but also causes the influence of sensitivity and noise. Using the finite element simulation software to analyze the in-cell touch panel characteristics and then design the best effective electrode. The switched-capacitor technique is applied to enlarge the voltage difference from capacitance changes of the touch panel and reduce power consumption, while the modified corrected double sampling (CDS) is used to eliminate the low frequency noise to eliminate the finger and using add-voltage to prevent the output saturation. The resolution of the touch panel uses a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter to identify different touch position conditions. The digital part of the active organic light-emitting diode reading circuit can take a correction algorithm to eliminate the baseline of the panel. And the algorithm of moving average provides a reconfigurable SNR and reporting rate with high noise immunity and touch sensitivity. The passive peripheral electrode uses polynomial interpolation method to calculate the touch position. Use DAQ to transmit digital signals to display touch reactions. The SNR of active-matrix touch panel read circuit achieves 52 dB and a 200 Hz reporting rate on a 0.88-inch panel. The SNR of PMOED read circuit achieves 41 dB and a 100 Hz reporting rate on a 1.6-inch panel.
I Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2Related Touch Panel Circuit 2
1.2.1 Resistive Type 2
1.2.2 Surface Acoustic Wave Type 3
1.2.3 OpticalType 3
1.2.4 CapacitiveType 4 Surface Capacitance 4 Projected Capacitance 5 Add-on of projected capacitive touch panel 7 Embedded of projected capacitive touch panel 7
1.3 Organization of this thesis 8
II Modeling technology 9
2.1 Building in-cel PMOLED touch panel model 9
2.2 In-cell touch panel characteristic analysis 11
2.2.1 In-cell PMOLED touch panel characteristic analysis 12
2.2.2 In-cell AMOLED touch panel characteristic analysis 15
III The system architecture of readout circuit for In-cell touch panel 17
3.1 The readout circuit for in-cell PMOLED touch panel 17
3.1.1 Analog circuits 19 Charge amplifier 19 Correlated double sampling circuit 20 Sampe and hold 25 Low pass filiter 26
3.1.2 Digital circuits 27 algorthm of calibration 28
3.2 The readout circuit for in-cell AMOLED touch panel 29
3.2.1 Anolog circuits 31
3.2.2 Digital circuits 34 The algorithm of calibration 34 The algorithm of moving average 35
IV Simulation Results 37
4.1 Simulation Results of Touch Panel Model 37
4.2 Simulation Results of Readout Circuits 38 Simulation Results of Readout Circuits 38 Simulation Results of Integrator with CDS 41 Simulation Results of Driving Signals 42 Low Pass Filiter and Sample and Hold 43
V Experimental Results 45
5.1 Experimental Results of PMOLED Readout Circuits 46
5.1.1 Charge Amplifier with SC Technique 46
5.1.2 Measured Output of Readout Circuit 50
5.1.3 Polynomial Interpolation 50
5.1.4 Definition of SNR 50
5.1.5 Performance Summary 50
5.2 Experimental Results of AMOLED Readout Circuits 52
VI Conclusions and Future Works 55
6.1 Conclusions 55
6.2 FutureWork 55
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