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研究生(外文):Chang-Cheng Long
論文名稱(外文):Expert System of Power Fault Protection in Microgrid
指導教授(外文):Cheng-I Chen
外文關鍵詞:Discrete Wavelet TransformFuzzyNeural NetworkStatic Switch
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This thesis aims to implement a microcontroller to monitor voltage signal in microgrid, which operate in grid-connected mode. If there is abnormal voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC), it can trip the microgrid instantly to avoid voltage disturbance caused by the fault and protect the power electronics equipment. After estimating the voltage signal through discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and the Parseval’s theorem, we enter these eigenvalues into decision method to output ON/OFF command, as expert system. In this paper, the fuzzy control, back propagation neural network (BPNN), and fuzzy-back propagation neural network are used as the decision-making method, and the threshold value detection method is used as a control. Considering that DWT is easily affected by the noise pollution in the voltage signal, to overcome the misjudgment cause by noise, which makes the microgrid trip from the grid in general situation.
Through Matlab software, we simulate the voltage signal of power fault event, and analysis the eigenvalues to set up the expert system. And test the proposed systems. By observing the output command, we found that the expert system of fuzzy-back propagation neural network has better performance. It not only allows noise waveforms, but also effectively detects voltage anomalies.
論文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 文獻探討 3
1-3 論文大綱 4
第二章 電力品質管制標準與微電網跳脫規範 5
2-1 電壓諧波 6
2-1-1 定義 6
2-1-2 諧波失真率公式及現行諧波管制標準 6
2-2 電壓驟升與驟降 9
2-2-1 定義 9
2-2-2 驟升與驟降現行管制標準 10
2-3 電力中斷 11
2-3-1 定義 11
2-3-2 現行管制標準 12
2-4 暫態 13
2-4-1 定義 13
2-4-2 現行管制標準 13
2-5 微電網跳脫規範 14
第三章 電壓異常檢測與跳脫決策法 16
3-1 小波轉換 16
3-1-1 離散小波轉換 17
3-1-2 多解析度分析(Multi-resolution analysis) 18
3-1-3 Parserval定理 20
3-2 對於輸出特徵值的選擇 21
3-2-1 純基頻弦波(60Hz) 23
3-2-2 驟降、驟升、中斷 25
3-2-3 諧波 27
3-2-4 脈衝式暫態 29
3-2-5 振盪式暫態 31
3-2-6 特徵值的選擇 33
3-3 模糊理論 (Fuzzy Theory) 34
3-3-1 模糊集合(Fuzzy Sets) 35
3-3-2 模糊規則庫 38
3-3-3 模糊推論(Fuzzy Inference) 39
3-3-4 解模糊 41
3-4 類神經網路 43
3-4-1 倒傳遞類神經網路(BPNN) 44
3-4-2 標準倒傳遞演算法 46
3-4-3 評估指標 46
3-5 章節總結 48
第四章 偵測系統 49
4-1 偵測法建置概述 49
4-1-1 電力品質案例 51
4-2 離散小波轉換之分析 53
4-2-1 離散小波轉換架構 54
4-2-2 對電力品質案例之分析 56
4-2-2.1 Case1 正常波形 57
4-2-2.2 Case2 驟降與驟升 60
4-2-2.3 Case3 脈衝式暫態 71
4-2-2.4 Case4 振盪式暫態 76
4-2-2.5 Case5 諧波 78
4-2-2.7 Case6 電力中斷 82
4-2-3 小節總結 88
4-3 偵測架構介紹 89
4-3-1 資料集建置 89
4-3-2 模糊控制 90
4-3-2.1 前件部 91
4-3-2.2 後件部 94
4-3-2.3 模糊規則 95
4-3-3 倒傳遞類神經網路 98
4-3-4 模糊倒傳遞類神經網路 99
4-4 章節總結 100
第五章 模擬測試結果 101
5-1各電壓異常事件的模擬狀況 101
5-1-1模擬測試結果 102
5-2模擬偵測結果說明 112
第六章結論與未來發展 114
6-1 結論 114
6-2未來研究方向 115
參考文獻 116
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