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論文名稱:行動裝置遊戲Pokémon Go對於高中生地理科學習之研究
論文名稱(外文):A study of mobile device applied game, Pokémon Go, for high school students in geography learning
指導教授(外文):Lee, Ming-Yen
口試委員(外文):Lee, Ming-YenChou, Kuo-PingLee, Chien-Ping
外文關鍵詞:Spatial analysisPokémon Go mobile gameGeography study
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空間分析是地理傳統之一,《國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要》社會學習領域中,九大主題軸以「人與空間」為首,能力指標先讓學生辨識地點、位置、方向,進而描述住家與學校附近環境,藉以達成課程目標;在《十二年國民基本教育課程綱要》的八大素養中,溝通互動素養包括了「科技資訊與媒體素養」、「符號運用與溝通表達」與「藝術涵養與美感素養」,其中科技資訊與符號運用早已融入歷年社會領域地理課程的學習內容。寶可夢(Pokémon Go)為真實空間與虛擬空間相結合的手機遊戲,本文以學生能否透過寶可夢遊戲提升地理技能與地理科學習成果為研究目的,以問卷調查法,探究高中生的地理技能與遊戲經驗。研究結果發現寶可夢(Pokémon Go)行動裝置遊戲是個技能取向的遊戲,不是個知識性的遊戲,學校學科的教與學的知識性相對較重,寶可夢(Pokémon Go)行動裝置遊戲無法取代地理科課堂學習;但總遊戲遊時間的越長則學生的地理技能問卷作答狀況越好,但是單次的時間則無顯著影響,研究者認為寶可夢(Pokémon Go)行動裝置遊戲適合學生長期性的參與,但是單次遊戲時間以不超過兩小時為宜,也因為此遊戲有體力消耗上的元素,所以讓學生沉迷的狀況也不會像一般線上遊戲嚴重,同時又能兼顧戶外接觸與部分運動之功能,不失為較佳的線上遊戲選擇亦可能是地理科教與學的契機。
Spatial analysis is one of the geography traditions. In the nine-year syllabus of National Elementary and Secondary Schools, in the social learning field, the nine thematic axes are headed by “people and space”. The ability index first allows students to identify places, locations, and directions, and then describe homes. In order to achieve the objectives of the curriculum with the environment around the school, in the “Twelve-year National Basic Education Curriculum Outline”, the communicative literacy includes “science and technology information and media literacy,” “symbolic use and communication expression,” and “artistic conservation. With aesthetic literacy, the use of scientific information and symbols has been long integrate into the study of geography courses in the social field over the years. Pokémon Go is a mobile game that combines real space and virtual space. This article aims to explore whether students can use geography and geosciences to improve their learning skills through use of the game. Use questionnaires to explore high school students. Geography skills and game experience. The research found that Pokémon Go mobile game is a skill-oriented game, not an intellectual game. The teaching and learning of school subjects are relatively knowledgeable. Pokémon Go mobile games cannot replace geography. Classroom learning; however, the longer the total game room is, the better the student’s geography skills questionnaire is answered, but the single time period has no significant effect. Therefore, the researchers believe that Pokémon Go mobile games are suitable for long-term students. Participation, but the single game time is no more than two hours, and because the game has physical energy consumption elements, so the students are indulged in a situation that is not as serious as the average online game but also can take care of outdoor contact and part of the movement. The function, which is regarded as the better online game choice, may also be an opportunity for geography science and education.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 5

第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 地圖教育的學習理論 6
第二節 遊戲學習的相關理論 13
第三節 數位化遊戲在促進地理素養(Geographic Literacy)之應用 20

第三章 研究方法 22
第一節 研究架構與流程 22
第二節 研究工具與實驗樣本 24
第三節 資料處理與分析 29

第四章 調查結果與分析 31
第一節 有遊戲經驗者地理技能問卷結果分析 31
第二節 遊戲態度問卷結果分析 39
第三節 影響因素分析 46

第五章 結論與建議 55
第一節 結論 55
第二節 建議 58

參考文獻 59

附錄一 Pokémon Go遊戲經驗問卷 65
附錄二 地理技能素養問卷 69
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