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研究生(外文):Mustapha Jallow
論文名稱(外文):A Model for Prioritizing Bridges for Damage Inspection and Rehabilitation after Natural Disasters
指導教授(外文):Yau Nie-Jia, Ph.D.Liao Hsien-Ke, Ph.D.
外文關鍵詞:AHPDamage InspectionBridge ManagementMR&RNatural DisasterPriority RankingPriority IndexVisual Inspection.
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(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)取得各參數之權重,以建立優選排序之模式。

Management of existing bridge infrastructure has become a major social and economic concern in Taiwan. This is due to the critical conditions of bridges driven by post-disaster deterioration and the controlled funds available to timely repair their deficiencies. However, reliable assessment of a bridge’s structural health is important to predict the progress of deterioration, to provide the required inputs for making cost-effective MR&R decisions; and to ensure that safety, serviceability, and functionality of a bridge can be sustained over its designed service life. In this regard, a model for prioritizing damage inspection of bridges for MR&R activities after natural disasters is necessary.

This thesis presents the development of a model, which proposes a method to facilitate post-disaster prioritization of bridges by virtue of their structural vulnerability and strategic importance to implement inspection and rehabilitation operations. To achieve this objective, this research combined literature and feedback from industry professionals through interviews as primary sources of data. The proposed model adapts an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique. The research findings have identified decision objectives and parameters essential to rank bridge rehabilitation projects, and these are included within a framework to prioritize bridges while incorporating experts’ input in the process.

The developed model is a flexible framework, which is applicable to a variety of disaster events and other conditions causing abrupt damages to transport infrastructure where decisions on maintenance strategies must be made promptly. Specifically, it provides the decision-maker with a simplified and systematic approach to assess bridges by addressing the critical parameters of safety and cost-benefit in prioritizing funds and work allocation. The proposed model can be used by departments of transportation to rank bridges in a network, and it can be integrated within an existing bridge management system.
摘要 ....................................................................i
ABSTRACT ...............................................................ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................vi
LIST OF TABLES..........................................................vii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................1
1.1 Research Background ................................................1
1.2 Problem Statements .................................................7
1.3 Research Objectives ................................................8
1.4 Methodology ........................................................9
1.5 Thesis Structure ...................................................11
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ...........................................12
2.1 Introduction .......................................................12
2.2 Bridge Structure ...................................................13
2.2.1 Bridge Category ..................................................14
2.2.2 Bridge Classification ............................................15
2.3 Bridge Management Systems ..........................................16
2.3.1 Structure of BMS .................................................18 Inventory Component ............................................19 Inspection Component ...........................................19 Financial Component ............................................19 Maintenance Component ..........................................19
2.3.2 Functions and Benefits of a BMS ..................................20
2.3.3 Limitations of a BMS .............................................20
2.4 Status of Bridge Management in Taiwan ..............................21
2.5 Bridge Inspection ..................................................23
2.5.1 Bridge Inspection in Taiwan ......................................26
2.5.2 DERU Methodology .................................................29
2.6 Bridge Inspection and Rating Systems in International Practices ....33
2.7 Priority-Ranking Techniques ........................................39
2.8 Prioritization of Bridges for Maintenance Needs ....................41
2.9 Chapter Summary ....................................................43
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY .................................................45
3.1 Introduction .......................................................45
3.2 Methods of Data Acquisition ........................................46
3.2.1 Literature review ................................................46
3.2.2 Expert Interview .................................................46
3.2.3 Inventory and Inspection Data Mining .............................47
3.3 Methods of Data Analysis ...........................................48
3.3.1 Factor Acquisition and Classification ............................48 Vulnerability of Damage (VD) ...................................51 Impact of Damage (ID) ..........................................52
3.4 Factor Quantification by AHP Approach ..............................53
3.4.1 Step 1: Determining the Criteria Weights .........................54
3.4.2 Step 2: Computing the Weighted Average Rating ....................57
3.5 Chapter Summary ....................................................58
CHAPTER 4: RESULTS .....................................................59
4.1 Introduction .......................................................59
4.2 Expert Interviews ..................................................59
4.2.1 General Overview .................................................59
4.2.2 Interview Results ................................................60
4.2.3 Expert Ratings ...................................................66
4.3 Findings and Discussion ............................................66
CHAPTER 5: MODEL DEVELOPMENT ...........................................68
5.1 Introduction .......................................................68
5.2 Developing the Hierarchy ...........................................68
5.3 Priority Setting: Evaluation of Analyzed Data ......................69
5.3.1 Development of the Priority Indices (PI and PR) ..................69
5.3.2 Priority Rating ..................................................69
5.4 Priority Category ..................................................73
5.5 Case Study: 2018 Hualien Earthquake ................................75
5.5.1 Case background ..................................................75
5.5.2 Model Validation .................................................76
5.6 Chapter Summary ....................................................85
CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION ..................................................86
6.1 Introduction .......................................................86
6.2 Review of Research Objectives ......................................86
6.3 Conclusions ........................................................87
6.4 Limitations ........................................................88
6.5 Recommendations ....................................................89
6.6 Chapter Summary ....................................................89
REFERENCES .............................................................90
Appendix A: Questionnaire Script .......................................A-1
Appendix B: Individual Expert Responses ................................B-1
Appendix C: Importance Matrices ........................................C-1
Appendix D: Validation – Determination of P-Values .....................D-1
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