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論文名稱(外文):The study on the relationship between employability and work values of middle-aged and old workers
指導教授(外文):Lo, Chih-Cheng
口試委員(外文):Lo, Chih-ChengLu, Shih-YunHsieh, Wei-Her
外文關鍵詞:middle-aged and older adultsemployabilitywork valuescareer experiences
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According to the report of the National Development Committee, TAIWAN will enter a senior society in 2018, and Taiwan will officially enter a Super-aging society in 2025. Under the influence of the age of global aging, TAIWAN only took only 8 years, combined with the impact of child reduction and the labor participation rate of middle-aged and older adults over the age of 55 is also much lower than other countries. How to reuse the middle-aged and old age manpower is an important issue at present. The main purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between “employability,” “work values” and “career experiences” of middle-aged and older workers, and further analyze the impact of “work values”, “career experiences” and “employability”.

This study was investigated by literature review and expert questionnaires to prepare a formal questionnaire for investigation, survey by purposive sampling, the sampled subjects are trainees of the XX Association training courses, a total of 356 questionnaires were distributed, and 204 valid questionnaires were recovered. The questionnaire data were analyzed by using SPSS software.

The results of the study show that employability of middle-aged and older workers has a significant positive impact on their work values; Secondly, the employability of middle-aged and older workers has a significant positive impact on career experiences; Finally, the work values of middle-aged and older workers has a significant positive impact on career experiences. This implication of the finding enables us to better understand the relationship between the work values of middle-aged and older workers and their employability.
摘 要........................................ I
Abstract...................................... II
誌 謝......................................... IV
目 錄......................................... V
圖目錄........................................ VII
表目錄........................................ VIII

第一章 緒論................................... 1
1.1 研究背景與動機............................. 1
1.2 研究目的與問題............................. 5
1.3 研究流程................................. 6
1.4 研究範圍與限制............................ 9
1.5 名詞釋義................................. 11

第二章 文獻探討............................... 12
2.1 中高齡者參與勞動市場概況................... 12
2.2 中高齡者就業力............................. 14
2.3 中高齡者工作價值觀、職涯經驗與就業力關聯性.... 22

第三章 研究設計與實施.......................... 30
3.1 研究架構................................... 30
3.2 研究假設................................... 31
3.3 研究方法................................... 32
3.4 研究對象................................... 34
3.5 研究工具................................... 34
3.6 資料處理與分析............................. 42

第四章 研究結果與分析......................... 44
4.1 樣本資料分析............................... 44
4.2 效度分析................................... 52
4.3 信度分析................................... 57
4.4 中高齡者就業力、工作價值觀與職涯經驗相關分析.. 59
4.5 中高齡者工作價值觀、職涯經驗對就業力之迴歸分析. 61

第五章 結論與建議.............................. 63
5.1 研究問題與考驗.............................. 63
5.2 研究建議................................... 65

參考文獻 ..................................... 67

附錄1 專家問卷................................ 78
附錄2 專家問卷審查意見彙整..................... 86
附錄3 正式問卷................................ 92
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