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研究生(外文):Yu-Chih Hong
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Problems Related to Supervision Fee Increase in Public Works due to Extension of Construction Duration
外文關鍵詞:Public WorksSupervision ContractAppointContractExtension of TimeService Fee
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Within the contract of public works, supervision service is normally appointed until the project acceptance. However, in practice, the project is often delayed due to the extension of construction time. It results in dispute over the service fee that shall be paid to the supervisory company during the duration of the delay. There is still no constant understanding nor clear definition of reasonable calculation regarding supervision service fee, the nature of the contract, and the claim time limitation for the service fee.
The data collected for this study were the judgments of 22 local courts regarding fees of supervision services in Taiwan, as well as a total of 71 cases in the "Legal Court Jurisprudential Information Retrieval System" from the beginning of 2011 to the end of 2017. According to statistics, the calculation of supervision fees in court disputes were mostly based on the construction cost percentage and the consolidated pricing method. However, the court judgments tend not to allow additional service fee for the extended construction duration. As for the nature of the contract, the courts have no unanimous opinion be it for a simple supervision contract, design and supervision contract, or project management including supervision contract.
A comparison of the supervision contract models of various agencies was conducted, resulting in questionnaires for interviews. The interviews were conducted with 18 experts including law professors, lawyers, agencies, and firms of engineering consultants. Result shows most experts believe that a simple supervision contract should be defined as a contract of appointment; a design and supervision contract should be defined as a hybrid contract; and a project management plus supervision contract can also be classified as an appointment contract. In addition, most experts believe that the supervision service period should be specified in the contract, and the calculation of the period shall be negotiated by both of the owner and the contractor. The reasonable period should be the construction period and the reasonable acceptance period. The supervision service shall adopt the monthly, daily or hourly payment method, the service cost plus fee method, and it should be able to reflect the cost incurred due to length of the duration. It is suggested that the calculation of service cost plus fee method should be simplified.
Finally, the contract and the regulations are proposed to improve. The study can be beneficial to both the governments and contractors by providing a reference to reduce the occurrence of related disputes and reduce additional costs inflicted by such disputes.
中文摘要 I
圖 目 錄 VII
表 目 錄 VIII
一、 緒論 1
1-1研究背景、動機 1
1-2研究目的 2
1-3研究範圍與限制 2
1-4研究方法與流程 3
1-5論文架構 6
二、 文獻回顧 7
2-1公共工程之定義 7
2-2委任、承攬之法律定義 7
2-3監造服務之相關法令規定 9
2-3-1技術服務之定義 9
2-3-2監造服務之定義 9
2-3-3技師、建築師之定義 11
2-3-4技服辦法之相關規定 12
2-3-5監造服務項目更迭 14
2-4監造費用計算方式 16
2-4-1服務成本加公費法 17
2-4-2建造成本百分比法 19
2-4-3按月、按日或按時計酬法 20
2-4-4總包價法或單價計算法 20
2-4-5技術服務計算方式相關研究 20
2-5小結 22
三、 監造單位增加服務費用之探討 23
3-1工期展延之原因 23
3-1技服辦法第31條 26
3-2各機關技術服務契約範本相關條文之探討 27
3-3小結 37
四、 國內法院判例案例之彙整與分析 38
4-1資料來源 38
4-2案例蒐集及篩選 38
4-2-1案件蒐集及篩選方式 38
4-2-2各級法院判決數量及判決結果維持情況 40
4-3案例統計分析 43
4-3-1工程主辦單位類別統計結果 43
4-3-2服務費用計算方式統計 44
4-3-3監造服務契約性質之統計 45
4-4法院對於各事由之判決理由 46
4-4-1工期展延增加監造服務費用 46
4-4-2監造技術服務性質 53
4-5小結 58
五、 專家訪談與建議 59
5-1討論議題 59
5-2專家訪談 60
5-2-1機關之見解 60
5-2-2廠商之見解 65
5-2-3法學界之見解 71
5-3修正建議 84
5-3-1契約面 84
5-3-2法規面 86
5-4小結 88
六、 結論與建議 89
6-1結論 89
6-2建議 90
參考文獻 91
附件一 專家訪談問卷 93
附件二 採用之判決整理 100
附件三 專家訪談名單 103
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21. 李明聰,鄭淵源,王世旭,王維志,張書萍,張儀婷,姚立瑜,林志錚,周昌典,劉沈榮,「技術服務廠商成本結構之分析」,營建管理季刊,2012,中華民國營建管理協會,頁1-14。
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