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研究生(外文):Chen, Chang-Yu
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between Body Composition, Physical Fitness and 40M Sprint of Track and Field Athletes in High School
外文關鍵詞:adolescentspeedcountermovement jumpage
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本研究目的旨在探討國高中男子田徑選手40公尺衝刺的身體組成與體能之關聯,利用相關及迴歸分析身體和體能因子對於40公尺分段速度的影響。研究對象為218名就讀國高中生的男性田徑選手,每位選手分別接受8項測量,包括身高、身體組成、坐姿體前彎、垂直跳、藥球後拋、六角敏捷、視覺反應及40公尺衝刺等。測量所得各項數據以IBM SPSS 20.0中文版統計軟體進行描述性統計分析、獨立樣本T檢定、皮爾森積差相關分析以及逐步迴歸分析,統計顯著水準定為α=.05。國中選手40公尺平均秒數為6.34±0.337秒,高中選手40公尺平均秒數則為5.968±0.242秒;獨立樣本T檢定中發現:國高中田徑選手在年齡、藥球後拋及40公尺各分段秒數達顯著差異。相關分析結果顯示:國中選手40公尺秒數與垂直跳、年齡、藥球後拋、六角敏捷、身高、體脂率、坐姿體前彎、視覺反應等8項因子的相關性顯著,高中選手則是垂直跳、年齡、藥球後拋、六角敏捷及視覺反應等5項。國中選手的逐步迴歸分析選入垂直跳、體脂率和藥球後拋等3項變項可以預測40公尺衝刺表現,其解釋變異量R2分別為50.7%、1.9%和2.6%,累計的解釋變異量為55.2%。0-10公尺選入垂直跳和六角敏捷,10-20公尺選入垂直跳、體脂率和年齡,20-30公尺選入垂直跳和身高,30-40公尺則選入垂直跳、體脂率和身高。高中選手的逐步迴歸分析選入垂直跳和年齡等2項變項可以預測40公尺各分段表現,其解釋變異量R2分別為54.5~41.7%和10.4~5.1%,累計的解釋變異量為63.9~46.8%。結論:不論衝刺距離長短或是國高中選手均選入垂直跳為主要預測因子,顯示下肢爆發力是決定短距離衝刺最重要的體能因子。雖身體組成、上半身爆發力、年齡、敏捷等的影響較低,仍不可忽視其影響,應依照不同運動項目特性提升其相關體能以達到最大效益為佳。
This study aimed to investigate the correlations between the sprint speed and the physical and fitness factors of male adolescent track athletes. Speed determinants was found and will be applied to improve the sprint speed of the young athletes. 218 male track athletes of high school were recruited to join this study. Each was subjected to the measurements of height, body composition, sit-and-reach, countermovement jump(CMJ), medicine ball throwing(MBT), hexagon test(HT), visual reaction time(VT) and 40-m sprint time. The data obtained were described by IBM SPSS 20.0 statistical software for descriptive statistical analysis, independent sample T-test, Pearson product correlation analysis, and stepwise regression analysis, with statistical significance set atα=.0.05. The 40-m average second of the junior high athletes was 6.34±0.337 seconds, and that of the senior high school ones was 5.968±0.242 seconds. The T-test of the independent sample found there is a distinctive difference between the high school athletes in terms of age, MBT and 40-m interval seconds. The analysis of the results showed a significant correlation exists in the 8 items of junior high athletes: CMJ, age, hexagon agility test, MBT, height, body fat, sit-and-reach and VT; meanwhile, senior high athletes' 5 related items are CMJ, age, MBT, HT and VT. The stepwise regression analysis of the junior high athletes showed that CMJ, body fat, and MBT were the determinants of the 40-m sprint performance; its explanatory variance R2 is 50.7%, 1.9% and 2.6% respectively and the cumulative explanatory variation is 55.2%. For the determinants of 0-10 meters are selected CMJ and HT, 10-20 meters CMJ, body fat rate and age, 20-30 meters the CMJ and height, and 30-40 meters CMJ, body fat rate and height. As to that of the senior high athletes, CMJ and age are selected, and its explanatory variance R2 is 41.7-54.5% and 5.1-10.4% and the cumulative explanatory variation is 46.8-63.9%. According to the revealed data, we come to a conclusion that the explosive power of the legs and age are the determinants of sprint speed regardless of the sprint distance or the selection of CMJ made by high school athletes. Although the effects of body composition, upper body explosiveness, age, and agility are relatively low, the impact must not be ignored. It is better to enhance the relevant physical fitness according to the features of different sports for achieving the maximum benefit.
摘要 I
Abstract II
謝誌 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII

第壹章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究目的 3
第三節、研究假設 4
第四節、研究限制 4
第五節、名詞解釋與操作型定義 5

第貳章、文獻探討 7
第一節、青春期對選手速度的影響 7
第二節、速度的重要性 8
第三節、影響速度的體能因子 11
第四節、速度訓練對運動表現的影響 17
第五節、結語 21

第參章、研究方法與步驟 23
第一節、研究架構與流程 23
第二節、研究對象 25
第三節、研究工具與測量方法 25
第四節、資料處理與分析 35

第肆章、結果 36
第一節、研究參與者基本資料 36
第二節、速度表現與身體組成、體能因子之相關分析 41
第三節、速度表現與身體組成、體能因子之迴歸分析 43

第伍章、討論 46
第一節、國高中田徑選手在身體組成、體能因子異同之處與比較 46
第二節、40公尺各分段速度表現與身體組成、體能因子之探討 48

第陸章、結論與建議 53
第一節、結論 53
第二節、建議 54

參考文獻 55
中文文獻 55
英文文獻 56

附錄 64
附錄一 64
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