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研究生(外文):Huang, Ai-Ting
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Metalinguistic Feedback and Field (In)dependency on Taiwanese Vocational High School Students’ Accuracy of Past Tense and Type III Conditionals
指導教授(外文):Kung, Hui-i
口試委員(外文):Kung, Hui-iTsai, Ya-chinChang, Shan-mao
外文關鍵詞:written corrective feedbackmetalinguistic explanationType III conditionalspast tensecognitive stylefield (in)dependency
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This study investigated the effects of metalinguistic feedback (MF) and a possible mediating factor, field (in)dependency (FI/D), in the effectiveness of MF on Taiwanese vocational high school students’ accuracy of past tense and Type III conditionals in revised and new writing. Freshman Applied English majors from two classes (n=86) in a vocational senior high school in central Taiwan were assigned to the experimental group (n=47) and the comparison group (n=39). The instruments included an Embedded Figures Test (EFT), used to measure learners’ cognitive style, and two picture-cued writing tests. The EFT was administered in 20 minutes. The writing tasks required the participants to write a passage with at least 200 words based on a four-picture story strip within 50 minutes. The participants were given 20 minutes to complete the revision task. The experimental group received an indication of an error with a number on it and simple rules and examples on grammatical features, whereas the comparison group received general feedback on the content only. The participants were given the EFT in week one. They completed the first writing task as the pretest in week two, a revision of the first writing followed by the second writing task as the posttest in week four. Both groups received feedback only on the first writing task. The ratio of the accurate uses of each of the target structures to all obligatory (correct or incorrect) and overuses produced by each participant in each piece of writing was converted into a percentage further statistical analyses of the relationships among the variables. The findings show that MF was effective in enhancing the participants’ accurate uses of past tense and Type III conditionals both in revision and new writing. However, FI/D was not a mediating factor in the effects of MF on students’ accurate uses of past tense and Type III conditionals. At the end of this thesis, pedagogical implications and limitations of this study and suggestions for further research were provided.
Abstract i
摘要 iii

Background of the Study 2
Rationale of the Study 7
Purpose of the Study 10
Research Questions 10
Significance of the Study 10
Definition of Terms 11

The Effectiveness of Written Corrective Feedback 17
Different types of written corrective feedback 17
Direct or indirect written corrective feedback 18
The Effects of Written Corrective Feedback on Revision and/or New Writings 23
Studies on the effectiveness of WCF in revised drafts 24
Studies on the effectiveness of WCF in new writings / in revision followed by new writings 28
Studies on effects of metalinguistic feedback 34
Studies of written corrective feedback on past tense 40
Studies of written corrective feedback on conditionals 43
Studies of individual differences (IDs) 47
Cognitive Style 51
Studies of field (in)dependency in second language learning 52

Participants 58
Instruments 59
Treatment 61
Data Collection Procedure 62
Scoring and Data Analyses 62

Results 70
Discussion 80

Summary of the Findings and Pedagogical Implications 88
Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further Research 89


Appendix A 106
Appendix B 111
Appendix C 113
Appendix D 115
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