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研究生(外文):Ching-San Kuan
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the Peduncle Splitting of Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr)
指導教授(外文):Ming-Hsiung LuTan-Cha Lee
外文關鍵詞:Polyethylene fibersshading netPE filmsplitting pedunclesplitting peel
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本研究調查18種鳳梨品種之裂梗情形、果梗硬度及親緣關係,並探討‘台農17號’金鑽鳳梨 (‘Tainung No. 17’) 裂梗發生情形及覆蓋處理對其植體降溫效果、結實率、裂梗率、採收時果實大小及品質之影響,同時記錄及整理供試果園溫度、相對濕度、風速及太陽輻射強度變化供參;另一方面進行數種市售藥劑、礦物元素及生長調節物質對裂梗率與果實品質之影響;亦選育適合鮮食但不易裂梗之品種,供產業發展選擇之用。
果園拍攝之熱像圖顯示,未覆蓋者花穗梗最低溫度為30.6℃,而覆蓋雙層黑色50%遮光網及單層白色聚乙烯纖維布之花穗梗處,其最低溫度分別為29.9℃及28.5℃,均低於對照。使用市售藥劑可有效減輕裂梗率,然需審慎考慮使用之濃度、頻率及施用適期。本研究同時選育高品質但不易裂梗之鳳梨品種,已於2012年2月通過農委會果樹品種審議委員會審議,命名為台農22號 (‘Tainung No. 22’, ‘Honey Fragrance’ ‘TN22’)。‘TN22’平均果重1.76Kg,果實圓筒形,成熟時果皮呈黃色帶橙紅色,平均可溶性固形物17.6°Brix,可滴定酸中等,肉質緻密呈黃色至金黃色,本品種無裂梗,果心斷裂及裂果等問題,果實採收適期為5月至10月。
In this study, I investigated the peduncle splitting, firmness, and phylogenetic tree of 18 pineapple varieties. In addition, to solve the peduncle splitting of ‘Tainung 17; TN. 17’, ‘Golden Diamond’, different covering materials were used in this study. The covering temperatures, fruit set percentage, ratio of splitting, fruit weight, fruit quality, relative humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation were recorded. Second, the different nutrients, minerals, and plant growth regulators were applied to study the effect on peduncle splitting and fruit quality. Third, a new, non-splitting variety was bred, and may be suited for future pineapple production.

It was reported that TN. 17 pineapple occurred high peduncle splitting is associated seasonal change, which was found when inflorescence in spring and autumn within temperature reaches to 30oC, and high relative humidity. When plants were covered with either polyethylene fiber and 50% shading net, except PE film, resulted in a reduction of peduncle splitting; however, the fruit weight (without crown), longitudinal diameter, and total soluble solids (TSS) were significantly lower than control. In addition, the same materials could less the splitting ratio which was 8.6% and 10%, respectively, when covered during summer time, and fruit set was lower to 83.3% when covered with double layer (50%) shading net; however, polyethylene fiber and 50% shading net resulted in the low content of TSS than control significantly. There was no effect on TSS and TA when covered these materials in fall and winter, but double layer (50%) shading net significant affected the fruit set when used in winter.

Furthermore, thermal images showed that minimum peduncle temperature is 30.6oC without covering, and is 29.9 and 28.5oC when covered with double layer (50%) shading net and polyethylene fiber, respectively.
前言(Introduction)------------------- 6 -
前人研究(Literature review)----------- 9-
二、影響植體開裂之因子---------------- 11 -
三、改善裂果方式:-------------------- 22 -
四、鳳梨親緣關係與品種選育------------- 26 -
第一章 品種和月份與鳳梨裂梗之關係----- 31 -
摘要--------------------------------- 32 -
二、材料與方法----------------------- 34 -
三、結果----------------------------- 37 -
四、討論----------------------------- 40 -
第二章 覆蓋材料對‘台農17號’鳳梨結實、裂梗及果實品質之影響- 50 -
摘要-------------------------------- 51 -
二、材料與方法----------------------- 52 -
三、結果----------------------------- 56 -
四、討論----------------------------- 60 -
第三章 覆蓋材料對‘台農17號’鳳梨植體溫度與裂梗之影響---71 -
摘要----------------------------------72 -
二、材料與方法------------------------ 73 -
三、結果------------------------------76 -
四、討論------------------------------ 80 -

第四章 生長調節劑與化學藥劑對‘台農17號’鳳梨裂梗及果實品質之影響- 93 -
摘要---------------------------------- 94 -
二、材料與方法------------------------- 95 -
三、結果------------------------------ 100 -
四、討論------------------------------ 103 -

第五章 鳳梨品種親緣關係與外表性狀分析--.-131 -
摘要---------------------------------- 132 -
二、材料與方法--------------------------134 -
三、結果------------------------------- 136 -
四、討論--------------------------------138 -

第六章 鳳梨新品種之選育----------------- 143 -
摘要----------------------------------- 144 -
二、材料與方法-------------------------- 145 -
三、結果-------------------------------- 148 -
四、討論---------------------------------151 -
第七章結論------------------------------ 164 -
附 錄----------------------------------181 -
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