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研究生(外文):Tan, Chee-Siang
論文名稱(外文):An Action Research on Facilitating High School Students’ Self-efficacy of Problem-Solving and Perspectives of Cooperative Learning through Integrating Problem-solving Process into Cooperative Learning
指導教授(外文):Lee, Silvia Wen-Yu
外文關鍵詞:High School PhysicsCooperative LearningSelf-efficacy of Physics Problem SolvingPerspective of Cooperative LearningAction Research
  • 被引用被引用:9
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本研究旨在探討在高中一年級物理課程中,將解題歷程融入合作學習教學法時,教學者所面臨的困難及解決策略,和對學生的合作學習觀點和物理解題自我效能之影響。本研究在高一物理課程中,教師將解題歷程放入學習單中,讓學生在合作學習模式下進行解題歷程的討論。研究採行動研究法,進行為期六個月,兩個教學循環。研究對象為馬來西亞柔佛州某華文獨立中學高中一年級的一個理科班級,由研究者進行教學設計及教學實施。研究資料蒐集與分析採量化資料為主、質性資料為輔,量化資料包括「合作學習觀點量表」及「物理解題自我效能量表」的前、中、後測驗,利用SPSS進行配對樣本 t 檢定、重複量數變異數分析及無母數分析。質性資料則收集「教師課室觀察日誌」、「學生學習回饋」及晤談,經編碼和分析後,提供研究佐證。歷經第一循環的行動研究後發現,將解題歷程融入合作學習教學所遭遇的困難主要包括學生完成討論的時間難以掌控,無法顧及教學進度、進行合作學習時學生的討論風氣需要教師帶動及學生調整討論空間時需要教師花時間引導。為解決所面臨問題,研究者於第二循環引入課前影片教學,但仍未完全解決第一循環所面臨的進度問題。同時,也額外面臨學生完成課前預習的程度不一、影片製作費時及預錄的課前影片可能讓學生較難理解學習內容的困難。其次,經過兩循環的教學,研究者發現將解題歷程融入合作學習教學時,學生的合作技巧及物理解題自我效能有所提升,但在學習動機的提升未達顯著。引入課前影片教學後,學生的學習動機及合作技巧與研究前無顯著差異,物理解題自我效能與行動期前相比達顯著進步,但與第一循環相比達顯著退步。由於合作學習提供的正向互賴環境,使得學生在相互學習及相互模仿中,得以在過程中學習到高成就學生的解題技巧,使得自身的解題自我效能有所提升。而高成就學生在過程中,也提升了自身的學習動機。
This study aims to explore the difficulties faced by educators in the first year of high school physics courses and how to solve them when integrating problem solving into cooperative learning. This study also discusses the influence by this teaching method to students' perspectives of cooperative learning and their problem solving self-efficacy. In this study, in a physics course, the teacher integrates problem-solving process into students’ worksheets, allowing students to discuss the problem-solving process in the cooperative learning mode. This study used action research method for six months and implemented action research in two teaching cycles. The subject of the study was the first grade high school students in a Chinese independent school in Johor, Malaysia. The researchers conducted instructional design and teaching. Research data collection and analysis were mainly quantitative, and supplemented by qualitative data. Quantitative data included pre-, mid- and post-tests of the “Perspective of Cooperative Learning Scale” and the “Self-efficacy of Physical Problem Solving Scale.” Qualitative data were collected from the teacher's classroom observation logbook, students' learning feedback and students’ interviews.
After the first cycle of the action research, it was discovered that the difficulties encountered when educator integrating problem-solving process into cooperative learning teaching include the difficulty to control the time for students to complete the discussion and the progress of the teaching could not be taken into account. When the students engaged in collaborative learning, the student's discussion atmosphere and the adjustment of discussion space required further facilitation from the teacher. In order to solve the problems faced by the researcher, the researcher introduced the pre-learning video teaching for student to prepare study before class in the second teaching cycle. But this solution did not completely solve the progress problems faced in the first cycle. At the same time, pre-learning video teaching face difficulty like different ratio of pre-learning preparation by student, educators may face difficulty in video production. Additionally, pre-recorded videos the students had difficulties to understand the content. Secondly, the researchers found that after two cycles of teaching by integration of problem-solving process into cooperative learning, the students' cooperative skills and the ability to understand problems have been improved, but the improvement in learning motivation has not reached significance. After the introduction of pre-learning video teaching, students' learning motivation and cooperation skills were not significantly different from those before the study. Students’ self-efficacy on physical problem solving achieved significant improvement compared to the pre-action period, but significantly decreased compared with the first cycle. In the positive and mutually supportive environment provided by cooperative learning, students learn from each other and imitate each other. The students were able to learn problem-solving skills from high-achievement students in the process, thus improving their own self-efficacy on problem-solving. high-achievement students also enhance their own learning motivation during the process.
摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
表次目錄 VII
圖次目錄 IX
附錄次 XI

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 2
第三節 名詞釋義 3
第四節 研究限制 4

第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 合作學習 5
第二節 物理解題歷程 11
第三節 合作學習及物理解題之實徵性研究 18

第三章 研究方法 22
第一節 研究者的背景與信念 22
第二節 研究情境與研究對象 23
第三節 研究設計與流程 24
第四節 解題歷程融入合作學習的教學實施 28
第五節 研究工具 35
第六節 資料蒐集 42
第七節 資料分析 44

第四章 結果與討論 46
第一節 行動期第一循環之研究成果 46
第二節 行動期第二循環之研究成果 57
第三節 實施合作學習法對不同物理科能力的學生之影響 69

第五章 結論與建議 87
第一節 結論 87
第二節 建議 89

參考文獻 91
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1. 建置分工學習合作學習網站探討國小高年級學童團隊技巧、合作學習態度與溝通模式之影響-以原住民文化創意推廣專題為例
2. 合作學習結合繪本教學對國小五年級學生多元文化素養與合作學習經驗影響之研究
3. 分組合作學習融入故事戲劇模組提升學生合作學習及問題解決能力之研究:以某國小高年級藝美深耕計畫之表演藝術課程為例
4. 多種圖像組織融入合作學習應用於社會領域學習成效之研究多種圖像組織融入合作學習應用於社會領域學習成效之研究
5. 合作學習法對提升國中八年級學生英語聽說能力及學習態度成效之研究
6. 合作學習融入問題解決之數位遊戲對國小學生自然科學合作學習能力及學習成就之影響
7. 合作學習對初二學生數學學習動機與學習成就影響之研究
8. 合作學習對初中二學生科學學習成就與學習感受影響之行動研究
9. 合作學習融入POE教學策略提升初一學生科學的學習成效之行動研究
10. 合作學習對馬來西亞初中學生數學學習成效之影響
11. 3D虛擬射擊遊戲於競爭合作學習遊戲之關卡設計模式與評估-以JAVA程式設計之FPS競爭合作學習遊戲為例
12. 應用合作學習教學對國小五年級學童閱讀理解能力之影響
13. 網路合作學習之團體信念、合作學習行為與團體表現之關聯性研究
14. 面對面合作學習與線上合作學習之探討
15. 探討拼圖式合作學習策略對提升國小生批判性思考能力之影響